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About this mod

So I made this patches because the enemies in my game keeps exploding everywhere with just a bullet.
All files are ESP marked ESL.

Permissions and credits
It's just a simple packaged mod with various weapon patches for Better Locational Damage, since most custom weapons uses vanilla records, most changes by BLD well make the enemies explodes without using Bloody Mess. I didn't tested all weapons, so any problems, post in discussion.
Made using BLD Patcher script for xEdit, some changes I did custom like Hunting Revolver damage for example.

What BLD Patcher mostly do: 
  • Increase and Decrease weapon mod parts damager modifier (mostly receivers), mostly 100% damage increase will be around 30% now and damage decrease all have been changed to 0%
  • Automatic receivers get a debuff to range
  • Weapons gets a damage buff depending on caliber
  • Decrease all weapons reload speed to around 20% less
  • Increase weapon range roughly 15%
  • Disable explode effect on hit like Bloody Mess that every custom weapon gets if you use BLD

Weapons supported on 1.0.0:

Weapons supported on 1.1.0: