The full 21:9 experience. Fixes all bugs/problems of 21:9 resolutions and is fully compatible to FallUI, DEF_UI, Horizon, HUDFramework, etc. Tested resolutions: 2560x1080, 3440x1440 and 3840x1600.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
All rights of the original files used belong to the original mods they are from (see file credits section) or Bethesda.
I forbid using any content of my mod for your own "published" mods, without asking.
File credits
The following base file from the mod Baka Interface (created by shad0wshayd3) has been edited: LevelUpMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod DavesMods - In Game ESP Explorer Maintenance (created by a1a3a6a9) has been edited: MessageBoxMenu.swf
The following base files from the mod DEF_UI (created by Neanka, Valdacil, Old Nick, ParasiteX and sekoms) have been edited: BarterMenu.swf ContainerMenu.swf ExamineConfirmMenu.swf ExamineMenu.swf HUDMenu.swf Workshop.swf
The following base file from the mod Deft Hands (created by Magicockerel) has been edited: LockpickingMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod Extended Dialogue Interface (created by reg2k and Neanka) has been edited: DialogueMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod Fallout 4 Wheel Menu (created by devpieron) has been edited: WheelMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod FallUI - HUD (created by m8r98a4f2) has been edited: Workshop.swf
The following base file from the mod FallUI - Inventory (created by m8r98a4f2) has been edited: BarterMenu.swf ContainerMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod FallUI - Sleep and Wait (created by m8r98a4f2) has been edited: SleepWaitMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod FallUI - Workbench (created by m8r98a4f2) has been edited: ExamineMenu.swf
The following base files from the mod Horizon (created by Zawinul) have been edited: FavoritesMenu.swf BarterMenu.swf ContainerMenu.swf ExamineConfirmMenu.swf MessageBoxMenu.swf ExamineMenu.swf HUDMenu.swf Workshop.swf LevelUpMenu.swf MainMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod HUDFramework (created by registrator2000) has been edited: HUDMenu.swf All other HUDMenu.swf files have been edited with the HUDFramework tool.
The following base file from the mod LevelUpMenuEx (created by Neanka) has been edited: LevelUpMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod LooksMenu (created by Expired6978) has been edited: LooksMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod MCM Booster (created by m8r98a4f2) has been edited: MainMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod Minimalistic Crosshair HUD Interface (created by Lostvampire) has been edited: HUDMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod Perchik71 - In Game MOD Explorer (MCM) (created by a1a3a6a9-Havredave-perchik71) has been edited: MessageBoxMenu.swf
The following base file from the mod PreWar Binoculars (created by a_blind_man) has been edited: ScopeMenu.swf
The following base files from the mod Sniper Scope Overlay And Reticles Replacement (created by deleted29017635) have been edited: ScopeMenu.swf ScopeOverlayDOF.esp
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Version 3.4
Added support for the FallUIified Wheel Menu.
Changed FOMOD to set detected mods to "recommended" instead of installing them silently.
Fixed the problem with the installation of the wrong LooksMenu file for some users.
Fixed the problem with the installation of the wrong Deft Hands file for some users.
Fixed the problem with the installation of the Wheel Menu file for some users.
Smaller UI: Fixed the size and position of the wheel menu.
Moved "Sleep and Wait" option to the other FallUI options (Yes/No).
Version 3.3a
(3.3a) Hotfix: FOMOD didn't work properly when XDI or LooksMenu weren't installed.
(3.3a) FOMOD: Detects and installs the correct lockpicking interface (vanilla or deft hands) automatically now. Because of that the lockpicking selection has been removed.
XDI (Extended Dialogue Interface): Next-gen version support (default and smaller UI).
LooksMenu: Next-gen version support (default and smaller UI).
LooksMenu: Fixed the positioning of the cursors of vanilla and modded LooksMenu (default and smaller UI).
LooksMenu: Fixed and rearranged the positions of all elements of vanilla and modded LooksMenu (default and smaller UI).
