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J.D Dornan Workshop Saferoom 3.5 trailer
Hello Wastelanders ! So, summer is coming, right ? So don't forget your fresh Nuka Cola or Vim! Today i present to you the trailer for the 3.5 ! Enjoy ! I know, there is no informations in this trailer. But expect something really great for the R.P.D ! Take care and see you next time !
Fallout 4 - RESIDENT EVIL SAFEROOM LOCATIONS - New Resident Evil Expansion Update
New Resident Evil saferoom expansion update with locations from the Resident Evil saga in Fallout 4.
Fallout4 J.D Dornan Tutorial
Fallout4 J.D Dornan Workshop Saferoom 3.0
Modding Fallout 4 into Resident Evil
In today's video, we look at Resident Evil / Biohazard Mods New Releases, and Interesting Projects! ?My Twitter: ⮞ Subscribe to the channel ?⮞ ?Reddit: ⮞
Fallout4 J.D Dornan Workshop #11 Jil's apartment
Fallout4 J.D Dornan Workshop #10 Racoon City Police Department
Fallout4 J.D Dornan Workshop #8 Kendo Gun Shop
Hello Wastelanders, J.D here and i am really exhausted ! xD So, to make it short, here goes the Kendo Gun Shop recreation + some extra ! I took some liberty to make this safe room THE saferoom ! It a mix of the Kenod Gun shop of the original Resident evil 2 and the remake. Enjoy ^^
Playing and Reviewing EVERY Horror Mod for Fallout 4
A celebratory showcase of some of the best horror mods available for Fallout 4. Includes in-depth commentary/reviews on several of the featured mods. By watching this video you'll have a full list of mods perfect for your ideal Fallout 4 horror playthrough. Comment with any questions or ideas for future showcases!
Shooting guns in 4K lol
Yeah, one more tinker and shooty video and I'm done with guns for now.I wanna get back to redesigning my Vanilla settlements and help show off all the new, cool and goofy settlement items that I just installed.
Sci fi guns go pew pew
As much as I like seeing modern, real life weapons in Fallout 4, I tend to enjoy crazy sci-fi weapons more.
Rise of the monke
Beware hyoomans...
Another day at Kendo's
Guns ahoy!This time with a special guest.
Just another fun time at the gun range
laser go pew pew!
A quick look at the costumes available for the Fallout London Standalone Releaser mod
For all I know, there could be more unique weapons and Clothing/Armor when the mod is finally out.Just ignore the Power Armor and the Protectron, I just added them to fit the atmosphere of this place.
CoD and Resident Evil vibes in Fallout 4 - June Mods Of The Week 4K
This week mods:Modern Warfare Explosion Sounds : [url=][/url]Resident Evil Saferoom : [url=][/url]Modern Clear Purified water : [url=][/url]Vargo 52 - Assault Rifle : [url=][/url]Have a suggestion about a mod can be featured ? Tell me !Subscribe : [url=][/url]Follow me on Twitter : [url=][/url]PC Specs : [url=][/url]
Mommy it's too bright part 4
Is there some unknown setting I should tweak to fix this issue?Because I'm a total noob at this...Also, REALLY NEXUS? I can't put commas in my video title?! OR DOTS?!!
Moooooom part 3
Heh... a police station in a police station, nice twist.
Mooooom part 2
I REALLY don't want to have a family dinner here all of a sudden...
Part 1 out of 5.I'm afraid this is the ONLY way I know HOW and CAN to do my part in spreading the word about this mod.Thank you again GabarEl34 for this creation. It's going to help me A LOT on my NEW playthrough of this game after I got the DLC and Creation Club progress reset bug a few days ago...