About this mod
Lets you to manage all of your Provisioners and Supply Lines remotely. Reroute provisioners (change home/destination), track them, request information about them, create and remove Supply Lines (all/only the broken ones/only the selected ones).
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Spanish
- Russian
- Mandarin
- French
You can manage all of your provisioners and supply lines in a holotape ("Find My Provisioners"). It can be used in the Pip-Boy and in the Power Armor interface.
The holotape displays only those settlements that have a supply line. Supports vanilla, DLC, Creation Club and mod added settlements too.
The mod has no requirements, only the base game is required.
1. Track your Provisioners:
- Track all Provisioners (add/remove all provisioners to/from the map)
- Track Settlement Provisioners (add/remove provisioners that start/end their route at a specified settlement to/from the map)
- Track Provisioner (add/remove the provisioner of a specified supply line to/from the map)
2. Manage Provisioners and Supply Lines:
- Change Home Settlement
- Change Destination Settlement
- Create New Supply Line with the provisioner
- Cease Supply Line (will go home and become a Settler again)
- Request information about the Provisioner and the Supply Line
- Provisioner's Name and Sex
- See Inventory Items (this feature is visible if you have F4SE)
- Remove all Supply Lines
- Remove Ghost Supply Lines (means connected settlements that don't have a provisioner)
3. Provisioner Workshop Assignment Menu: can be turned on/off in the Settings menu.
- When you encounter a Provisioner (allows you to manage provisioners' supply line, destination, home, etc. on the road)
- Access Workshop Containers (of the connected settlements)
(shows them by the connected settlements: the destination is always on the right side)

Settlement List
(shows only the ones that have a supply line)

Provisioner Management Menu
(select two connected settlements in the Settlement List to manage the provisioner)

Workshop Assignment Menu
(turn on to manage your provisioners on the road)

Use the holotape in Power Armor

This is a standalone mod, it should be compatible with any other mod.
Whenever you like.