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About this mod
Allows Paint, Decal and Camo editing of Combat, Synth Armor and Vault Suits at any armor workbench. 52 Paints with 4 mix variants, 175 Decals and 14 camo patterns. Over 2800 possible combinations!
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) Mods requiring this file
Mod name Notes 170 hour savegame Combat Helmet Tweaks Craftable Custom Armors (Portugues Brasileiro) Craftable Custom Combat Armor v2.52 Rus Custom Combat Armor Rus for version 3.50 Main file Fallout 4 Plus Edition Galac-Tac needed to customize armor Logo of Sunlight (Custom Combat Armor) Malibu's Custom Combat Armor CBBE Conversion New Armour Categories and Mods No AWKCR and AE For Mods File Dump Only if you use my replacer obviously RustyXXLs CBBE BodySlide Conversions Standalone Deadpool W.A.T.Minutemen Fix for Custom Combat Armors See Notes for Patching Steps - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
- Console modding permission The author did not upload this mod to for console users yet, but he or she will at some point
Author notes
This mod uses textures and assets created by myself and other modders. Please be respectful and do not distribute this mod to other sites, or edit the mod without permission.
File credits
Textures provided by:
Helmet light provided by
andysan84Donation Points system
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- Russian
- Portuguese
- English
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Russian Author:Marqer Custom Combat Armor Rus for version 3.50 English Author:malibu35072 Malibu's Custom Combat Armor CBBE Conversion Russian Author:SlayeRFCSM Craftable Custom Combat Armor v2.52 Rus Portuguese Author:Endormoon Craftable Custom Armors (Portugues Brasileiro) - Changelogs
Version 3.50
- Added new Skull pattern to Scarf Mask
- Added 2 new paints.
- Adjusted UV Map on Scarf Mask to better fit the new Skull pattern.
- Adjusted female Scarf Mask mesh slightly around cheek bones, as i noticed some clipping issues when Curie was talking while wearing it.
- Commonwealth Faction Armors: Added custom painted Scarf Mask to Gunners headgear loot list.
- Fixed missing mod crate for CA Heavy to Medium Legs.
- Fixed incorrect keyword count for Vault Suits in AE patch.
- Cleaned out some redundant keywords.
- Added missing modified CFA Gunners loadscreen mesh to BA2.
- Added missing material files for colored CA Helmet lenses.
- Modified Vanilla BoS Material to behave more like original. Installing it will now override any paint, pattern or decal currently installed. You will have to re-apply your customizations again after applying the material, for it to show correctly. This was done mainly to ensure BoS paints don't break on existing BoS soldiers when installing mod for very first time.
Version 3.41
- Added paintable gloves. These are based on on the BOS Uniform gloves. And have been adjusted to fit the Vault Suits without any clipping issues. Craftable at Armorsmith Workbench.
Version 3.40
- Added painting support for Vault Suits. Includes clean and dirty variants.
- Added painting and decal support to Vault Suits from DLCs. Included in AIO patch.
- Packaged most of mod into ba2 files. Makes the download somewhat larger. But it can supposedly lead to better performance.
- Added modified vanilla combat armor material files. These will prevent armor from turning brown if installing mod for first time in an existing game. And will now default to standard green.
- Added NCR Flag Decal. You can find it in the Fallout Category.
- Added 5 new paints.
Version 3.32
- Fixed a bug where Lantern Corps - Orange 1 decal was showing for all decal categories.
- Added a material swap that points to a unique hair gradient (LGrad). Should avoid conflicts with mods that add new hair colors.
- Removed master requirement for DLCworkshop02.esm in main .esp.
Version 3.31
- Fixed minor issues with material swaps pointing to incorrect folders.
- Added missing gradient texture for Nuka World hair dye colors.
- Fixed an issue in We Are the Minutemen, which made some Minutemen spawn naked. Ooh-la-la
- Integrated the Scarf Mask fully into the main plugin. The ScarfMask.esp plugin is now only needed for compatibility with older saves, where you had crafted it before version 3.3.
- Added new armor size options that let you change the visual size of a armor while keeping stats from another armor size.
