I recommend you don't use awkcr or ae, they both dump a lot of bloat into your game You could look for a patch for this concealed armor but I'd recommend you this mod which has the same functions as AE except it doesn't stuff your game with useless stuff, is updated to this day, allows you to conceal armors and is recommended by a ton of people: New Equipment Overhaul (NEO) - Armour And Clothing Tweaks at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
awkcr is fine to use, been modding Fallout 4 for years pretty much since start of F4 and I use hundreds of mods of all kind and no issues from it. I for sure recommend using it and it's author is very active and helpful so I repeat for sure recommend it. The "bloat" is something people seem to just say because it has lots of features, not to be confused with save bloat.
u could use this Invisible Armor Addon if u hate armor visual or any clipping :) it make most vanilla armor for human invisible....ignore the bug im been using it for long time and work great if u got modded clothing or armor
I had the same issue, and managed to fix it by removing the ArmorKeywords.esm from the install (it conflicts with AWKCR, because it is the same thing). It worked fine after, but if you have double legendaries the second legendary will get replaced (or replace the visibility option).
Ah OK so I just downloaded and installed this mod and found that this mod actually installs the ArmorKeywords.esm plugin so AWKCR is not needed and why Armorsmith Extended would work as it requires Armorkeywords.esm as it's master plugin. I can see that Keylan's comment would make perfect sense.
This was the only thing that (almost) worked for me. Now the game just crashes every second time I use the workbench. This mod needs to be properly updated. Won't be using it until then.
For anyone that doesn't know how to translate vague observations on how to fix this: Open Vortex > Right click Concealed Armor Mod > Manage File Conflicts > Change AmorKeywords.esm to AWKCR instead of Concealed Armor. Go to Plugins > Enable all of the Concealed Armor Mods.
Мод робочий,навіть візуально змінює броню на типи легка середня і тяжка не змінюючи характеристики,саме те що треба але...не сумісна з фарбами Creation Club ,а саме він замінює пункт із фарбами у верстаку,якби додавав окремий мод би був топовий.Очевидно що автору байдуже і він закинув його.Не рекомендую тим хто користується фарбами із Creation Club.
You could look for a patch for this concealed armor but I'd recommend you this mod which has the same functions as AE except it doesn't stuff your game with useless stuff, is updated to this day, allows you to conceal armors and is recommended by a ton of people: New Equipment Overhaul (NEO) - Armour And Clothing Tweaks at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
Nice concept but it just does not work. At least if you are using plain vanilla armor workshop.