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About this mod

This simple mod adds a custom radio station featuring more than 150 minutes of North Korean songs (of which most were performed by the Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble) to your pipboy.

A constructible workshop radio has also been included so your settlers can now listen to groovy North Korean pop 24/7.

Permissions and credits
UPDATE 1.2.0

TEN more songs have been added, this now equals to more than 150 minutes of music in total.

If you are upgrading from Version 1.0.0 to Version 1.2.0, please replace the old Pyongyang_Radio_Broadcast.esp file with the newer one.

Please also delete the PyongyangRadioBroadcast folder located at (Data/Sound/FX/MUS/Radio) as the new Pyongyang_Radio_Broadcast - Main.ba2 file already contains ALL music files and the scripts required for the tracks to play randomly.

Please also note that without the ba2 file containing the shuffling script, the songs will continue to play at a fixed order.


Hello there, thank you for checking out this page! :) This is my first major mod ever, reverse-engineered from JimmyG123's Soviet Communication Radio, which is technically (and spiritually) this radio's predecessor.

The custom radio's in-game display name is "Pyongyang Radio Broadcast" and consists of 20 music files in total; some of which contains more than one songs as they were recorded around the same time and then put together within the same xwm file because I am that lazy and cannot be bothered to add in more track numbers for the radio.

The mod also includes a build-in constructible radio that one could build at any workshop station in the game world; this could be found under Decorations > Miscellaneous:

SONG LIST (NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO EACH .XWM FILE, Version 1.2.0 features track shuffling)

1.애국가 (Aegukka)

2.영웅의 안해될줄 꿈에도 몰랐어요 (I Never Dreamt of Becoming a Heroe's Wife)

3.비둘기야 높이 날아라 (White Dove Fly High)

4.내 나라 제일로 좋아 (My Country is the best!)

5.Миллион роз (Million Roses)

6.조선은 결심하면 한다 (Korea Does What it's Determined to do)

7.친근한 이름/社会主义好 (The Dear Name/Socialism is Good)

8.우리의 《김정일》동지 (Our Comrade Kim Jong Il)

9.우리를 보라 (Look at us!)

10.Le Temps des Fleurs (Those were the days)

11.친근한 이름/L'amour est Bleu/Потому что мы пилоты (The Dear Name/Love is Blue/Because We are Pilots)

12.당신이없으면, 조국도 없다 (No Motherland without You)

13.어디에 계십니까 그리운 장군님 (Where are You, Dear General?)

14.지새지 말아다오 평양의 밤아 (Don't Advance, Night of Pyongyang)

15.반깁습니다 (Nice to See you)

16.고향집에 눈이 내리네/내 마음 즐거워라/푸른 전나무 (Snow Falls on the Native Home/I am Joyful/A Green Fir Tree)

17.사랑하는 오빠와 우리 삼형제 (My Dear Brother and Our Three Brothers)

18.아리랑 (Arrirang)

19.사회주의 지키세 (Let's Defend Socialism)

20. 김광숙 메들리:친근한 이름/사랑의 미소/생이란 무엇인가/어머니생각/황금나무 능금나무 산에 심었소 (Kim Kwang-Suk Medley: The Dear Name/The Loving Smile/What is Life?/Thinking of Mother/Golden Trees, Apple Trees Planted in the Mountains)

21. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 헝가리 랩소디 2번/지새지 말아다오 평양의 밤아 (Hungarian Rhapsody No.2/Don't Advance, Night of Pyongyang)

22. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 나의 사랑 나의 행복 (My Love, My Happiness)

23. [Version 1.2.0 Only] Коробушка/One Way Ticket

24. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 혁명의 수뇌부 결사옹위하리라! (Defend the Headquarters of the Revolution!)

25. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 언제만나랴 (When will we meet?)

26. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 동무여 그 사랑 노래부르자 (Comrades, Let's Sing His Affection)

27. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 건강하십니까? (How are you?)

28. [Version 1.2.0 Only] Смуглянка (Smugljanka)

29. [Version 1.2.0 Only] あざみの歌 (Song of Azami)

30. [Version 1.2.0 Only] 青い山脈 (Blue Mountains)


The frequency of Pyongyang Radio Broadcast is 95.791298 - unless another modder chose the same frequency as I did, it is guaranteed to be compatible with literally ALL radio mods out there.


친근한 이름 "The Dear Name" appears three times throughout the whole radio because North Koreans really adored Kim Jong Il that much and wanted to tell the whole world what an awesome leader he used to be.

Some songs have really poor quality with some clips even having their audio cut out multiple times throughout or have quite abrupt finishes so that I resolved to edit in some glitchy, mechanical sound effects as an attempt to mimic the effect of poor radio transmission... North Korea was not a technically-advanced state before the Great War, anyway; it is a miracle that its radio signal could still be picked up more than 200 years since the bombs dropped.

There are two songs performed in French (L'amour est Bleu & Le Temps des Fleurs); four in Russian (Миллион роз; Потому что мы пилоты; Коробушка & Смуглянка); two in Japanese (あざみの歌 & 青い山脈); one in Chinese (社会主义好) and one in English (One Way Ticket).


Install as you would with other custom radio mods. If this happens to be your first time downloading a mod (I am so, so honoured that my mod happened to be the first mod you are considering downloading, if that's the case!) , make sure you read through the steps documented here carefully: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation


I recommend manually install this mod as I believe some users of NMM had complained of it misplacing audio files for custom radio mods in the past, plus I have no idea how to install via a mod manager since I install all mods manually, let alone explaining the process ._.

For manual install, simply drag the Pyongyang_Radio_Broadcast.esp and the Pyongyang_Radio_Broadcast - Main.ba2 file into your Data folder.

Once you have placed the two files into their respective destinations, don't forget to activate the plug in!

If you have any issues with installation, shoot me a message down below and I will do my best to troubleshoot :)


If, for whatever reason, the radio stopped working, type in the following commands to terminate/re-initiate the radio station:

startquest PyongyangRadioBroadcastQuest

stopquest PyongyangRadioBroadcastQuest


I am in no way a supporter of the totalitarian regime nor do I wish to "glorify" any of the atrocities the DPRK government has inflicted upon its own people but I truly enjoyed the melodies as well as the voices of these extremely talented yet underappreciated artistes living under the DPRK's rule (김광숙 Kim Kwang-Suk (deceased in 2018);리경숙 Ri Kyong-Suk and 리분희 Ri Pun-Hui); I am also a stern believer that songs could and should be enjoyed by all beyond their political undertone. Make music, not politics.


Bethesda for making Fallout 4
The Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble
Radioactivenuke for making this useful tutorial
ElminsterAU and the xEdit Team for making the wonderful FO4Edit
Vikichan for making the amazing MultiXwm
JimmyG123 for making the Soviet Communication Radio for me to reverse-engineer this mod
HeartImpaled for a detailed tutorial on making a script for shuffling tracks

Enjoy :)