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Yinzicao202203Uploaded by
Yinzicao202203Virus scan
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Main files
Version 3.93 fixes the issue of "the Mole Rat Den" crashing.
Old files
The bunker is reconstructed from the original deep hole on the ground of the Coastal Cottage with Creation Kit. There is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded, like this kind of home in Diamond C
The bunker is reconstructed from the original deep hole on the ground of the Coastal Cottage with Creation Kit. There is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded, like this kind of home in Diamond C
The bunker is reconstructed from the original deep hole on the ground of the Coastal Cottage with Creation Kit. There is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded, like this kind of home in Diamond C
The bunker is reconstructed from the original deep hole on the ground of the Coastal Cottage with Creation Kit. There is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded,
The bunker is reconstructed from the original deep hole on the ground of the Coastal Cottage with Creation Kit. There is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded,
The bunker is reconstructed from the original deep hole on the ground of the Coastal Cottage with Creation Kit. There is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded,
The bunker is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded.Now,The cave is already basement settlement, and settlers can be recruited.
The bunker is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded.Now,The cave is already basement settlement, and settlers can be recruited.
The bunker is no need to load a map in and out.A new cave is added in V3.5. Although the map needs to be loaded.Now,The cave is already basement settlement, and settlers can be recruited.
There are Workshops in 20 basements,And can travel in and out quickly.There is a 100 power switch box in the basement, so there is no need to build a generator.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
There are Workshops in 20 basements,And can travel in and out quickly.There is a 100 power switch box in the basement, so there is no need to build a generator.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
Version 3.88 has fixed the issue of Mole Rat Den crashing, added a few Minutemans to each basement, and added a tunnel to the Hangman'sAlleyUtilityBasement leading to Diamond City Market.
There are Workshops in 20 basements,And can travel in and out quickly.There is a 100 power switch box in the basement, so there is no need to build a generator.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
Version 3.891 has fixed the issue of texture maps disappearing in the Sunshine Tidings Co-op area.
Version 3.891 has fixed the issue of texture maps disappearing in the Sunshine Tidings Co-op area.
Version 3.6 solved the problem that the portal of Vault 111 could not transmit.
This Mod is made of "Yinzicao202203" with Creation Kit.The basements were made at RedRocket Truck Stop, Sanctuary Hills, Tenpines Bluff, Starlight Drive-In, Sunshine Tidings Co-op, Graygarden,, etc,20 basements in total.There are Workshops in 20 basemen
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.There are Workshops in 20 basemen.Fix language bug.
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.There are Workshops in 20 basemen.Fix language bug.
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.There are Workshops in 20 basemen.Fix language bug.
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.There are Workshops in 20 basemen.Fix language bug.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.76
Date uploaded02 Apr 2022, 12:34PM
File size5.0MB
Unique DLs-
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This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.There are Workshops in 20 basemen.Fix language bug.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.8
Date uploaded03 Apr 2022, 3:07PM
File size5.0MB
Unique DLs-
Total DLs-
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
This Mod is made of Yinzicao202203 with Creation Kit.20 basements in total.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.87
Date uploaded06 Apr 2022, 10:50AM
File size5.0MB
Unique DLs-
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Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.I have fixed the missing texture.
NavMesh is missing in a place of Vault 111 and has been filled in.
NavMesh is missing in a place of Vault 111 and has been filled in.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.89
Date uploaded07 Apr 2022, 4:03PM
File size1.8MB
Unique DLs-
Total DLs-
Fix the bug problem of house cat.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.89
Date uploaded07 Apr 2022, 4:06PM
File size1.8MB
Unique DLs-
Total DLs-
Fix the bug problem of house cat.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.91
Date uploaded09 Apr 2022, 12:32PM
File size1.8MB
Unique DLs-
Total DLs-
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
FO4 Settlement Basement V2.91
Date uploaded09 Apr 2022, 12:34PM
File size1.8MB
Unique DLs-
Total DLs-
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Add a cave and pool to Boston Airport Bunker. And expanded the space of Gray Garden Bunker.
Version 3.6 solved the problem that the portal of Vault 111 could not transmit.
V3.7 version expands the space for the "Red Rocket Cellar". The expanded space is connected with the original basement by a newly added underground river. Players can experience the fun of underground diving; At the same time, this version also changed th
V3.8 version expands the space for the Red Rocket Cellar. The expanded space is connected with the original basement by a newly added underground river. Players can experience the fun of underground diving; At the same time, this version also changed th
V3.85 version expands the space for the Red Rocket Cellar. The expanded space is connected with the original basement by a newly added underground river. Players can experience the fun of underground diving; At the same time, this version also changed th
V3.86 version optimizes the "Red Rocket Cellar" to expand the ground of space and make it more beautiful.
V3.87 fixes the wall reset at the entrance of Vault 111.
V3.87 fixes the wall reset at the entrance of Vault 111.
Version 3.88 has fixed the issue of Mole Rat Den crashing, added a few Minutemans to each basement, and added a tunnel to the "Hangman'sAlleyUtilityBasement" leading to Diamond City Market.
Version 3.88 has fixed the issue of Mole Rat Den crashing, added a few Minutemans to each basement, and added a tunnel to the Hangman'sAlleyUtilityBasement leading to Diamond City Market.
Version 3.88 has fixed the issue of Mole Cave crashing, added a few Minutemans to each basement, and added a tunnel to the "Hangman'sAlleyUtilityBasement" leading to Diamond City Market.
Version 3.89 has fixed the issue of texture maps disappearing in the "Sunshine Tidings Co-op" area.
Version 3.891 has fixed the issue of texture maps disappearing in the Sunshine Tidings Co-op area.
There are Workshops in 20 basements,And can travel in and out quickly.There is a 100 power switch box in the basement, so there is no need to build a generator.Now,these basements are already basement settlements, and settlers can be recruited.
If the game pops up to the desktop, please install this mod; After installation, enter the game and enter the Red Rocket Truck Stop of Concord, and then you can exit the game directly - there is no need to archive, because the patch has rendered the game
If some area textures are lost in the game, you can install this plug-in;
If some area textures are lost in the game, you can install this plug-in;