About this mod
Adds the 10mm SMG from Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas with completely scratch made assets and a few customisations to turn it into a truly tactical Submachine gun.
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*After seeing the SMG abomination in F76 and noticing most of the parts to the SMG are essentially a minature Browning M2 .50, thought I my completed parts for that to be put towards this*

Base damage = 10mm Pistol
Ver 1.2 Does not contain custom anims for those who can't stand seeing anim discrepancy between 1st and 3rd, I might see if I can fix this idk.
She also may be a little bit on the bigger size, but hey.
Should start appearing on Gunners/Raiders/Bosses after hitting LVL 5.
I've tried to logically balance this as well as I could, but I haven't tested the barrel extender or Sleepytyme properly.
Yes, I know it's a bit odd to have three silencers, but why not, they all look different.
All models and textures created by me. Weapon uses vanilla sounds.
Anims by Wardaddy with additional adjustments and implementation by SpongebobSlavicPants
Levelled List Injection Toolbox - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17782 by a_blind_man to add this weapon to the game, should be able to find it from level 5 onwards, should.