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About this mod

And now for something completely different

Now with two scar options

Permissions and credits
Lets face it, there's no pretty way to put this... vanilla Elder Maxson was... kinda nasty

I wanted something that was more fitting of the man, a younger physique but with the physical and mental strain of reshaping the Brotherhood

That probably sounds pretty pretentious, anyway, basic gist is you wont need to worry about Elder Sleazebaggano anymore

Pictures are much appreciated, bug reports as well since I've never done anything like this before

Simply place the "Maxson's New Look.esp" in your Data directory commonly found at
(Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data)
Or simply use NMM or any other mod manager and let it handle install all by itself

Recommended Mods
Looking Fabulous by Shadowvalor
The Reclamation haircut, whilst standalone as a part of my replacer comes from this fantastic mod, I'd recommend giving it a look
FCO - HD Eyes by Drumber
Eye Normal Map Fix Fallout 4 Edition by Mr. Dave
Oni hair re-texture (vanilla color option preferably) by OniNigma

Shadowvalor for allowing me to use his Reclamation haircut
xatmos for the face ripper

All record editing has been handled through FO4Edit