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About this mod

Hello Wastelanders ! J.D here, and today, i humbly present you your new safe places : The saferoom !

It's 11 saferooms and 1 settlement based on some iconic place of the resident evil saga and a reproduction of RE2 PS1 Racoon City !

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
Hello Wastelanders ! J.D here, and today, i humbly present you your new safe places : The saferoom !

With the participation of Joseph Kendo from the youtube channel : Kendo Gun Shop !

***Capcom policy :***

***NEW ! THE 3.0 and a guide***

***HUGE thank you to Zorkaz for let me use is typewritter mod !***
Go check his work wastelanders !
***Huge thank you to ghostrecon123 for let me using the samurai edge model !***
***Huge Thank you to the people who made those free asset i used for this mod ! i did make a list in the forum section with link ! ***

It's 11 safe room and 1 settlement based on some iconic place of the resident evil saga !

**Important note ! i dident remove the basic stash from the 2.0 ! i moved them a little further of their original place so you wont loose your stuff !**

So, let's talk about the content of the saferoom :

-Resident Evil music inside the room like the safe room ost (of course) etc...
-They have their own Map Marker !
-They are Full Navmesh.
-ALL you will see are statics so you can't loot them and they wont blow away ! xD
-You can store your stuff in the personnal Stash. I uncheck the respawn buttom, so it won't desepear ! Yay !
-Save with the Typewriter thanks to Zorkaz ! **2.0**
-ALL stash are connected ! **3.0**
-New items and recipes ! **3.0**

"-J.D, you are sweet but, where are all thoses safe room and the key ?"

Well, i'm gonna make it really easy for you and tell you where they are BUT for some room you will need to find some key "hide" in some saferoom ! Don't worry it's not complicat to find them !

**I'll make a video very soon,to show you EXACTLY where you can find all of them !**

-The first one (RE1 theme) is at the begining of concord. After you defeat those two giant moskitos you find a child playground. The door will be on the left of this.
-The second one (RE7 theme) is on the Left on Fairline Estate. It's a isolated house.
-The Third one (RE2 Theme) The S.T.A.R.S Off...wait ! i diden't tell you where it is ! come back ! it's inside the South Boston Police Department ! You can't miss the door :P
-The fourth one (RE2 theme) The N.E.S.T entrance  is near the Kendall Hospital, you will see a manhole cover.
-The fifth one (RE2 et RE3 them) is the Kendo Gun Shop and you will find it near the East Boston Police Station.
-The Sixth one (Re3 remake them) is the Jill's apartment and it is near the Malden Center
-The seventh one : (re3 original) Sewer controle roomthe entrance is under a bridge near ArcJet System
-The eighth one : Leon's bastion (RE4 Remake) Near the Rook family house
-The Ninth one : Luiza House (re8) there is a APC near Poseidon reservoir.
-The Tenth one :Trophy room (Re code Veronica) near Cabot House
-The Eleventh one : The bar/lounge (Re0) (in forest grove Marsh when you came from the north to the south.)
-The Settlement (re2 and re3 remake them) The Racoon Police Department is near the Cambridge Crater.

Now the Key :
-The S.T.A.R.S. passeword are in a brief case in the first saferoom.
-The RPD Key and the Kendo Gun Shop key are in a Brief case in the security room of the S.T.A.R.S Office.
Well, that's all so have fun Wastlander !

TIPS : if you just want to teleport one thoses room, open your consol command and use the coc :
The 1st one : coc SafeRoomTest (yup i know xD)
The 2nd one : coc SafeRoomTest2
The 3rd one : coc SafeRoomTest3
The 4th one : coc SafeRoomTest4
The 5th one : coc SafeRoom5 (yup you read it correctly ^^)
The 6th one : coc saferoomJill
The 7th one : coc saferoomre3
The 8th one : coc saferoomre4
The 9th one : coc saferoomre8
The 10th one : coc saferoomre0
The 11th one : coc saferoomcodeveronica
The Settlement : coc saferoomRPD

You can follow my progress on youtube if you wish !

Thanks to winzorium for his amazing work on the texture mod used for the screenshot.
Sadly the mod is no longer available but go check his work Wastelanders !

Thanks to WretchQueen for the funny smiling chris i use for my profile ! you rock ! ^-^

And Thanks to Seddon for his tutorial video ! This man Rock !

NOTE TO NEXUS STAFF : i did communicate with Capcom to ask the permission to use some of their work but they can't provide me any authorisations ! however, they will keep an eye on my mod and if you or them ask me to remove their asset, i'll do it !