About this mod
Modern Walled Nuka-World Red Rocket.
A clean modern looking version.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Part of a series of Modern Settlement Blueprints.
SLOT #76
Don't be put off by the requirements, there are only a few that are absolutely required, the rest are to make the settlements as close to my complete vision as possible. I can't guarantee the results without all the mods I used, but feel free to experiment.
I also recommend the following mods for game aesthetics
I use all the following to make Fallout look more modern.
Immersive? possibly not, but less dirty.
CC's Improved Roadsigns
Clean Diners
Clean Pre-War Assets Expanded
Clean Pre-War Workshop Workbenches
Clean Red Rocket Textures
Clean Water of the Commonwealth
Garage Workbench Retexture
Immersive Windows
Lily Pads and pond scum remover
Radioactive Signs - Lighting - Cyberpunk 2077
Repaired and Functioning Colonial Lampposts - Homemaker Req
SR Settlement Signs Pre and Post War
UWVE - Under Water Visuals Enhanced
Vault 76 Theme for Vault-Tec Workshop
Fallout 4 Seasons - Grass - Trees - Plants - Snow
Lighting Series - All In One
Quieter Settlements
Vivid Fallout - All in One
Scrap Everything
I am in no way affiliated with any of the above mods but I personally don't play without them.