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About this mod

Variety of Anime Intro's to replace the main menu background and Music with.

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Anime Main Menu Replacer

A variety of Main Menu replacers using different anime intros. 

What this mod does:
+Replaces the main menu music with an Anime intros song
+Replaces the background of the main menu with an Anime intro

Intro Options (When making these intros I didn't download these videos as their source so there may be minor differences)
Note: These will only display properly in games running at 16:9 aspect ratio.

Black Clover OP 13 :
Vinland Sage Op 2:
Fire Force S1:

Change Log:

Version 1:
*Initial release (Black Clover OP 13, Fire Force S1, Vinland Saga OP 2)

Known Bugs:

Any lag experienced in the main menu will cause the video to stutter and the music to become desynced with the audio.

If you skip the intro videos (those before the main menu) then its possible the music will not play. I believe this is due to the game not having enough time to load the audio fully. I've compressed the audio using settings I found preserved the quality while minimizing the file size which should reduce the amount of time which needs to be given.

tl;dr give the intro video a second to play before skipping to the main menu and you should be good to go.