Fallout 4 Wheel Menu: Added support for this mod (default and smaller UI). FOMOD installer will install the compatibility file automatically (if the mod is present)
The raindrops in powerarmors have been reworked. They are now fullscreen, which means that the drops and droplets can appear anywhere on the screen (not just in the center of the screen).
FallUI - Workbench (default and smaller UI): Moved the title and subtitle to the top and the items list to the bottom, like I did with vanilla/DEF_UI in v3.2.
FallUI - Workbench (Smaller UI): Resized and repositioned all elements to match the other interface parts.
FallUI - Inventory (Smaller UI): Resized and repositioned all elements to match the other interface parts.
Fixed char gen mirror fog at the beginning of the game. It's fullscreen now.
FOMOD: Detects XDI and installs the compatibility file automatically now. The Dialogue Menu selection is only visible when XDI isn't installed.
FOMOD: Detects and installs the correct LooksMenu (vanilla or mod file) automatically now. Because of that the LooksMenu selection has been removed.
FOMOD: Checks the version of Fallout 4 now, in order to only allow the next-gen versions for the newer mod versions.
FOMOD: Fixed the version that was displayed for the modified LevelUpMenuEx.
Version 3.2
This is hopefully the last version for a long time ...
Colour options have been introduced for the power armor HUD. This is completely optional and the colours can be selected via FOMOD.
(Default UI size) DEF_UI: Positions of left elements on the HUD have been optimized (like all other HUDs in 3.1 already).
Version 3.1 (14.05.2024):
Main Menu: Fixed the display settings crash of next-gen patch 2 and the size and position of the loading icon for smaller UI users.
Workstations: Moved the title and subtitle to the top and the items list to the bottom.
The position and size of the power armor pip-boy has been altered to fix terminal screens.
The oversized power armor pip-boy screen of Bethesda's next-gen patch (leading to overlapping tab names) has been fixed.
The over-brightness of the power armor pip-boy screen has been fixed.
The power armor fusion core count has been fixed for zero transparency huds.
Reincluded the Horizon MessageBox and customized it for use with default and smaller UI.
Fixed the positions of Horizon's HUD elements.
HUD elements of wide HUD's have been repositioned.
It's no longer necessary to modify the Fallout4Custom.ini file in order to allow mods. This mod can handle it itself now. :)
Version 3.0.3a
This should be a stable version now. Have fun playing. :)
The FOMOD installer didn't install the prompt menu.
In the same step the prompt menu was redone. Depending on the selected HUD and wide the prompt menu will now be on the same horizontal line as the notifications. This excepts FallUI because it has its own prompt menu.
There is a new option in the FOMOD installer now: You can choose to hide the prompt notifications.
DEF_UI support for version 1.6.0.
Smaller UI:
The creation club interface has been redesigned for the Smaller UI fans.
The vertical position of the examine menu has been raised.
There is a new (better) image of the PA wide option with zero transparency in the FOMOD.
3.0.3a: Hotfix because of corrupted workstation interface.
Version 3.0.3
This should be a stable version now. Have fun playing. :)
The FOMOD installer didn't install the prompt menu.
In the same step the prompt menu was redone. Depending on the selected HUD and wide the prompt menu will now be on the same horizontal line as the notifications. This excepts FallUI because it has its own prompt menu.
There is a new option in the FOMOD installer now: You can choose to hide the prompt notifications.
DEF_UI support for version 1.6.0.
Smaller UI:
The creation club interface has been redesigned for the Smaller UI fans.
The vertical position of the examine menu has been raised.
There is a new (better) image of the PA wide option with zero transparency in the FOMOD.
Version 3.0.2
The power armor has been fixed. Centered and wide options are back.
In addition the power armor has three more options to choose from: 100% transparency (only the gauges are visible), 50% transparency (vanilla default) or 0% transparency (solid). Each of those three can be paired with either the centered power armor hud or the wide power armor hud.
The power armor pip-boy hud is finally fixed. It is no longer cut-off on the bottom edges.
Fixed the Bethesda bug that the PA size alters after leaving and reentering a PA.
The scope has been fixed.
The misaligned background shadow has been fixed.
Fixed the misaligned loading screen background.
Horizon related bugs have been fixed.
The FOMOD installer has received some improvements and the missing favorites menu selection is included now.
Main menu has been fixed and is reincluded now (with "Next-Gen" support).
The FOMOD installer just allows working combinations now.
Creation Club Interface has been adapted for next gen and redesigned from the ground up. It has a maximized background now, with centered content and the arrows are on the far right and left. Same for the detail page of creations.
Main menu mods interface has been adapted for next gen and the alignment of the download counter (it was on the far left side) has been fixed.
The mod "Full Dialogue Interface" has been added as an option.
The mod "See Through Scopes" has been added as an option.
Fixed the scaling of the credits.
3.0.1: Fixed PA wide with zero transparency. The gauges weren't animated.
3.0.2: Fixed: A new Bethesda bug that switches to wrong PA HUD.
3.0.2: Smaller UI size available again.
Version 2.1.1
(Default and Smaller UI) Hotfix for crash on startup after installing the new official Fallout 4 patch. Seems to work now, again. If you're still having crashes after the update, please make sure that there is NO MainMenu.swf file in Data\Interface. All further (new) bugs will be resolved in the weeks to come.
Horizon users: Please uninstall the Main Menu from the official mod, until an update comes out. This additional step will resolve your startup crashes.
Version 2.1
(Default and Smaller UI) Horizon: Updated to support version 1.9.4c. (Supports 1.9.4d, too.)
Version 2.0
New: Added full FOMOD support for Horizon 1.9.3 (alpha), because it's now the official version. The Horizon 1.9.3 update files should be uninstalled before updating via FOMOD.
New: The mods "In Game ESP Explorer" and "In Game MOD Explorer (MCM)" are now supported.
Removed: Separate "Are you using the Horizon mod? Yes, No" option has been removed from FOMOD (no longer necessary).
All images used for the FOMOD installer have been optimised so that 10 MB less are needed.
As a side note: The installation instructions have been rewritten to be more understandable and also describes the manual way now.
Version 1.9.3x1
Fixed (Horizon patch): The HUD should now be positioned as intented.
Version 1.9.3
Added support for Horizon 1.9.3 (ALPHA release). It's available as patch file for default UI size and smaller UI size. It's the same file as for Horizon 1.9.1, because there are no changes made in the interface files.
Fixed: The patch for Horizon 1.9.1 ALPHA smaller UI interface had a slightly misaligned crosshair. It was horizontally off to the left (a little bit).
Version 1.9.1
Added support for Horizon 1.9.1 (ALPHA release). It's available as patch file for default UI size and smaller UI size.
Version 1.9
New (Default/Smaller UI): Added support for the HUD of the mod "Minimalistic Crosshair HUD Interface".
New (Default/Smaller UI): Added support for the HUD of the mod "Immersive HUD". As a matter of fact, the installer just redirects to HUDFramework. ;-)
Fixed (Default/Smaller UI): All HUDs should now be positioned as intented.
Version 1.8.1
Ultra Wide Interface (Smaller UI):
- Fixed: The crosshair of all mods/vanilla were horizontally misaligned (a bit too far to the left).
- Fixed: The markers were missing while using a power armor.
Version 1.8
Added support for the mod "Deft hands". It's a new option in FOMOD installer for the lockpicking menu.
Added "Another mod" option for lockpicking.
Version 1.7a
Fixed: When repairing items in the workshop, the UI could display incorrect text under certain circumstances when the bracket option was used.
Version 1.7
Each fomod option shows the version of the modified file now.
Default UI Size:
Workshop (FallUI): Repositioned the perks panel to the right side.
Smaller UI Size:
Moved "Extended Dialogue Interface" somewhat down to be in place like in original size.
Workshop (FallUI): Fixed wrong position of the description panel.
Fixed wrong background size of credits menu.
Version 1.6
New: Added "Baka Interface" support for the smaller UI size.
Changed: Main Menu message of the day repositioned.
Changed: Reduced the size of the icons in the selection bar in the workshop of the smaller ui size.
Changed: The requirements list was repositioned to the right of the perks list (only for mod FallUI).
Fixed: MCM Menu wasn't centered on the screen (default and smaller UI size).
Version 1.5
The selection bar of all compatible workshops (Vanilla, DEF_UI, FallUI, Horizon) have been reworked one final time for the default and smaller UI sizes. It's now a little bit heigher and the icons have been redone to be in proper unstretched scaling for 21:9 resolutions.
Fix: The small info icon in the selection bar of the workshops from the mods DEF_UI and Horizon was in the wrong position.
Support for FallUI - HUD v1.7.1.
Version 1.4l
Original Intro Videos in 21x9: An optional file was published, introducing the original Fallout 4 intro videos, which includes the SPECIAL videos as well. They are all converted to 21:9 featuring a fullscreen stretched experience.
Version 1.4i
Original Main Menu Video in 21x9: An optional file was published, introducing the original Fallout 4 main menu. It's converted to 21:9 featuring a fullscreen stretched experience.
Version 1.4a
Hotfix (Only Smaller UI size): FOMOD Installer didn't install the FallUI - Sleep and Wait modified file (reduced UI size).
Version 1.4
New: There's a new option for the favorites. You can choose the position now (left, centered, right).
Changed: The workshops ressources, requirements and names have been repositioned.
Changed: Support for FallUI - Sleep and Wait has been removed for normal UI size, it's no longer necessary. The smaller UI option still has the modified sleep UI.
Fixed: The overview bar of the FallUI workshop (Smaller UI size) had a wrong position.
Version 1.3
New: Option to show/hide the VATS vignette (darkens the borders).
Smaller interface:
Fixed: Size and position of the loading icon of the black loading screen.
Fixed: Size and position of the loading icon of the main menu.
Fixed: Position of the Looks Menu (Mod: LooksMenu).
The two main files have been renamed to better show their purpose.
Version 1.2
New: A scaled down version of the interface is now available! Added mod compatibility for LevelUpEx and Extended Dialogue Interface.
Fixed: Wrong shadow background positions in the MCM menu.
Fixed: Some HUDs had wrong quest marker positions.
Fixed: Loading screens scale and position were wrong.
Fixed: Small positioning corrections in various HUDs.
Fixed: Workshop icon bar positions (Mod: FallUI)
Fixed: All scopes are no longer cropped on the top side.
Version 1.1a
Hotfix: FOMOD threw an error about the Vanilla Scope Menu out.
Version 1.1
New FOMOD option for most selectable options: "Another mod". Choosing this, won't overwrite any of the mentioned files, if you use another mod that has no compatibility patch (yet).
Fixed background shadow: Looks correctly in every UI now.
Redone insvisible background shadow because of UI positioning.
Reworked all scope overlays and added many mod compatibility patches.
New scope overlay option (for every compatible mod!): With or without black borders. Yes, they will fit your whole screen correctly now.
Redone binocular scope view (for every compatible mod!) to fit 21:9.
Added "fDefaultFOV=80" to Aigni_UltraWide.ini file. Please don't touch this setting or scope borders and background shadows won't fit correctly. You can still choose your own FOV via fDefaultWorldFOV (Third Person) and fDefault1stPersonFOV (First Person).
Redone all workshops (for every compatible mod!). The selection area is now larger and positioned further down. Brackets, icons, background has been repositioned for 21:9. Requirements list and header has been resized (smaller) and repositioned a bit, too.
All workshops (for every compatible mod!) have a new option, which shows the requirements items with brackets instead of a forward slash.
Until now: Available Ressource Amount / Needed ressources to build the selected items
New behaviour: Needed ressources (Available ressources)
There are screenshots in the FOMOD installer that show the different options.
Full compatibility for PreWar Binoculars included.
Full compatibility for Sniper Scope Overlay And Reticles Replacement included.
Originally I only released a mod aiming 32:9 aspect ratio: Super Ultra Wide Interface (32:9). But after many people asked me to do the same targeting 21:9 ... I finally reconsidered my originally stance and here we are. This mod (hopefully) makes every part of Fallout 4 compatible to 21:9 resolutions.
It fixes so many things, here are only the main changes:
Power Armor: HUD Size and position fixed, visible glass visor wide fixed, raindrops on the whole wide visible, options for transparency, visor visibility, HUD color and full wide or centered HUD.
Container/Barter Menu: Size and position fixed
Examine Items Menu: Size and position fixed
Favorites Menu: Size and bracket alignment fixed and has an option for left, centered or right position.
HUD Menu: Size and positions fixed (many mod patches included). Option to use a centered/wide vanilla layout included
Level Up Menu: Size fixed
Loading Menu: Size and positions fixed
Lockpicking: Size and position fixed (text is now visible and the lockpicking feels correctly)
Looks Menu: Size and positions fixed (Patch for the LooksMenu mod included)
Message Boxes/Prompts: Size and positions fixed
Dialogue Wheel/Companion Command Wheel: Size and position fixed (alternative use of XDI - Extended Dialogue Interface included)
Scopes (See Through): Size and positions fixed. Black borders have been fixed. Alternative option for transparency.
Sit/Wait/Sleep Menu: Size and position fixed. Fullscreen blackscreen while sleeping.
SPECIAL Menu: Size and position fixed
VATS: Size and positions fixed
Vertibird: Size and position fixed
Workshop: Size and positions fixed, larger selection area, smaller info windows, repositioned info screens
Workshop (Caravan): Size and position fixed, size of preview objects fixed in order to be able to see them, mismatched background is fixed or invisible (option)
Notes/Books: Size of notes/books fixed in order to read them without bleeding eyes
3D Previews of items (inventory/workbench): Size fixed
Background shadow: Positioning and sizing is fixed. Option to make it invisible (transparency)
Main Menu Repositioned text, mods pages, creation club pages, the black screen loading is now fullscreen
This mod is compatible with almost any other mod, because you can select during installation, which parts you want to use. On top of that, there are many compatibility patches build in.
Compatibility patches for the following mods are currently included:
Prerequirements You can do the following things (setting your correct resolution and mod activation) either by following this instructions or via a tool like BethINI. Just be sure that you set the correct mod manager path, when using Mod Organizer 2 (MO2), because it has its own copies of the INI files. 1. Change the games resolution to 21:9 Set a 21:9 resolution for Fallout 4 (for example 3440x1440). Do this by starting the game's official launcher and click on "Options". Set the correct aspect ratio and resolution. If you can't find your resolution there, you'll have to edit the Fallout4Prefs.ini file manually. Please look inside the spoiler tag.
For Mod Organizer 2 (MO2): Start MO2, go to the "Tools" menu, go to "Tool Plugins", and click on "INI Editor". Then click on "Fallout4Prefs.ini". Anyone else: Go to the "Documents\My Games\Fallout4\" folder and open the "Fallout4Prefs.ini" file with any text editor.
Change the numbers of the following two values after the "=" to match your resolution. Note that H is most likely before W:
[Display] iSize H=1080 iSize W=2560 or [Display] iSize H=1440 iSize W=3440 or [Display] iSize H=1600 iSize W=3840
Save the options, start the game for once and then continue with the following installation steps. 2. Installation of this mod Best way is to install it via a Mod Manager (MO2 is recommended), because there you can choose your correct options in the FOMOD installer. But you can install it manually if you want to, it's just a bit complex to do it that way and I can't guarantee that it will work afterwards.
... via a Mod Manager Please download one of the main files with the button "MOD MANAGER DOWNLOAD" and set this mod in the load order after all other interface mods that you are using, because the 21:9 fixes have to overwrite compatible mods. It automatically ignores incompatible mods that you select during installation with a mod manager (FOMOD installer included). Overwrite all existing files during installation and you are ready to go.
Warning: Only choose the mods in the FOMOD installer, that you really have installed, or it can lead to game crashes! The installer installs only mod files that need a resolution fix and not the whole mods.
... manually Make a backup of your interface files and please overwrite any file that is prompted while doing the following steps.
You must tell Fallout 4 that you are using this mod.
1. Open the Windows Explorer (Shortcut: Windows-Key + E) 2. Insert %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Fallout4 in the address bar 3. Edit plugins.txt. If there is no such file, then create it (It's a textfile with the name plugins). 4. Insert the following line as the last line (with the asterisk): *Aigni_UltraWide.esp
Now you can copy the files you want/need (folder descriptions are below).
1. Download one of the main files with the button "MANUAL DOWNLOAD" and unzip the file. 2. Copy the content of the folder "Shared" to "Fallout 4\Data". 3. Navigate to the folder "Options". 4. Copy either the "Meshes" folder of the folder "BackgroundShadow_Invisible" or "BackgroundShadow_Visible" to "Fallout 4\Data". 5. Copy either the "Interface" folder of the folder "FavoritesMenu_Centered", "FavoritesMenu_Left" or "FavoritesMenu_Right" to "Fallout 4\Data". 6. Copy either the "Interface" folder of the folder "Vignette_Invisible" or "Vignete_Visible" to "Fallout 4\Data". 7. Copy either the content of one of the "Transparency" subfolders of the folder "PA_Centered\Default" or "PA_Wide\Default" to "Fallout 4\Data".
It must look like this. Any other folder combinations you create won't work!
Fallout 4\Data\Interface\ Fallout 4\Data\Meshes\ Fallout 4\Data\Textures\ Fallout 4\Data\Aigni_UltraWide.esp <- This file must be written to plugins.txt (as mentioned at the beginning!) Fallout 4\Data\Aigni_UltraWide.ini <- Without this file, books, objects in workshops etc. will not be scaled correctly!
BackgroundShadow: You can choose if you want to see a background shadow behind some parts of the interface, which is the vanilla behaviour.
FavoritesMenu: You can define where the favorites will be shown on the screen.
Power armor: You can choose if the power armor HUD will be full wide or centered, which color the HUD should have and it's transparency.
If you want the default color you have to copy the "Meshes" (and "Textures") folder of "PA_Centered\Default\Transparency_YourChoice" or "PA_Wide\Default\Transparency_YourChoice" to "Fallout 4\Data".
If you want to use one of the power armor HUD colors you have to copy the "Meshes" (and "Textures") folder of "PA_Centered\Colored\Transparency_YourChoice" or "PA_Wide\Colored\Transparency_YourChoice" to "Fallout 4\Data". For the colored HUD you will also need to copy one of the "Textures" folders from PA_HUD_Color\Transparency_YourChoice\YourColorChoice to "Fallout 4\Data" or your power armour HUD will look terrible.
Vignette: Here you can choose if you want to have a subtle black shadow on the screen border while in VATS. It's a vanilla feature.
Choosing the right interface mods Each folder in the Options folder contains the fixes for the vanilla HUD. They all start with the prefix "Default". Please select each appropriate vanilla folder (some have options included as subfolders) and copy the "Interface" folders to "Fallout 4\Data".
One exception: If you are using the vanilla HUD, you will need to copy either the "Interface" folder from "HUD_Centered" or "HUD_Wide" to "Fallout 4\Data". Centered will place all HUD elements in the centre of your screen, while Wide will move the elements to the far side of your screen.
You can choose one of three FavoriteMenus, positioned left, center or right. And if you don't like the power armor darker visor, you can remove it with PA_Visor_Invisible.
Finally leave the "Options" folder and open the folder "Patches". Now you can copy the "Interface" folders of every mod that you are using to "Fallout 4\Data" (some have options included as subfolders). Only exception to this rule is "Sniper Scope Overlay and Reticles Replacement" where you have to copy "ScopeOverlayDOF.esp" to "Fallout 4\Data" when using this mod (in addition to one of the "Interface" folders inside").
You can uninstall this mod but you should be sure that some interface parts could be not the same as before (without reinstalling certain mods for example).