- Added arm visual variations for Combat Armor. Replaces the old Arm Variant mods. Can for example remove shoulder or elbow pads.
- Fixed installer not installing "No Decal" option correctly.
- Changed behaviour of enabling headlights for helmets. You simply need to install a armor variant mod like Standard Helmet, that includes a mesh with functional headlight, to enable the it.
- Added decal support to Vault Suits. You can now apply all the decals from the mod on any non-DLC vault-suit.
- Added Vault Suit number decal swap options for both Combat Armor and Vault Suit.
Version 3.30
- Migrated mod to now use keywords from AWKCR (Armor Keywords).
Should make it easier to make the mod more compatible with other mods.
The change has a chance to cause armor modifications to get removed from your armor, when you try to modify it. So you will have to reapply the mods again.
If this caused a legendary mod to get removed, then check Known Issues section for a solution on how to fix that.
Fixed issue with helmet headlight not working when wearing power armor.
Added Remove Bottle option to Combat Armor Torso.
Changed Arm decals to now be a separate mesh from vanilla mesh. You now have to install the arm decal variant to be able to see arm decals.
This should prevent star decals from showing up on NPCs with CA arms.
Added Vanilla Helmet options. This option makes the mod more compatible with other mods that replace the vanilla helmet meshes. Use this with for example Synth Overhaul, to make the custom textures in that mod show correctly.
BoS now spawn with BoS Decals on their arm armor. (Does not apply retroactively. New spawns only.)
Tweaked Scarf Mask mesh to cover more of the neck. Should now cover the entire neck, when wearing vaultsuit or similar for both genders.
Fixed missing keyword for Dog Combat Armor, preventing color variants from showing.
Tweaked all the chest decal fix meshes. Removed extra bones and adjusted decal distance slightly.
Fixed HelmetHair colors that where showing small blonde patches on Warm Black.
Adjusted index values to be exactly the same as Vanilla.
Added Nuka World Hair dye colors to HelmetHair.
Moved a lot of components from optional plugins into main mod. I did this primarily to make it much easier to combine all the optional plugins into a single all-in-one plugin. You should now be able to simply select everything in compatibility patches and then copy as override into your own AIO patch.
Added a patch for Valdicil's Item Sorting. It adds the {Mod} tag to the mod crates from armor size and headlight mods.
Fixed an issue with shading on modified Synth Helmet meshes lighting shader looking weird along back ridge. Was caused by a limitation in the nif export tools. Used a different method to modify the Synth Helmet meshes that looks a lot better.
Lamp texture on Combat Helmet now changes color depending on which lamp color you have installed. Fancy!
- Migrated mod to now use keywords from AWKCR (Armor Keywords).
Version 3.22
- -Fixed Headlight light distance cutting off with Female Combat Helmet and both Synth Helmets.
- -Fixed headlight beam hovering outside Male Combat Helmet.
- -Fixed shitty looking texture UV positions on Combat Helmet Lamp. Good Job Bethesda... -_-
- -Fixed ugly looking blotch at bottom of Headlamp edge.
- -Sacrificed 20 Virgins to the Great Lord Khorne! Blood for the Blood God!...... Just kidding.. just checking if anyone actually reads this crap :P
Version 3.21
- Fixed missing headlight for Synth Helmet in 1st Person view.
Version 3.20
- Customizable Synth Armor! Includes all camo patters from Combat Armor (Except Carbon). As well as skin options for the various vanilla textures from the in-game files.
Arm Decals! All Combat Armor Arms can now apply decals.
Synth Helmet headlights! Also adds an attachable headlight to the Field Helmet. Install the Standard Helmet option to see the headlight attachment options on Field Helmet.
Scarf Mask! This is a little scarf mask i made. It's fully paintable and includes a couple of the camo patterns. Fits on most armor and clothing. And looks especially nice with the Silver Shroud Outfit. Use Variant 3 and color i11 to match up with Silver Shroud.
Because of the addition of arm decals, i had to smooth out the normal map for the decals. If I didn’t do that, then I would have to create separate material files for all the decals... which would take a long time. The lack of detail on the normal map will have little noticeable impact. You just won’t see the lil knobs on top of the chest decal.. So not really a big loss..
