About this mod
2 Full versions + 2 Compacted for ESL versions without CELL edits.,1 Unique Weapon version. Direct Ammo Leveled List edits removed to fix conflicts. Crafting requirements cut in half. Weapons damages re-leveled. Leveled List injection spawn weapons gradually as peers to Institute Laser Guns. Ammo is also added to Leveled Lists using Injection.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Mod Updates
Weapon Damage reduced from 35 to 23.
Electrical Damage reduced from 35 to 23.
Weapon record expanded to include all 21 weapon combinations for the Institute Laser Gun.
Ten Weapon collections created to spawn with variety.
Crafting material requirements cut in half.
Weapon collections leveled to progressively spawn better attachments.
Hard edits to Vanilla Ammo Leveled Lists deleted to end conflicts, especially with loot limiting mods.
New Leveled List injected created for ammo spawn.
Weapon Leveled List injection starts at level 13.
Choose your preferred type - Full Version or Compacted for ESL
Each is available as:
1) Institute Laser Gun Peer - Roughly 50% of the spawns will be Fusion Gun
2) Institute Laser Gun Replacer - Replaces the Vanilla Institute Laser Gun
3) NEW: Unique version - Like the original Fusion gun, it is only found in the Sentinel Site.
The two Compacted for ESL versions have the Sentinel Site Cell records removed. They have no possible CELL conflicts and do not take a load order slot.
Full versions include all Fusion Gun custom CELL content plus have a rebuilt Sentinel Site Previs file in optional files.
Fusion Gun as Institute Laser Gun Peer
Note: Peers do not inject to automatic LLs to prevent Synth from melting players.
1. Fusion Gun
2. 4estGimp - FusionGun InstituteLaserGun Peer
* Synth Overhaul CAST users can install both mods normally for a 50% mix of Fusion Gun and CAST Weapons.
Optionally, choose "No Weapons" when installing Synth Overhaul to get a mix of only Vanilla and Fusion Gun.
Fusion Gun as Institute Laser Gun Replacer
WARNING - A synth with a buffed automatic weapon can melt a player in 1-2 seconds.
1. Fusion Gun
2. 4estGimp - FusionGun InstituteLaserGun Replaser
* Synth Overhaul CAST users must choose "No Weapons" when installing Synth Overhaul.
NEW: Unique Fusion Gun
1. Fusion Gun
2. 4estGimp - Fusion Gun Unique
The Unique version is only found in the Sentinel Site. Ammo is still injected throughout the commonwealth though.
The Non-Replacer versions require a third step
3. Install 4estGimp - FusionGunSentinalSitePrevis
*** Load this file as low as possible and below any location or other previs fix mods
A Compacted for ESL patch is available for Just Ammo and Explosives Crafting in Optional Files.
** It must load below Just Ammo and Explosives Crafting.
Run the Fusion gun as part of a 4 Weapon Institute Gun system
4estGimp - Institute Break Action Laser and Weapon System
NERD info:
Leveled List Weapon Injection for the Peer Versions - QUST record 4estGimp_FusionGun_LLInject
The Fusion gun WEAP record is injected to:
LL_InstituteLaserGun_Rifle_SuperSniper [LVLI:00127201]
LL_InstituteLaserGun_Rifle_SemiAuto [LVLI:001A777E]
LL_InstituteLaserGun_RifleShort_SemiAuto [LVLI:001A777F]
LL_InstituteLaserGun_SemiAutoPistol [LVLI:001A7781]
LL_InstituteLaserGun_Shotgun_Rifle_SemiAuto [LVLI:001A7782]
LL_InstituteLaserGun_SimplePistol [LVLI:001A7783]
LL_InstituteLaserGun_SimpleRifle [LVLI:001A7784]
Leveled List Ammo Injections (all 3 ammo types) - QUST record 4estGimp_FG_Ammo_Injection
LL_Ammo_FusionGunCartridge Injects to:
- LLD_Assaultron [LVLI:0001B34D] @ LVL 20
- LL_Ammo_Any [LVLI:0006738B] @ LVL 20
- LL_Ammo_Any_25 [LVLI:0006738C] @ LVL 20
- LLI_Vendor_Ammo_Rare [LVLI:0007580B] @ LVL 20 and Count 10
- LL_Ammo_Any_Same [LVLI:00087926] @ LVL 20
- LLI_Loot_Ammo_Rare [LVLI:000CFC90] @ LVL 14 and Count 3
- LL_Ammo_Lasergun [LVLI:0018ABDC] @ LVL 30
- LL_Ammo_RareTypes [LVLI:0018ABE3] @ LVL 20
- LL_Ammo_Any_Raider [LVLI:0018DFE2] @ LVL 30
- LLC_DCAmmo_Any_75 [LVLI:0018F654] @ LVL 25
- LL_Institute_Locker [LVLI:001E2D8C] @ LVL 20
- LLI_Vendor_Ammo_Base [LVLI:001FE31C] @ LVL 20 and Count 5
- LLI_Vendor_Ammo_WeaponStore [LVLI:001FE31D] @ LVL 20 and Count 8
- LLI_Vendor_Ammo_HighLevelAmmo [LVLI:00225A56] @ LVL 20
LL_Ammo_FusionGunCartridge_level50 Injects to:
- LL_Ammo_Any [LVLI:0006738B] @ LVL 31
- LL_Ammo_Any_50 [LVLI:0006738D] @ LVL 20
- LL_Ammo_Any_75 [LVLI:0006738E] @ LVL 20
- LL_Ammo_Any_Same [LVLI:00087926] @ LVL 35