About this mod
This mod re-textures the blood splatter and bullet wounds
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
I upload new versions and updates often, so remember to update often.
Sorry, when i compressed it smaller the file went corrupt all the time. But it is still worth a download :^)
Version v17 New reflections
Version v16 Broken
Version v15 New upload
Version v11-14 Broken
Version v10 Edited specular map, and added reflections when light hits the blood
Version v9 Edited textures
Version v8 Added "Normal Map" and "Specular map", so no more shitty reflections and white blood
Version v7 Added more versions and variations for the mod and fixed minor issues
Version v6 Fixed bullet wound
Version v5 Added blood splatter and bullet wound for glowing creatures
Version v4 More color changes
Version v3 Fixed color and brightness
Version v2 Fixed blur, added new bullet wound textures
Version v1 Added new blood textures
1. Uncompress the file
2. Drag "Data" folder to Fallout 4 root folder (Where the EXE is)
3. Go to My Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Fallout4.ini
4. Add "bInvalidateOlderFiles=1"
5. Edit "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" and remove everything after the "="
6. Go to "Fallout4Custom.ini" and repeat step 4, and 5
1. Download "Remove Reflections"
2. Uncompress the file
3. Drag into Fallout 4 root file
Is under [Archives] category in "Fallout4.ini", and "Fallout4Custom.ini"
Change these lines in My documents\My games\Fallout4(If they aren't there, just add them in under the right category)
fDecalLifetime=800.000 (This is how long decals stay before fading away)
fDecalLOD0=70000 (This is how far away decals can appear)
iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=10000 (This is how many decals on a person every frame)
iMaxDecalsPerFrame=10000 (This is how many decals per frame)
uMaxDecals=10000 (How many decals can be in the game at the same time)
bDecals=1 (Activates decals)
bSkinnedDecals=1 (Activates decals on a person)
uMaxSkinDecals=10000 (How many decals can there be on several persons)
uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=1000 (How many decals there can be on one person)
(You can change these to your own liking)
Remember to endorse, comment and other stuff <3