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Uneducated Shooter - Simplified Chinese Translation
Version 1.11
Bug fix: Fixed startup CTD on some machines
Version 1.1
Lean keys will be disabled during VATS
Bug fix: Fixed inertia being reversed compared to previous versions
Bug fix: Fixed Tarkov style not moving the camera
Bug fix: Fixed R6S style moving the camera too much
Version 1.0
Reworked inertia algorithms
Code optimizations
Added: MCM for customizations
Added: Experimental feature (Realism Camera, inspired from some bodycam-style games)
Added: Option for turning input rotation on/off during Tarkov style leaning
Bug fix: Fixed the bug in Vault 111 sequence.
Version 0.93
Bug fix : More fixes on memory leaks
Bug fix : Fixed an occasional CTD that happens when you try to enter/exit power armor while leaning
Bug fix : Compatibility for the latest High Heel System
Bug fix : Fixed Pipboy flinching briefly when you open it with inertia turned on
Version 0.92
Added : rotDivXADS and rotDivYADS so you can adjust the strength of intertia in ADS separately
Bug fix : Fixed memory leak caused by the wall detection algorithm
Bug fix : Fixed the lean state being stuck in one direction when you die
Changed : Default values for inertia settings has been reset. Please try it and adjust it to your liking.
Version 0.91
Reworked most of the logic and algorithm for bone insertion and inertia
Bug fix : You won't be able to lean through the wall anymore.
Bug fix : Fixed inertia being applied to a wrong axis
Bug fix : E-Q worked, but Q-E didn't work. Now it's been fixed.
Bug fix : Fixed the player's first person skeleton going missing on startup, preventing the player from progressing further in prologue and Vault 111 sequences.
Bug fix : Fixed the camera not rotating while leaning on Tarkov style with certain mouse sensitivity
Changed : Disabled leaning in Looksmenu
Changed : Inertia now works based on the camera rotation instead of mouse/pad movement.
Version 0.75
Added : leanDisable. This will disable leaning entirely and revert the vanilla peeking.
Bug fix : Now you can't lean while sprinting.
Bug fix : Another fix for inertia stuttering. The default values for rotDivX, rotDivY, and rotDisableInADS has been changed to reflect the change in algorithm.
Bug fix : Fixed dynamic height causing the player to fall below ground while playing animations like prone.
Version 0.74
Bug fix : CTD related to several weapons with R6Style on
Bug fix : Polished collision a bit more.
Bug fix : Fixed third person camera sticking to the wall
Bug fix : Fixed the player teleporting occasionally.
Version 0.73
Bug fix : Fixed 3rd person leaning displacing the player.
Version 0.72
Bug fix : Fixed some idle animations causing the player to fall.
Version 0.71
Bug fix : Fixed Fast Travel causing the player to fall below ground.
Bug fix : Fixed some animations (such as Tooun's roll) making the player's collision box too small.
Version 0.55
Added ADSOnly for leaning.
Bug fix for inertia
Version 0.7
Added : Dynamic Height for any animations.
Added : iniDevMode will make the ini config update every 5 seconds. Good for tweaking and testing purposes.
Added : rotDisableInADS for disabling inertia in ADS
Added : R6Style leaning. Camera will translate instead of rotating. This will help people with motion sickness, hopefully.
Bug fix : More fixes for player leaning while interaction
Bug fix : Wall clipping has been fixed. Player will now have proper collision box while leaning.
Bug fix : Enemies will be aware of your presence even while you're leaning. They will shoot back and hit you.
Changed : Completely disabled 3rd person inertia. It was bad imo.
Version 0.6
Added : rotDivXPad and rotDivYPad for gamepads
Bug fix : Now fully supports gamepads. Various issues has been fixed.
Bug fix : Player leaning while interaction has been fixed.
Bug fix : Player will now have appropriate hitboxes while leaning in 1st person.
Bug fix : Another attempt to fix the inertia lags.
A F4SE plugin to improve overall gameplay in Fallout 4 as a Shooter.
For customization, use the provided MCM.
Inertia is something most of modern FPS games have in their animations to give you a feeling that you're controlling the gun.
However in Fallout 4, the gun stays intact with your camera.
Uneducated Shooter simulates fake inertia using your inputs, and bad arm condition makes it harder for you to control your gun.
Most of the settings should stay untouched. You can change the rotation limits, how much inertia you'll get according to your input, inertia strength and whether it should be disabled in ADS or not.
Lowering Horizontal/Vertical Rotation Divider will create stronger inertia and lowering Rotation Return Rate will make your gun return to its original position late.
Realism Camera (Turned off by default)
In addition to first person inertia, I've created an experimental feature called Realism Camera.
Inspired from recent bodycam-style games, this adds more rotational movements to the camera so it feels a bit more realistic.
Note that the camera will be tilted. If you don't like that, you can adjust Default Rotation through MCM.
There are lots of other customizable values as well so you can make your own camera style.
Tarkov StyleR6 Style
Leaning, bound to Q, E as default will be your best first person tactic available in Fallout 4.
Keys are customizable. Leaning angle, time it takes to fully lean, leaning style can be customized through MCM as well.
Some clipping might occur while you're leaning against a wall, but it should have a proper collision now.
Leaning can be used in third person as well. It's a bit wanky but It Just Works ™.
Toggle lean makes leaning toggle. Tap Q or E once to lean, and tap once again to return to the original position.
Time Cost is the time it will take to fully lean in seconds.
Lean Max Angle (1st) is the max angle of lean for the first person perspective.
Lean Max Angle (3rd) is same as above, but for the third person perspective.
Turning on "Enable in ADS only" will make leaning only work when you're aiming down sights, so in that way you can keep E for interactions.
If you turn on Rainbow Six : Siege style leaning, the camera will translate instead of rotating, but it might have some stuttering if you lean and switch your stance from sneak to stand or vice versa.
Dynamic Height
I'm a bit surprised that Fallout 4 has been shipped missing a feature like this.
In vanilla, you couldn't crouch under obstacles but now you can!
If you have issues like teleportation and such, then you can simply disable it through the MCM menu.
The F4SE Team for Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE)