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About this mod

this is a stand alone weapon
a Team Four Star Fan made Mod. my first mod using the creation kit (second mod over all (as played with the GECK before) but first one I got working (hopefully) and released to public
just a weapon stats modification

Permissions and credits
first "real" mod, made. this is a stand alone weapon, it doesn't change the DeathClaw Gauntlets already in game
just released a save game where I recreated team four star character's The Captain. and watching a tutorial from Degenerate Dak. and even I tried (and failed) in the past, thought I try doing the creation kit again, his tutorial was very helpful for a super noob as myself, 

anyways, as for this mod, maybe a bit OP at starting out- but not that OP as a vanilla deathclaw gauntlet maybe?ish- just more of a easter egg reference to team four star's fallout character! I might do more, or edit other  fun items as I lean the creation kit. I have been in DEEP depression lately and I really NEED something to occupied my mind to snap me out of it! if there is any EASY edits you guys like or something a first time user of the CK can do, leave a comment.

this is just a unique  Deathclaw Gauntlet, renamed to "Fister SIster Claw or Just" with custom stats. upped the damage and changed it from medium to very fast weapon! cause The Captain! is the fastest thing in the wasteland! the unmodified version is valued at 9001, get it? cause dragon ball power level! shut up its funny maybe...
it can be upgraded to the 3rd claw.
the damage is measured at level one with NO Perks! so it'll only get stronger if you invest in melee.
to get this, you have to use the console command (again still leaning to make mods)
just in put help "Fister Sister Claw or Jus" 0  
or the file name is FSCJ . ID number is xx000f99  (replace XX with your load order) this is the only way to get the weapon, if someone wants to take this and add it in the world or make a fun quest. be my gust! it be awesome. as that is WAY above my talents lol

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