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Tags for this mod
- Lore-Friendly
- Fair and balanced
- Models/Meshes
- Settlement
- DLC: Automatron
- DLC: Wasteland Workshop
- DLC: Far Harbor
- Xbox One version available
- DLC: Contraptions Workshop
- DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop
- DLC: Nuka-World
- Sim Settlements
- Sim Settlements: Add-On Packs
- Workshop Framework
- Works with Next-Gen Update
About this mod
SS2 Addon: Additional New Plots for Sim Settlements 2 with more to come later. Including the new Municipal type & various 1x1 & 3x3 sized plots + foundations. A variety of themes & some with simple designs, others with complex designs. Now also includes conversions of AltairP Animal Farm, Another Brick in the Wall & VaultLand for SS
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Automatron Wasteland Workshop Far Harbor Contraptions Workshop Vault-Tec Workshop Nuka World Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Sim Settlements 2 Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes Fallout 4 in a good working state. Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
- Console modding permission The author uploaded this mod to and it is available for console users
Author notes
Asset Use & opting in for Donation Points are additionally subject to permissions from each of the other authors listed in File Credits. Consult their modpages' Permission tabs & NexusMods Profile "About Me" sections for more information. I cannot give permission on their behalf.
File credits
- Kinggath & Sim Settlements team for Sim Settlements 2
- Uses clutter from the Creative Clutter mod with permission from the Creative Clutter team
- Uses clutter from V's Stylish Decor & others by vronykah
- Uses trees & other plants from Creative Gardens by frogprincessQ4
- Uses clutter from Nuka Mix Lantern Workshop + The Bleachers - A Diamond City Story + Working Beehives by MunkySpunk
- Uses structural pieces from Snappy HouseKit + Snappy DLC Kits by robboten
- Uses clutter from The Cozy Scavver - A Settlement Workshop Kit by NaiRae
- Uses structural pieces from The Master Plan & related mods by Ethreon
- Uses clutter & structural pieces from Salty Oat Outfitter by fessmods
- Thanks to SMB92 & Scrivener07 for significant help on scripting
- Thanks to pra for a helpful xEdit script!
- Thanks to WetRats, VetaPhoenix79, Fredderick for testing!
- Thanks to Nexus Mods for being the best site for modding
- Thanks to Sebbo86 for Another Brick in the Wall
- Thanks to Rodericksblade for VaultLand
- Thanks to AltairP for Altairp's Animal Farm - Add-On for Sim Settlements
- Thanks to 1000101 for Universal Unlockable Script & Leveled Lists scripts!
- Thanks to 1000101, SMB92 & Scrivener07 for scripting help!
- Thanks to raidensnake#3837 for testing 2.0 VR version.
Altairp's Animal Farm - Add-On for Sim Settlements File credits
MacMan131 - for letting me use his 'under construction' frame pack.Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Spanish
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- Mirrors
- Changelogs
Version 2.15
- Adds outpost class plots including 1x1 watchtower with Vertibird NPC, 1x1 Prison, 1x1 Battlefield Scavengers, 1x1 Armory, 3x3 Field Hospital. Various fixes including on Downtown Mall L3 interior cell settlement
- I haven't updated my game version nor Creation Kit version from prior to the next gen April 25th update so this will still work on Fallout 4 game version 1.10.163
Version 2.14
- Update to try to resolve reported crash related to Automatron Expanded Weapons System/MAID Assaultron Head Laser Ability. Other misc fixes but can't remember everything as I've been away following surgery.
Version 2.13
- 2.13 hotfix update. Same as previous but repacked BA2s in case of missing or corrupted files.
- New content coming for future version but it will take more time for testing, if people want it could be uploaded as a 2nd Main File as "v3.0 Beta"
Version 2.12
- Fixes for [VFX] Compact Industrial resource generation
Version 2.11
- Fixes for [VFX] Okay Diner L3 mesh
Version 2.1
- Some of the Industrial City plots now included, such as 2x2 + Int Dispatch & some of the 2x2/Int Industrials.
- Various fixes
Version 2.0
- Tons of changes over past few months, still more to come but need to take a break
- AltairP Animal Farm conversion done & merged. Also includes base SS2 style plot skins
- Other new plots: 9 person 3x3 Residential Manhattan Project Hotel, 1x1 Hightech Martial Sentrybot, 3x3 Cemetery, 1x1 Sanitation, 3x3 Hospital
- For next update: Dynamic outfit injection system (thanks to 1000101 for script!), this affects {Spoilers} & the 1x1 Sentrybot plot
Version 1.7a
- New 1x1 Advanced Agriculture plot - Bee Farm, various bug fixes & iTypes added
Version 1.7
- Lots of small fixes across all current plots
- Conversion of Another Brick in the Wall complete! (Original:
- Conversion of VaultLand complete! (Original:
- Holiday decoration spawners on some of the plots
- Lots of changes on Basic 4 Story, new skins added
Version 1.6
- Various Fixes for 3x3 Test Mall, which is now named Downtown Mall.
- Various balancing adjustments for Portable Caravan to reduce chances of the plot shutting down.
- Build plan info changes and background work on the ESP.
Version 1.5
- Fixes for Plot Icon Offsets(1x1 Industrials) & the 1x1 Commercial vendor
Version 1.4
- Material issue fixed for the 1x1 Commercial plot
Version 1.2
- Material issue fixed for one of the 1x1 Terraformers
- Spawn Items errors fixed on the 1x1 Portable Industrial
Version 1.1
- Fixed errors on some of the stage models
Version 0.93
- Fix for the Super Mutant issue affecting Sickle, even if he has already appeared at one of your settlements. He's removed as an unlockable character for the time being.
More Info about Sim Settlements 2 at the new website:
Now also includes conversions of AltairP Animal Farm, Another Brick in the Wall & VaultLand for SS2!

Addon Pack
Requires Version 1.0.0 or Greater of Sim Settlements 2
Due to the changes made to Fallout 4 in the most recent update,
this mod will only work properly in games patched to version 1.10.163+
New Plots: 53 in total
▶ Residential: 8
▶ Agricultural: 4
▶ Industrial: 3 (+4 variants)
▶ Martial: 3
▶Municipal: 5
▶Recreational: 3
▶Commercial: 1
▶ Interior Residential: 8
▶ Interior Agricultural: 4
▶ Interior Industrial: 1
▶ Interior Martial: 2
▶ Interior Municipal: 1
▶ Interior Recreational: 2
▶ Interior Commercial: 4
1 Interior Settlement
New Foundations:
▶ 1x1 Foundations: 11
▶ 2x2 Foundations: 16
▶ 3x3 Foundations: 11
▶ 1x1 Terraformers: 76
▶ 2x2 Terraformers: 80
(Including 4 experimental types)
▶ 3x3 Terraformers: 76
270 in total
Some Power Poles now too:
▶ Glowing Sea variants of Telephone 1-6 + Telephone Quad + Telephone Short bare + Telephone Tall Bare
▶ A new test type: Underground Power Connector
(More to come, as time allows & if there is interest)
Converted Addons Now Also Included:
(with links to the originals)

▶ 2 Residential 3x3 & 1 Residential 2x2 & 8 Interior Residential

▶ 3 Agricultural_3x3: 2 Advanced & 1 Basic & 4 Interior Agricultural
▶ 3 Agricultural_1x1: 1 Advanced

▶ 1 Industrial_3x3, Machine Parts
▶ 1 Industrial_1x1, with 5 variants for the scrap gathering types.
▶ 1 Interior Industrial, Machine Parts

▶ 3 Martial_3x3: 1 Basic & 2 Advanced & 2 Interior Martial

▶ 3 Municipal_1x1: 1 Caravan, 1 Communications, 1 Advanced Power
▶ 1 Municipal_3x3: 1 Basic Power
▶ 1 Municipal_2x2, Tax Services
▶ 1 Municipal Interior, Tax Services

▶ 1 Recreational_2x2: 1 Relaxation/Mess Hall(when Conqueror comes back) and another one not yet converted/incomplete
▶ 1 Recreational_3x3 Relaxation, oversized. It's also enterable into a separate interior cell settlement
▶ 2 Interior Recreational

▶ 1 Commercial_1x1: Bar type, water vendor themed. Might add custom vendor at some point.
▶ 4 Interior Commercial
Other Addon Packs I use:
- Wasteland Venturers
- Pra's Random Addon
- Ruined Homes and Gardens 2.0
- Walled Gardens & More
- Junk Town 2
Video showing the Foundations:
My Mods: