About this mod
A bunch of fixes, more dialogue interjections amd features for the multi companion system Amazing Follower Tweaks! Works on any Fallout 4 version! Such as assigning vertibird seats, an option to disable the Spouse Companion feature, and support for Sim Settlements 2.
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A bunch of enhancements, fixes, and options to AFT! Things such as the no spouse feature, near complete coverage of vanilla multiple interjections, and more!
Works on any Fallout 4 version due to no reliance on SKSE
The original AFT mod
Place these patches after Amazing Follower Tweaks in your mod manager. They need to overwrite vanilla AFT.
Original AmazingFollower Tweaks
AFT Plus
AFT Plus Spouse Tweaks
AFT Plus SS2 Patch
AFT Plus No Special Tweaks
AFT Plus Alt Names Pack Enhanced Edition
AFT Plus No Special Tweaks Names Patch
Better Custom Companion Support:
Custom Companions are better supported and have better compatibility. This includes general bug fixes, they interject along with the other vanilla companions for pre-established vanilla quests, comment on unique locations and points of interests.
Companions talk more:
Modifications so companions in general talk more when you have multiple companions following you! (modifications to the AO system)
Quest Fixes:
-Fixed RR03 "Rocket's Red Glare" where it would dismiss one of your followers who would immediately go hostile in the brotherhood blimp, and not allow you to recruit them again (Caveat, do not dismiss your followers in the blimp during this quest!)
-Fixed "Open Season", which wasn't unmanaging Porter Gage correctly, or setting him to hostile/non-essential
-interjection hooks should still work now if you accidentally leave a scene
Bug Fixes:
-There is a vanilla bug for companions where sometimes they still have their weapons equipped even though you don't and/or you're not in combat. This is now fixed via AFT Plus, which checks periodically if a companion hasn't stowed their weapon and forces them to.
-Fixed the AFT bug where companions wouldn't heal themselves if they had a stimpak or heal other companions in Survival Mode
Better Performance:
-The scripts were re-written to use more properties instead of always doing Game retrievals (getForm, getplayer), which add up when you have 5 followers and their code always running
Disable The Spouse Companion Feature:
Some folks prefer to use either another mod (such as Nora Spouse Companion) to bring back their spouse, or they want better compatibility for alternate start mods (Start Me Up Redux). This feature is now back and implemented more elegantly. Upon a new game after finalizing your appearance or first time loading AFT Plus into your save, you will be prompted to enable or disable the AFT Spouse Companion feature. If you choose to disable it, the quest will shutdown and all of it's features will revert back to vanilla.
Sim Settlements 2 Support:
Currently all quests in Chapter 1 and 2 are supported for multiple companion interjections!
Setting to only Enable Loitering/AutoRelax in Safe cities
-new option to toggle no autorelaxing in locations that are not bars, inns, settlements (diamond city and goodneighbor are included), and homeplate. Enable it in Global Misc Settings. This should reduce the issue of companions using activators on the map that they shouldn't (lying down in injured positions, military stance like the BoS soldiers in the prydwynn, etc.)
Requires Disable AutoRelax Globally to not be enabled to show up in the setting.
Companion Vertibird seat support
Additionally, there is this new feature which you can select the seat for each individual companion in the vertibird, in the AFT settings.
Codsworth can also now sit in the Vertibird (this was disabled in original AFT)
Companions Teleport into the Institute with you!
Once you've beaten the main questline where you choose the Institute path, as the Director you'll be able to let your companions tele into the Institute with you!
Comes with special effects teleporting in and out of the institute!
Tracking Companion Quests are now categoried as "miscellaneous"
This should unclutter your quest completion history.
No AFT lockpicking/hacking experience:
in AFT's latest update, companions after lockpicking or hacking successfully, progressively get better at it, to the point where they succeed first try. This means Cait can pick any lock first try, and essentially kills the lockpick economy in the game, as well as save you 4 perk points. This patch reverts it back to vanilla-like behavior where she should fail on harder difficult locks. Let's put to use those 80+ lockpicks you have in vanilla!
No AFT Special bonuses:
Special stats should not give additional bonuses now that were from AFT. This should revert back to normal vanilla like behavior for SPECIAL bonuses (only strength should give noticeable differences).
