This mod addresses a minor issue with building stores in your settlements. I’ve changed the requirements for level 1 stores to requiring the Local Leader perk level 1. The reason for this is, “If you can build the better store when you gain level 2 of the Local Leader perk, what reason would you have to build a level one building?” It’s obv
Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
As this is a repair or bug fix; I recommend that this be added to every mod that alters the workshop and give permission to do so with no thanks required. However if you do use, add, or alter this mod, I ask that you endorse it.
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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This mod addresses a minor issue with building stores in your settlements. I’ve changed the requirements for level 1 stores to requiring the Local Leader perk level 1. The reason for this is, “If you can build the better store when you gain level 2 of the Local Leader perk, what reason would you have to build a level one building?” It’s obvious that this is just a minor mistake. So I fixed it.
As this is a repair or bug fix; I recommend that this be added to every mod that alters the workshop and give permission to do so with no thanks required. However if you do use, add, or alter this mod, I ask that you endorse it.