About this mod
Programming... Check! Nightmarish language... Check! Inviting C64 style interface... Check! Welcome to the world of nightmares induced by programming in brainfuck.
- Permissions and credits

A slightly better programming mod available @ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47147
Now with a programming language that's actually understandable to us mere mortals.
-- NEW IN VERSION 1.2 --
Working file system - you can now save your programs
Restructured help command
Several bug fixes
As minigame save data larger than 1 kB cause the game to CTD, files are limited to 912 B in size.
That is just a little bit less than one full screen of text (40×24 = 960).
New commands - command line:
catalogue - print out a list of all files
catalogue <string> - print out a list of files with names that contain a given string
type <filename> - print out contents of a file
new <filename> - open simple file editor if a file of the same name doesn't exist yet
delete <filename> - deletes a file
exec <filename> - executes a file as a program
langhelp - language help, separated from regular help
New commands - file editor:
save - saves the file with name given in the new command
discard - closes the editor without saving
The tape can be found in Sedgwick Hall at University Point in a display case by the main enterance.
For more information on the language go to:
For simple help, type in help at the prompt and press return after you load up the holotape.
A valid program consists of the following characters:
< > + - . , [ ]
In addition to those, you can also use whitespaces, letters, and numbers as comments. The interpreter will ignore them.
Pressing return will validate what you entered and if it qualifies as a valid program it will try to run it. If it does not, the
application will try to parse it as a command. If that fails, you'll see an error message. If, for whatever reason, you need
to insert line breaks into your code, you can do that with Shift+return.
Program will terminate once the end of your code has been reached or once 10,000,000 steps have been executed,
the latter is to prevent Fallout from freezing if you write an infinite loop by accident.
-- NOTICE --
Application works with US QWERTY keyboard layout only.
Q: Does this mod serve as a good introduction to programming?
A: Definitely not. Brainfuck is about as user unfriendly as it gets, it's extremely low level and
not at all human readable. If you want something as an introduction to programming, get
a retro computer emulator, or maybe one of those mods that add computers to Minecraft.
Q: Can I save or load programs I write?
A: Yes, as of version 1.2.
Q: Can my programs interface with workshop items, like turrets?
A: No.
Q: What is this good for, then?
A: Just fun.
Q: Is this mod immersion breaking?
A: Not really. If you really want total immersion, don't run the tape in your Pip-Boy so that you don't get
keypress sounds comming out of it. And it also allocates 128 kB of RAM for your programs, twice more
than the Pip-Boy supposedly has, so again maybe don't run it in your Pip-Boy. But you can if you want to.
Q: Akchually it's supposed to be written brainfuck, all lower case...
A1: That's not a question.
A2: Stop being so damn pedantic.