Changed the way paints are sorted, to instead sort after their index number. This way you can instead refer to the color by it’s index number on the Color Index Chart. The Color Index can be found inside the zip or at the mod page.
A tip is to put the Color Chart in your mobile or tablet for easy reference.
Decals can now be sorted in-game with the new decal category created by Battousai124. Simply install the category you want, and then head to the decal section to only see the decals associated with that category.
Because of the new Decal Categories, i decided to remove the decal installation options. As i felt they are no longer necessary.
Added Vault Meat Decal ^_^. Found in Fallout category.
Moved Standard Star Decal to Misc 2 category.
Moved Default BoS Decal to BoS category.
Added remove headlight option.
Changed the name of the paints and camos generated on Faction combat armor to reflect which mod it is. This name changes whether you installed Commonwealth Faction Armors or not. Allowing you to easily toggle the custom faction paint options on or off.
New Install Option for default decal on freshly spawned Combat Armor. Choose between default star and no decal.
Fixed clipping issues on Punisher decal.
Added 10 new paints. Each with 4 mix variant.
Several under-the-hood changes to the way mods are filtered. Switched from using condition filtering to mod association keywords.
Won't have any actual noticeable change to end user. And in regards to the keyword cap limit. That has been increased by Bethesda, so it should no longer be a major issue to install several mods that adds several Mod Association and Attach Point Keywords.
Fixed several minor bugs and typos I found.
Combat Armor Mesh fixes!
Rerigged and properly fixed the decal clipping on all Medium and Heavy Torsos.
Fixed missing patch under kneepad on Male CA Right Heavy Leg.
Fixed incorrect broken UV on Male CA Right Heavy Leg.
- Customizable Synth Armor! Includes all camo patters from Combat Armor (Except Carbon). As well as skin options for the various vanilla textures from the in-game files.
Version 3.10
- Restructured file directories. Now not a single default vanilla file is overridden, except for the helmet meshes to allow for helmet lights.
Added new vanilla skin option under camo visuals. Choosing this will use the vanilla default textures. But this allows you to use vanilla texture replaces, like for instance the 4K Combat Armor.
It comes in 2 options. One which uses the vanilla palette. And another version which uses the CCA expanded palette.
Made the modified Torso meshes that fix decal clippings, an optional install.
Removed the master file. Seems it didn’t solve the crafting category missing issues the way i hoped. Went back to using the vanilla debug keywords instead. Which seemed to work fine before.
Separated out all the Decals into smaller packages. So you can now choose and pick which decal pack you want. Greatly reducing the decal clutter in crafting options. Disabling a decal pack will also prevent the texture from being loaded. Which can help reduce memory usage. Reactivating the plugin (assuming the decal textures are installed). Will cause the decal to reappear in game. So simply deactivating a decal plugin will not remove the actual decal mod in-game.
Adjusted the component cost for upgrading armor size, based on component costs for manufacturing the armor. The cost is the Medium/Heavy component costs minus the Light costs.
Integrated a lot of functionality from Commonwealth Faction Armors into the main mod. The Faction Armor mod now mainly functions as a enabler for the new custom paints.
If you do not have Faction Armor installed. Then you will notice that Gunners and Raider that spawn with Combat Armor, will have paint mods with Gunner or Raider names. Without the Faction Armor mod installed, these mods will basically do nothing. But if you enable the faction armor mod, then this will cause those armor to receive their custom faction paint jobs.
Fixed a bug where Raiders where not spawning non-torso Cobmat Armor with custom paint in Faction Armors.
Fixed a bug where helmet was not showing on BoS modded Combat Helmets.
Changed the Gunner Loading screen art to display their custom faction paint, if you have CFA installed.
Added Game of Thrones themed Decals.
Changed so that Minutemen Bags and Backpacks in the WATM Patch now use the Armorsmith capacity mods.
Added Skin replacer option. This is mainly to allow for possibilities in the future to add support for standalone texture replacers for Combat Armor that you can apply at crafting table.