The Special stat bonuses offered in original AFT was extremely buggy, due to the fact that there is a game engine bug where MGEF on NPC's are wiped out when a new piece of gear is equipped onto them. This made this entire system not reliable and shoddy.
Support and fixes for these quests/scenes to correctly support multiple vanilla companion interjections.
Bug fix where certain dialogue wouldn't play and just pan to companions silently.
Fixed/Supported/Added Scenes:
Sanctuary (restored broken vanilla scene bug)
nuka-cola sheffield (spouse support)
Unlikely Valentine (Piper's dialogue when talking to Ellie)
Vault Tec Rep recruitment scene fix
Grey Garden missing interjection
Abernathy intro
USS Constitution scene 3
USS Constitution MS11_comp_sabotage restored scene (cut content)
USS Constiution ironside intro fix
Special Delivery tweaked camera for interjection scenes
Shadow of Steel BoS201_07_MaxsonStage140 fix
Synth Retention x86 reset code scene
battle of bunker hill (courser intro)
Kid in a Fridge
Giving Old Emogene Serum (Emogene Takes a Lover)
Old Guns
Diamond City Blues Paul Intro change camera
Diamond City Blues divide split
Libery Reprimed Dr Li
Libery Reprimed Child of Atom
Hancock Greet Scene 2
The Silver Shroud
Far Harbor:
Where You Belong DLC03MQ03
Visions in the Fog
The Way Life Should Be
Cleansing the Land
High Confessor Greeting Scene
Close To Home
Rite of passage
The Holotape was buggy and redundant, it will no longer be added in new games, and is now non-functional in existing. Use the Aid activator instead!
I've changed the deadline to save your spouse from killing Kellog and going to the memory den, to meeting Virgil in the Glowing Sea.
I feel like this was a better paced option story-wise to give the player some leeway from just bum-rushing it to the Vault 81.
I also fixed a lot of silent lines playing due to the coding relying on certain quest scenes.
Additionally, I've also removed how the other V111 residents become ghouls and get a sack on their heads, I felt that was un-immersive.
Enhanced Names Pack:
Adds additional names of popular companions, such as Ivy, Jake, Raphael, and Allison. There are also associated patches for this name pack as well, for the no settlement and no special tweaks patches.
No AFT Settlement Option:
I removed the Settlement menu option in the AFT settings holotape, for those of us who either don't want a free Sanctuary, or rather use a different mod for Settlement Building (like SS2!)
No AFT SPECIAL tweaks:
Removed the SPECIAL settings option to tweak a companion's SPECIAL stats (resetting their stats, or assigning new points). This is more so a balance option for those of us who don't want our companions to have monstrous stats.
Ivy 6 Patch:
The popular Ivy companion mod has a patch now! Make sure its after AFT Plus and the Ivy mod. Also, once she's been recruited, ensure she is the "primary companion" in the AFT global chat settings to ensure maximum compatibility and to hear all her lines!
SS2 AFT Plus Patch:
This patch adds support to Sim Settlements 1 and 2 quests, so multiple vanilla companions can now interject in the dialogue scenes!
Also, please let me know if there's an interjection scene I missed. I've been sourcing youtube to find them easily but I know there's many hidden or not well documented (such as the Piper one in Unlikely Valentine).
X - not compatible
* - minor incompatibility, will still work
* - Dixie as Companion at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
She's not a vanilla companion framework mod, but is using the vanilla affinity system. She will still work but she won't gain or lose affinity from some events (drinking, swimming, drugs, etc.)
* - Pack Attack Companion Edition
As long as you disable all the AFT combat AI features and toggle them off (teleport on weapon draw, heal self, heal other companion, using non-default combat styles) it should be compatible. Keep in mind though, PACE is all scripted AI, not engine, so at times it will perform even worse than vanilla AI if you have a lot of scripts running.
* - Amazing Follower Tweaks MCM Menu at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
this was implemented for the original AFT and was not updated with all the features and code changes I've done for AFT Plus
X - Liga of my companions at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
don't use another multi companion framework.
X - Unlimited Companion Framework at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
same deal, don't use another multi companion framework.
I may also look into supporting SS2 multiple companion interjections as well.
Make the vertibird seat assignment UX better
Refactor the interjection system so it guarantees a in-scene companion interjection scene first if you have a valid companion in your party
More optimizations
Option to toggle if a companion will be included during a sleep event if you have multiple companions