About this mod

Adds a very tactical and very high-speed Ops-Core FAST Helmet like the ones worn by modern-day/GWOT spec-ops. Comes with M50 Gasmask, 4 colour variants for the helmet and various modifications including optional NVG modes from WTTO. Craftable by player at Chem Stations. Works with most custom hair mods, gasmasks or face accessories.

Permissions and credits
  • Russian
  • Italian

Mod Features

Adds a very tactical and very high-speed Ops-Core FAST (Future Assault Shell Technology) Helmet, like the ones worn by modern-day/GWOT spec-ops, available for both the male and female player. A true LARPer's dream.

Customisations for the Ops-Core FAST Helmet include:
Helmet Options:
- 4 Colour Variants
- 13 Flag Patches
Optical Accessories:
- GPNVG-18 (2 Colours) (optional compatibility with West-Tek Tactical Optics)**
- SWD Goggles
- Riot Visor (3 Colours)

Side-Mounted Accessories:
- Side Armour Plate (3 Colours)
- Mandible (3 Colours)
- Radio Headset (3 Colours)
Other Accessories/Additions:
- M50 Gasmask (Worn Separately)
- Balaclava (3 Colours)

- MS2000 Strobe
- Option for Hair*/No Hair
*Has been tested to be compatible with most gasmasks and glasses, and works with most sensible hairstyles (i.e. don't use hairstyles that would obviously clip through everything) from custom hair mods

West-Tek Night Vision Patch:
**For those experiencing issues with the WTTO Patch, please take note that the issue is largely self-correcting and due to an issue with Fallout 4 itself not loading the models at the same time rather than issues with this mod or WTTO.**

To fix, you may try the following:
1) Toggle \ Cycle through the modes** (using the hotkey toggle) repeatedly until the problem disappears (my recommended method and works 100% of the time)
2) Wait for some time for the game to be able to load the models
3) Alt-Tab might resolve the issue for some
4) Acquire Schematics and Craft WTTO-Enabled NVGs and Toggle Switch instead of spawning them in via console
**Yes, the solution is literally turning them off/on until the problem goes away by itself.

The Ops-Core FAST Helmet is available for crafting at Chemistry Stations:
1) Go to any Chemistry Station
2) Select the category 'Ops-Core FAST Helmet
3) ???
4) Profit!

Ops-Core FAST Helmet / Riot Visor / Headphones / Mandible / GPNVG-18 (assets) - Hussky9
Balaclava (assets) - EvTital
SWD Goggles (assets) - chairborneit 
GPNVG-18 Battery Pack (assets) - Nadiia Plaunova 
MS2000 Strobe (assets) - mrven
CVC Helmet Patches (assets) - Hippiebrother3
Cubemaps - Ajhakra
Porting, Rigging, Textures, and Implementation - Zachtan1234
West-Tek Tactical Optics - FadingSignal
Screenshots -
 LittleLight042, Drifter1984, BarbaraWolfe, MaxRage808 
Special Thanks - Chef's Camp, The BoneZone, F4DM, Brotherhood of Cheeki Breeki

I am by no means under any obligation whatsoever to know what outfits are being used in the screenshots apart from those featured in this mod. That being said, do not under any circumstance be rude to those who have contributed their screenshots to this mod page when asking them about it. Do also join the discord server I have linked in my profile to check out some cool armours and weapons by other cool mod authors.

Check Out My Other Mods