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File credits
Vtaw for Wardrobe 6 TrophiHunter for IKAROS Android race
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Version 1.2
Added ability to change glow color. Merged prebuilt meshes into main download
Version 1.1
Restored Missing Keyword
Version 1.0
Initial Release
This is a conversion of Vtaw Wardrobe 6 to work with IKAROS Android race by TrophiHunter.
Allows all original pieces to be equipped by the Ikaros race. Additional pieces added to include Ikaros body in addition to the human counterparts. (HighHeels, Highheels V2, Shoes, Shoes V2, TRBoots, Gloves) New heels, shoes, boots will need to be built in bodyslide to your preset (Works with TWB and CBBE). Look for group Vtaw WD6 IKAROS.
Change the body and glow color at the armor workbench. Glow chip not needed.
Added optional FG bodyslide files (For the newly added pieces only not the originals).
Added prebuilt meshes for new outfits as optional file (now included in main file). Uses CBBE Curvy
V1.1 Restores a missing keyword from added pieces. If you have the vault suit CC content extra options show up in the workbench for some reason that don't do anything. V1.2 Adds glow color change. Merged prebuilt meshes into main download Don't forget to rebuild in bodyslide after updating.