About this mod
Fallout 4 has hundreds of ambient blue lights placed around glowing blue fungus. This is an interesting idea in concept, but in practice looks terrible. This mod removes all blue fungus lights from the world. and the blue glow map from tree fungus. Green mushrooms and brain fungus will still emit green light and glow if said lights are present.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors

In vanilla fallout 4, there are over 600 ambient blue lights placed in the worldspace. These mostly revolve around the Fort Hagan area and serve to offer light in the nighttime as a result of glowing mushrooms on trees. While some might like the atmosphere this provides, they generally look ridiculous, especially considering that not all of the forest fungus even has light markers to imply they glow. So in the end, you get this jarring look with random blue light-up splotches in your world, along with oddly dark patches where you can only see the glowmap of the mushrooms shimmering. Using this mod will set all ambient blue fungus lights in the Commonwealth to "initially disabled". This means it still exists in your game, but you can't see it - the safest way to remove an object. Along with removing the hundreds of ambient lights, this mod also removes glow maps from the tree mushrooms (optional file without this addition).

Should be compatible with everything. Precombines and previs untouched.

Drag and drop the contents of the mod into your game's "Data" folder,
and activate with the mod manager of your choice. Alternatively, install
directly through Mod Organizer 2.