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A single farmer can now farm more than 6 total.

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I ain't got the time for a fancy, pretentious description page
I'm unsure if this has been done before, I looked but couldn't find anything. If there has, well....tough. Here's another one.

A single farmer can now farm more than 6 total. Normally, it's only 6 plants for 6 food, (if it's a mutfruit with a food value of 1) or 12 plants if they have a food value of 0.5, but still a single farmer can't go above 6 total. No more. I thought surely one person can tend to more plants than that, so I made this. (took me a while to find it in the depths of the creation kit) Take a look at the first screeny, should tell you everything you need to know about what it does.

Esl's because it's only a very tiny change.

What happens at a pre-established settlement? Not much, it'll still work as before (well it did for me) so you'll have to re-organise the farmers. Take them all off farming duty then put them back one-by-one, (or even just one) then you should have free settlers you can put to work elsewhere.

I've included 4 options. Up from 6 to: 12, 18, 24 and 30. Didn't really want to go any higher, BUT, if you want to know how to do it yourself, here's how: (I've put up 2 screenies for you to look at as well)

In Object window, select Character, then quests, then find and open 'WorkshopParent'. (right near the bottom usually) At the end of the quests window click on 'Scripts'. Then 'workshopparentscript' then on its properties.

Here, click on 'WorkshopRatings'. Next to that on the right is a list, and at the top of that list at number #0  '[maxProductionPerNPC = 6' blah blah more stuff after that. Double click and open that.

Here you will see the 'maxProductionPerNPC' so click on that and change the value on the right, which is 6 default. Change that to what you want. Try not to go crazy here, I'm not sure what a million will do, probably nothing but you never know.

Then just OK your way back out of everything then save. Voila. Like I said look at the pics, they show what, where and how.

Happy farming.

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