Added Compatibility support for Brotherhood of Steel Kit v2.0.
Added Compatibility support for Dog Combat Armours v2.
- Restructured file directories. Now not a single default vanilla file is overridden, except for the helmet meshes to allow for helmet lights.
Version 3.01
- Fixed FOMOD Installer issues. Thanks to PurpleRadiation, who helped me figure out what was wrong with the installer script.
- Fixed transparency issues with Vault Boy Decal. And also lowered brightness of it slightly. Also lowered brightness on the Pepe decal.
- To work out my frustrations getting the FOMOD installer to work. I added 2 very joyful new decals.
- Added Jason hockey mask decal. (Friday the 13th)
- Added "No Lives Matter" Decal
Version 3.00
- Major redesign. 1960 possible color and pattern combinations!
Some paints like Chrome will have to be re-applied. As well as Helmet camo patterns.
New design will make it possible for modders to add their own skins, patterns and paint palettes, without having to edit the Armor directly.
It now relies almost entirely on MaterialSwaps.
Paint names are now 369% more pretentious. =P
(Paint names have been renamed to more standardized names. To make adding new paints less of a hassle in the future, having to come up with names for them. Refer to the color index in paint description "ex: i28". And refer to the palette index image included in zip or check the one at mod page.)
All the color names are based from this site:
New Palette system! All colors come in 4 mix variants. You switch variant by picking a Variant from the list. Then the camo pattern you want.
The palette variants have a lil code in description that looks like this. "A1 - A2 - A3 - A4". This tells you the order that colors will be mixed on the armor section.
So for example if you pick a pattern that is Variant 2, which has the code "A2 - A1 - A4 - A3". Then the pattern will mix the second color (A2) first.
Refer to the Palette Index Image for more details on what the different color codes are.
New pattern variants added!
Digital Camo
Tiger Pattern
Clean (no dirt or rust)
Carbon Fiber now comes with Camo variants
Splatter paints is now a pattern variant.
Chrome paint is now a pattern variant. To get the original Chrome effect, pick one of the dark grey or black paints. Like "Nero".
Original Camo pattern has been redone from scratch and is now sharper and more detailed. And has been rescaled so that the pattern size is consistent among all the armor pieces.
All missing vanilla hairs have been made into HelmetHair™.
Renamed some HelmetHair™ that have both male and female meshes into Unisex.
Short leg and Invisible Armor variants now use custom meshes, instead of a invisible texture trick. Reduces memory usage, as well as polygon count.
Heavy Armor Leg short variant added.
All newly spawned Combat Armor, will now spawn with default paint and pattern mods pre-installed.
BoS Combat armor will now spawn with Carbon Digital Camo. This will only affect newly spawned BoS soldiers. Any existing BoS in your game will not receive the new camo.
Minutemen General's Outfit will now spawn with Blue Camo and Minutemen Decal.
Added a very rare Pepe decal =)
Added HelmetHair™ Support for Azar's Ponytail Hairstyles. You will need the original mod from Azar.
Added compatibility patch for We Are The Minutemen. Also adds Armorsmith Extended support. Requires Armorsmith Extended.
(Because of general laziness, i will not be making a version that does not require Armorsmith Extended)
Added optional Commonwealth Faction Armor Module. Makes Raiders and Gunners spawn with custom combat armor paint jobs.
Also makes Brotherhood of Steel soldiers spawn with a consistent Combat Armor set. Ex: Full Light, medium or heavy sets. No longer a mixed up collection of pieces.
Combined all compatibility patches into a single installer.
Moved all keywords into a master file. Might help reduce risk of missing crafting categories.
- Major redesign. 1960 possible color and pattern combinations!
Version 2.52
- Fixed crash caused by NOD decal.
Version 2.51
- Added support for equipping modded Combat Armor on Nick Valentine. Should work together with mods that adds other armor types and clothing to Valentine.
In addition. You can now also equip Combat Helmets on Nick. Including ones with the Helmet Hair mod. =)
Equipping combat helmets, or any helmet if you have the mods for it, will cause Valentine's fedora to disappear. To reqeuip it. Just select him in console and type "equipitem 10C3CC" - Fixed Missing textures on Male Asphalt Jungle Helmet Hair.
- Changed name of Unladylike helmet hair to Waste Maiden. The actual Unladylike hair option is not added in this update.
- Added Half Life Lambda decals. Black and Orange variant available.
- Adjusted the decals from v2.4. Added scratches and adjusted scale and position.
- Changed some decal names to make them easier to find different color variants. ex "Red Hydra" changed to "Hydra - Red"
- Compressed a few decals that where uncompressed. Saves space and memory usage.
- Added support for equipping modded Combat Armor on Nick Valentine. Should work together with mods that adds other armor types and clothing to Valentine.
Version 2.50
- Major restructuring of keywords to work around the Bethesda keyword cap bug. Which would cause paint and decal categories to disappear or not work correctly.
"It Just Works" - Todd "The Toddler" Howard
Combined all palettes into a single mega palette. Will reduce time to add new paints and patterns considerably.
It had the slight drawback of turning all unpainted armor into the BoS brown.
Added BoS Brown as a new paint option.
Added Visual modding (camo/carbon) to General's Uniform
Added Carbon Fibre Armor to short leg variants.
Cleaned up a lot of unneeded keywords and other unused stuff. Most the old stuff was moved to a new optional backwards compatibility patch.
You only need to use this patch if you have any armor that had visuals modded (camo/carbon) on it before v2.2. Or if you painted any armor before v2.3.
Once you've replaced all existing armor in your current save with the new paints and visuals, you can deactivate the backwards compatibility patch.
Fixed several bugs related to palette material swap files pointing to wrong folders. (hopefully)
- Major restructuring of keywords to work around the Bethesda keyword cap bug. Which would cause paint and decal categories to disappear or not work correctly.
Version 2.40
- New and improved Carbon Fibre Textures. Completely remade from the ground up.
New Chrome paints! Comes in Black and Brown leather variants.
Ride through the gates of Valhalla, Shiny and Chrome
New Decals!
Dead Space Marker
Max from Sam & Max
Heisenberg - Don't forget to say his name
Troll Face ;D
Me Gusta -_-
Minor fix to clipping issue on Helmet headlights
Fixed color ring artifacts that occured with some paints around buttons and carbon fibre.
Fixed missing textures on Male Light Left Leg Camo Armor.
Fixed minor decal clipping issue on Female Heavy Chest Armor and Female Medium Carbon Fibre Chest
- New and improved Carbon Fibre Textures. Completely remade from the ground up.
Version 2.36
- Removed bugged Synth entries.
Version 2.35
- Decal Dump Day!
50ish new decals! Pirates! Lantern Corps! BATMAN! CTHULU! And some other stuff too!
Ummm, I might have tweaked some other stuff. I honestly don't remember. If I did, you probably won't notice.
- Decal Dump Day!
Version 2.30
Combat Helmet Illumination by AndySan84 is now baked into CCA. Big thanks to him for allowing me to do this.
Helmet Hair. The big change. The ultimate change. The game changer. The changer of the game. The changer of your hairstyle.
So, it is just about impossible to make hair show up if you make a helmet invisible. To that, I said fuck it.
Helmet Hair, a new armor variant, turns your combat helmet into a mini barbershop. You can now turn your helmet into ANY hairstyle in the game.
You can also equip all settlers and companions with personalized, armored, hairstyles!! MORE CUSTOMIZATION!!!
Also fixed a few bugs, such as the teal armor and the funky decals on medium and heavy armor.
This patch was a spur of the moment project. So all that stuff I promised last patch, that would be in this patch, will now be in the next patch. Yep. Don't trust my timelines. They are subject to change.
Version 2.20
- NEW VISUAL VARIANT. Kill everything in the Commonwealth while rockin' Carbon Fiber Combat Armor. KILL. EVERYTHING.
7 or 8 new paints. I can't count that high. Highly requested Matte Black and Bright Red included.
Incredibly amazing Visual Variant, Emperor's New Combat Armor! Finally, the peasants will respect you!
Don't like full sets of Combat Armor? Want to pretend to be a General with no actual power of their troops?
Still want to paint things pink for no reason? Well now you can! Minutemen General's Armor is now moddable. *Only base colors are implemented right now.
ParasiteX changed some menus. They are WAY cooler now. You WILL enjoy them...
Lots of backend changes that are totally invisible to the user, but make my life easier.
If you requested a feature and don't see it in this update, it will most likely be in another update at hte end of the week. There were things I wanted to do, but didn't have time to finish.
- NEW VISUAL VARIANT. Kill everything in the Commonwealth while rockin' Carbon Fiber Combat Armor. KILL. EVERYTHING.
Version 2.10
- New Leg Variants! Don't like the thigh armor on lite and sturdy? You can now opt for a new look! Just select Altered armor in the upgrades section.
Thanks to Brokefoot for the new leg variants.
35 new decals!
Minor bug fixes I can't be bothered to remember.
- New Leg Variants! Don't like the thigh armor on lite and sturdy? You can now opt for a new look! Just select Altered armor in the upgrades section.
Version 2.04
- ParasiteX saved the day and debugged the Combat Helmet. The headgear will now show up correctly in game WITHOUT having to set the armor type first. HUZZAH!
Version 2.03
- Added a no cost upgrade option to remove camo patterns from armor. So if you want to go from camo to standard, it now no longer costs crafting mats.
Version 2.02
- Fixed some issues with male legs not displaying properly.
Fixed the cluttered upgrade menus. Too messy. I like clean things.
- Fixed some issues with male legs not displaying properly.
Version 2.00
- Two new Camo variants added to the armor type menu. This variants will dynamically change your paint job.
Fixed BoS armor. Bos will not longer dress like scrubs.
Fixed Mipmap issue with the Gunner decals. They will no longer fade out at a distance.
Might have fixed some other stuff. I dunno.
1 new paint color added. Blue Blue was designed by my four year old daughter. Enjoy. It actually makes a nice looking camo.
1 new decal added. N7 Decal now available.
- Two new Camo variants added to the armor type menu. This variants will dynamically change your paint job.
Version 1.61
- Fixed the All Black Chest. My bad everyone.
- Working on something big. Big big big. Super big! Get excited!
Version 1.60
- I hope I fixed the thing I broke when I fixed the other thing. I hate the combat helmet. It is my enemy now.
Version 1.50
- I fixed the thing I broke last time.
Version 1.41
- Fixed a palette swap error. Things like Reinforced and Polymer will now correctly not change Paint colors.
Version 1.40
- Fixed BlackwBrownLeathers torso. Sorry for breaking it in the first place. I was using it to test other palettes on the fly and never reset the .bgsm
Added in a new feature. You can now upgrade the your combat armor type from Light to Sturdy to Heavy. Costs will be adjusted in the future.
Removed the palette changes that materials were causing. You can know equip Reinforced through Polymer materials without having to worry about your armor looking like ass.
Working on something big. If it works out like I want it too, it will be a game changer.
- Fixed BlackwBrownLeathers torso. Sorry for breaking it in the first place. I was using it to test other palettes on the fly and never reset the .bgsm
Version 1.30
- New Paints! New Decals! I'm learning as I go!
Added 4 new paints. Hello Kitty, Keroppi, Pochacco, and Badtz.
Those paints match with the new decals. Hello Kitty, Keroppi, Pochacco, and Badtz.
Hope ya'll enjoy them. My little girl found out I made a mod and she was amazed so I made these Paints and Decals with her.
- New Paints! New Decals! I'm learning as I go!
Version 1.23
- Don't work on mods at 4am in the morning. I screwed up the pathway for the texture folder. This fixes it.
Version 1.20
- Rescaled many of the decals so they fit properly onto all combat armors. That was a lot of learning and work.
Renamed the BoS ranks so they would all show up together in the Decal manu.
Renamed the Minutemen Decals so they would show up next to each other.
Adjusted the color of the Wounded Decal so it was more in line with the other Bloody Decals
Added four new Decals. Bloody Hand, Chalk Kitty, Pinball, and Vault-Tec
- Rescaled many of the decals so they fit properly onto all combat armors. That was a lot of learning and work.
Version 1.10
- Fixed Helmet Paints not showing up. Sorry all you helmet wearers.
Changed some Paint names to better reflect what they are.
- Fixed Helmet Paints not showing up. Sorry all you helmet wearers.
Version 1.00
- Initial Release. 18 Paints and 50 Decals usable in game.
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Tired of the drab green paint job with a boring looking star? Now you can change it! And that armor is yours and yours alone. You will NEVER see an enemy NPC wearing designer armor. Only those you deem worthy will be granted the honor.
Simply use a normal armor crafting table in game and change the paint and chest decals on your combat armor. This mod currently contains over 2800 possible combinations! 50 paints with 4 mix variants, 175 decals and 14 camo patterns! Mix and match any paint,decal and pattern. Use different colored paints on different pieces of armor! Dress up your settlers and followers! Works on light, medium and heavy armor! Upgrade your armor with Camo patterns! Use Carbon Fiber Fanciness! Change the look of your Leg armor with shortened leg options! Or just make the armor completely invisible!
Main Features
- 52 paint colors, each with 4 different mix variants to give camos different pattern mixes
- 175 Decals!
- 14 patterns. Which include Carbon Fiber, Camo, Digital, Splatter, Tiger, Chrome and Clean combinations!
- Change the visual size of Combat or Synth Armor, without reducing the stats.
- Short Leg Variants. Option to change the leg armor to only cover the lower leg.
- Combat Armor Arm Variants. Change the look! Like removing the shoulder or elbow pads.
- Combat Armor Arm Decals!
- Option to remove the bottle from Combat Armor.
- Invisible Armor Options.
- HelmetHair™. Converts Combat and Synth Helmets into an armored wig, which you can dye with different hair colors.
- Upgrade or downgrade Armor size between Light, Medium and Heavy variants.
- Commonwealth Faction Armors. Optional standalone plugin that allows Gunners, Raiders and Brotherhood of Steel to spawn with their own custom paint jobs.
- Scarf Mask. Fully paintable. And looks great with most clothing. Especially on the Silver Shroud Outfit! Crafted at Armorsmith Workbench.
- Vault Suit Gloves! Fully paintable. Craft them at the Armorsmith Workbench
- Be a General in Style with paintable armor on the Minuteman General's Armor!
Includes compatibility patches for:
Armorsmith Extended
Craftable Armor Size
Azar's Ponytail Hairstyles HelmetHair™ Support
We Are The Minutemen
Dog Combat Armours
Brotherhood of Steel Kit
Valdacil's Item Sorting
Synth Overhaul
Mods integrated into Custom Combat Armors:
Combat Helmet Illumination
Combat Leg Armor Variation
CBBE compatible meshes can be found in Malibu's Custom Combat Armor CBBE Conversion
For Portuguese players, there is a translation patch made by Papai46, located HERE (very outdated..)
For Russian, check out the translation patch made by SlayeRFCSM, HERE (also outdated....)
Brokefoot has released some texture replacements for this mod. They look pretty sweet. Check them out at Custom Combat Paint and Decal Replacers. (Very outdated.....)
This mod would not have been possible without the textures and efforts created by some very talented modders. Thanks goes out to Agentbrea, Akalor, Bigtalon, Jimmyazzrael, Percephere, Brokefoot, ParasiteX, Reponic and RAMMLOG.
Working Helmet lights provided by Andysan84.
This mod was created in FO4edit.
For full change log, check the Readme or change log section of the mod page.
Future Plans
- More Paint Options
- Expansion to Leather, Metal, Raider and Marine armor if there is interest (will take considerable effort to implement, so don't expect anytime soon)
This mod was featured in this video.
How to enable modding
- Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4"
- Within this folder you'll find a number of .ini files.
- Open (or create, if missing) Fallout4Custom.ini with your favorite text editor (i use Notepad++).
- Add the following lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini
sResourceDataDirsFinal= - Save and close Fallout4Custom.ini