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LockedStickyWhile not an explicit requirement of any of the Sim Settlements mods, the Interior NavCut Fix is one of the best settlement fixes ever and I highly recommend you use it, especially if you are playing the SS2 questline as the HQ's multiple cells benefit greatly from it. -
I know I'm not going to make any friends here with this post but I have gone from loving this mod to hating it now. In fact I've decided to give up on my current playthrough and skip this mod when I start Fallout 4 again.
When Bethesda brought out Fallout 4 with it's settlement system it was something people either loved or hated. I didn't mind the settlement building but at the same time I thought there were too many of these settlements to manage. When Sim Settlements 2 first came out I thought this mod was a godsend. I no longer had to micro manage all these settlements. All I had to do was build a city planner desk, assign someone as mayor, select or download a city plan and let the settlement take care of itself. I was even enjoying the quest and liked Jake as a character until we came to chapter 2.
At first I was intrigued by the idea of taking over Gunner Plaza and making it a base but managing the base became a chore. I don't play games to do chores. I wouldn't have minded doing a bunch of quests and see the progression of the base similar to Run The Bison Steve mod in Fallout New Vegas or the Helgen Reborn mod in Skyrim. With this latest update that process has become a lot more unbearable. Every time I fast travel to HQ I have everyone running around putting out fires or dealing with infestations despite setting up tasks to reduce such incidents leaving me unable to work on the HQ. I did not care if I hurt Lupe's feelings when I thought her VR chair was a waste of time. If I wanted to change things in a settlement I would go there myself so I can see what I'm doing.
All in all this latest chapter took out what appealed to me (and probably others) and became the Preston Garvey version of the mod. Sorry, but I'm done with this mod.-
Two years later and this is still the most succinct comment in this thread.
The SS2ch2 mod is ambitious and there is clearly so much love and work put into it, but it loses sight of one of the mod's most useful functions-- not micro-managing the settlements and giving them some autonomy. This mod builds its own story and tries to seamlessly integrate and parallel it into events happening in the main questline, which is commendable, but at the end of the day what chapter 2 ultimately does is put me right back n the place of micro-managing. Now I'm just micro-managing the headquarters and the supply lines, and the logistics, and etc. etc.
It overly complicates the process and I find myself frustrated with settlement building once again. Not to mention the myriad of comments reporting bugs and errors since its release in mid-2022.
I just cannot recommend it to anyone. -
Are you writing this after choosing the automation option that Mansfield offers? I can't get past one of the quests so I'm just curious if it gets worse despite choosing automation
Does anyone know what to do or have answers???
So I just got to the quest "How to HQ" and all last night and today I haven't gotten no progress within the quest. I would put "Clean up facilities" and nothing happens. I seen what's supposed to happen on YT so I know something is wrong or I'm forgetting something.
Here's what I tried.
1. I attempted to wait it out and see if anything happens.
2. I went onto the City Manager 2078 holotape and went to the fix quests section just in case I was missing someone. (I'm not entirely sure if I have everyone cause Cedric Mansfield is never on the list of people when I check my reassign settlers.)
3. I skipped the quest entirely and that lead to another quest I couldn't do.
I think that's all I tried, but overall the only thing I haven't tried is back tracking the only issue for me is... My last save is at Hostile Takeover. Which isn't necessarily bad, but the progress between then and now is major.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'd hate to backtrack and or give up on the mod. I'm really enjoying the storyline right now.-
I can't progress this mod because of this same issue. This HQ system of there's just doesn't work for some people despite fixing one problem you just run into another like I did. Try going to the forums. They eventually stopped responding to me because there is literally no guaranteed fix, even for people who are only running sim settlements mods
Are you able to side with the gunners?
Question time!
Can i install all 3 chapters at once or do i need to install 2 after finishing 1 and 3 after finishing 2? -
Okay, after playing with this mod for SOOOOO Long, I am gonna make a Post like it's an official Review from my personal opinion and feelings towards it so future downloaders can read this and make their own decision.
So Sim Settlements 2 should of been in Fallout 4 from the start, like Bethesda should of made this a thing. It makes the settlements feel ALIVE, it feels make the recruitment beacon after you put down some plots for farming, industrial and housing, then leave and do whatever quests you want to, come back after a while you have a full settlement built by the settlers and not you. It shows the Settlers actually doing what every NPC says in the game, they are rebuilding, THEY Are, not YOU, Yes you can build yourself and get really unique builds to add to your settlements.
While there is a handful of Bugs (Which is mentioned below in the CONS section), the mod is overwhelmingly awesome, and the story is even better, and it makes alot more sense if you do a Minutemen playthrough and feels right as a Minutemen, no spoilers as to why just go play the story. I use this on ALMOST every playthrough I do, I say almost because there is times when i get into the New Vegas/NCR Mood and will do a playthrough where i transform the commonwealth into New California and this Mod severely lacks any add ons or anything for the NCR. I have tried countless times to try and make NCR Add ons but have failed every time, so there is that.
Now for the PROS AND CONS List below:
- Great Story
- A settlement system that makes the settlements feel like a real populated and living settlement
- So many Add Ons to get really creative with your builds
- So many unique things to do
- fun interactive unique Settlers
- Overall great time playing it
- Loveable characters you really enjoy playing with and getting to know
- a New MASSIVE ass Base for your faction (Not saying where or what due to spoilers)
- Does not really mess with the Main Story of the game, so technically speaking you have 2 Main Stories in 1 game.
- Bugs
Bugs such as delayed quest checkpoints or mission starts
Sometimes quests won't start due to NPC's not getting to where they need to go
Random Crashes (Not Alot but there is some)
Lag if you build way too much in a settlement
- Missed Opportunities
IDK if this is by Kinggath, but whomever built the Drama Stage/Opera Add on, the singing settler says they will make a song about your settlement, you pay them to do so but never hear the song
New Republic, The Story is great and with imagination you can make a Commonwealth Republic, but tied into the actual story and have the story act like it don't happen.
- (This one is my Personal Con not everyone will agree) Lack of NCR Content
IK IK this is the east Coast NCR ain't here, but with certain mods you can easily make the East Coast into the West Coast and make the entire game into New California or The Mojave, so Lack of NCR add ons made this list, I Tried numerous times to make the add ons myself and failed every time.
- Key NPC's Don't keep on the outfits you give them
So Say you wanna Make Jake or any other key Characters Minutemen, DO NOT give them any Minutemen Armor you cannot craft or get back, as they will revert to their old outfits after a few days and the outfit you gave them to wear will be just gone! (Have not tried this with BoS, Institute, or Railroad.)
- Settlers Shop and Show it
So they have furniture stores and book stores/Libraries, Pet Stores and what not as store plots, and YES the NPC's will go shopping at them, and Yes they actually purchase items from the stores, yet what the hell do they do with the items they purchased? it's not in their inventory or at their house? I feel this is more of a missed opportunity but felt like just commenting on it.
Anyways with that being Said, I thank EVERY SINGLE Mod Creator for making Add ons and all the voice actors for the story and Especially thank Kinggath for such an amazing mod that is something Bethesda should of had in the game from the start.
I Look Forward to a Sim Settlements 3 if there ever is one.
Also Side Note, I Highly Recommend EVERYONE Download this and only THIS Version of Sim Settlements as it includes all 3 Chapters and the Expansion, that way you don't have to download each chapter Individually.
Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 3 at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
Have a Great Day -
I need help. Moving Day is bugged, and Mansfield refuses to leave V81. I tried teleporting him out, and it didn't fix it. The holotape quest skipping doesn't work either.
My game keeps crashing during the battle at Gunners Plaza. Has anyone else had this issue?
Big fan of the mod. Was recently having some issues and was uninstalling mods to see which one could be the cause. For some reason Sim Settlement 2: Chapter 2 is causing my game to quit on startup. Love the SS mod overall, but wondering if a recent update may have messed something up in the code. First time it's happened for me!
having this same issue, did you find a confliction?
its just not made for the next gen update or atleast not in a good enough position to be stable, instead best thing that your gonna be able to do (and everyone) is to just download chapter 1, it works with all mods, you get all features (plots etc) but of course you lose out on the "headquarters" itll get more stable over time
(plus even before the update it destroyed your game due to all the scripts having to be run meaning you'd crash every 5 minutes just check other peoples experiences)
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Hi just wanted to ask whether i should install SS2 alone at first or all 3 chapters at alltogether? Sorry if someone already asks this question i'm trying to avoid spoilers for the quest :D thx in advance!