Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Console modding permissionThis mod won't work on consoles or would not be acceptable on Bethesda.net according to their rules
Author notes
If you want to create an expansion for this mod or make changes to its records don't directly edit and upload my plugin but release it as a separate one which just references/overrides records from my plugin. If you use parts of my mod in your own mod your permissions for that mod have to match those of this mod.
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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Translations available on the Nexus
Author:GenesisBravo - Traducteur Des Terres Desolees
applied ESM flag to the plugin to prevent potential sorting issues with other ESL plugins that rely on it as master
Version 2.1.5
fixed a bug in the script that prevented the consumed item being actually consumed (removed) and the animation being played
applied ESM flag to the plugin to prevent potential sorting issues with other ESL plugins that rely on it as master
Version 2.1.4
cleaned up and optimised the Papyrus code a bit and moved the script file to a subfolder
changed the Save notification from "Saving..." to "Game saved in new slot" because when that message appears the process is already done
changed EditorIDs (internal stuff)
Version 2.1.3
included a couple of dummy MCM translation files for languages other then English, this should enable players that use another language than English but don't have a translation for it installed to see the text in the menu
Version 2.1.2
fixed the Toggle Collision hotkey not working under certain conditions
Version 2.1.1
new item hotkey "Use Refreshing Beverage"
removed "Refreshing Beverage" from both Drinks lists
new page "Items"
"Items" section was moved from "Gameplay" page to new "Items" page
Version 2.1.0
new MCM sub-page "Utility"
section "Base Features", "Separate Grenade and Melee" and "Utility" were moved to the new page
section "Utility" was renamed to "Misc"
the code for the item hotkeys was merged into a single modular function to allow for easy and infinitely scalable additions and adjustments
all item hotkeys make use of the "Consumable Alternatives" option, if there is no alternative defined for a given hotkey it skips this step
the alternatives are no longer defined directly in code but in new FormLists within the plugin, there you can change the order, add items to the existing lists or add completely new lists for new hotkeys
new item hotkey "Use Food (Safe)", contains non-irradiated food
new item hotkey "Use Food (All)", includes irradiated food
new item hotkey "Use Drink (Safe)", contains non-irradiated and non-alcoholic drinks
new item hotkey "Use Drink (All)", includes irradiated and alcoholic drinks
their current order is not set in stone, if you happen to know how to sort these items in a better way feel free to reorder them and send me your improved version
"Consumable Alternatives" is no longer a GlobalVariable baked into the plugin but a ModSettings variable (MCM specific) that is stored in "ConfigurableHotkeys.ini" in MCM's Settings folder, therefore this variable no longer resets upon starting a new game
"Followers - Teleport" got a new setting (slider) called "Followers - Teleport Distance" that allows to configure the distance of the teleported followers to the player character
Version 2.0.0
the mod now comes in a FOMOD installer
the mod no longer uses an archive (BA2), the script comes as loose file, that change requires you to have loading of loose files enabled
the installer contains an option that installs empty batch files used by the mod's Execute Batch functions
two new Execute Batch hotkey options, increasing the number of batch hotkeys to 5
new hotkey option "Drop Equipped Weapon", found in Gameplay > Utility
new section "Followers", found in the Gameplay tab
new hotkey option "Follower - Teleport"
new hotkey option "Follower - Wait"
new hotkey option "Follower - Follow"
translations of the MCM no longer require you to override the entire MCM files, all strings are now in the separate file "ConfigurableHotkeys_en.txt" in the folder "FO4Root\Data\Interface\Translations\"
if you want to translate the MCM you can simply create a copy of "ConfigurableHotkeys_en.txt", change the two characters after the underscore ("en" for English, "fr" for French, "ru" for Russian, etc.) and translate its content (everything but the variables [e.g. $XYZ123])
for more information on MCM translations read this article: https://github.com/Neanka/MCM_0.1_AS3/wiki/Translations---i18n
Version 1.6.0
new hotkey for Stealth Boy
if you don't have regular Jet or the standard Stealth Boy in your inventory the script looks for alternatives and tries to use them instead
for Jet the order looks like that: Jet > Ultra Jet > Buffjet > Psycho Jet
in case of the Stealth Boy it just looks for a Railroad Stealth Boy instead
if you don't want the script to look for alternatives then you can disable that function via a new toggle right below the hotkeys
Version 1.5.1
fixed incorrect notification text
Version 1.5.0
fixed notification not showing when using the save hotkey
Version 1.4.0
added new hotkeys: two for batch execution and two to separate grenade throw and melee attacks
Version 1.3.0
added more hotkeys: execute batch file, paused fly cam and paused game
lowered movement speed of fly cam
reworked UI again
Version 1.2.0
added new hotkeys for Use Jet, Toggle Radio, Open Workshop and Use Fists
reworked UI to separate functions into sub-categories
Configure several hotkeys via MCM that allow you to create standard saves (including Survival mode), use items, execute console commands or custom functions. Refer to the images above to see the available options.
Beyond the God Mode hotkey, I won't implement any additional cheat functions. Hotkeys for other mods are ruled out as well. Feel free to suggest any other hotkey you'd like to see included via the posts section.
Important: Don't bind hotkeys to keys you'd normally use while typing (e.g. letters and numbers). Either use key combinations (like CTRL+X) or others to prevent those functions from getting executed while you try to rename an item or use another mod with a user dialogue form.
In order to utilise the batch file hotkeys either install the empty templates from the FOMOD installer or create those files in your Fallout 4 folder (FO4 Root or \Data\). If you go for the latter then create new TXT files and name them HotkeyBatch, HotkeyBatch2, HotkeyBatch3, HotkeyBatch4 and HotkeyBatch5 - for batch hotkeys 1-5 respectively. Then open them with a text editor and add any command you want to get executed with the corresponding hotkey. An extensive list of commands can be found here: Fallout 4 console commands. Make sure to separate each command by a line break. Something like this:
player.additem 00000000 10 ToggleGrass ToggleSky etc.
<<< F.A.Q. >>>
Can I update the mod mid-playthrough? Yes, updates in a running play-through are possible and recommended unless the changelog specifically says otherwise. So, for your own good, form a habit of reading Patch Notes / Change Logs before updating any mod. That saves you from a lot of trouble in the long term.
How do I update the mod? The same way as any other mod. Your mod manager (usually Vortex or Mod Organizer 2) can update mods automatically. In addition to that make sure to read the changelog before you update. In some rare cases updates in an already running play-through should be done with caution. There is a warning in the changelog when that case applies. If you're managing your mods manually then simply override the files of the previous version with the new ones but I won't provide any support in that case.
Is it safe to uninstall the mod mid-playthrough? The following part is entirely about mods that come with an engine plugin (ESM/ESP/ESL) and/or Papyrus scripts. You can safely uninstall mods that solely consist of textures, models, animations and the like. Yes, it is safe if you revert back to a save file that existed before you installed this mod. The only other 100% safe method is to start a new playthrough. Other than that the engine doesn't support uninstalling mods mid-playthrough. That is why the game will show a warning when you try to load a save with a mod plugin missing that got baked into your save. Bethesda devs also made clear statements in that regard, that it is never safe to uninstall a mod mid-playthrough. Doing so regardless is considered bad practice. Installing a mod almost always modifies some things in your save and you can't revert that without going back to a state (save) before installing the mod in question. And there's nobody who can predict what will result from doing it anyway. That's all I have to say in that regard. I won't provide a simple Yes or NO for that method. Make your decision based on the information provided or do your own research. It is your responsibility to deal with problems that may arise from uninstalling mods. I don't want to see any comments with users crying that something broke in their game and they lost hours of progress.