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Chuck Yufarley

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About this mod

This collection includes many remastered, redesigned, re-optimized versions of some of my previously released settlement assets. Also, there are SEVERAL new assets, including a complete building set for creating a wide array of steel structures, an extensive roadhouse bar set, and some new T-45 and T-51 paint schemes. But wait...there's more!

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  • Spanish

Additions to this mod are few, but more than likely enough has changed that installing the update mid-game will end in disaster. SAVE IT FOR A NEW GAME! Aside from next-gen related issues, the new menu configuration in this and subsequent add-on updates will not play nice with previous versions. 


After several months of contemplation and procrastination, I finally got around to updating my mods. When the next-gen update was released I wasn't sure whether or not I'd install it, but after several weeks I decided to go ahead and get it over with. Granted, I don't play the game much anymore, so I've experienced few, if any, issues after updating. Frankly, I don't even know how or even if the update effects what I've built, but in the interest of prolonging the shelf life of my mods, I bit the bullet. 


Not a whole hell of a lot...with this mod. My main goal was to fix some mistakes I made when developing the original. Here's what I changed:

  • Removed F4SE code from the jukebox script that conflicted with key binds for keyboard/mouse players. A complete oversight on my part originally, as I play with a game controller. Selecting jukebox buttons is now limited to point and click.
  • Reconfigured menu categories to include parts I'd originally left out. While working on subsequent add-on sets, I realized I needed to add some categories, but at the time did not want to overhaul the base mod which was relatively new at the time. I ended up injecting the new categories from the add-ons themselves, which in the end made it difficult to update said add-ons. Now all the menu parts are contained in this mod.
  • Moved roadhouse bar interact point to remedy issue with bartender not standing in the correct spot.
  • Added auto-close versions of all doors except for overhead garage doors.
  • Fixed issue with settlers not entering various buildings made with steel set.
  • Overhauled drinking animations for roadhouse bar. Take a look...


  • Remastered and optimized versions of all the original Not Your Average Neon signs.
  • New versions of my 3 original YuVend vending machines, all with additional animations that allow for NPC interaction.
  • A completely redesigned version of the Dance-Ola jukebox, now featuring 200 song selections, placeable satellite speakers for FILLING your spaces with music, and several new dance animations for both player and NPCs alike.
  • An extensive set of roadhouse bar assets for livening up your settlements' nightlife. 
  • A comprehensive build set for creating steel framed, pole barn/warehouse style structures.
  • US military themed paint schemes for T-45 and T-51 power armor, in both bright and shiny as well as old and crusty formats.
  • A handful of power assets for use with these and other future building objects.


I'm releasing the Chuck Yufarley Collection as an ESM with the idea being that all subsequent releases will be in the form of add-on plug ins for this base mod. In the past my MO would be to spend months and months building assets until I felt there was enough there to release a large collection, with each build period being subject to longer and longer intervals as new ideas would hit me. I'm done with all that. I want to build and release, build and release, as each new project comes to me. As my mods have been largely settlement objects and each mod would typically inject a new menu category into the workshop build menu, another goal for my new endeavor is to put that menu in place ONCE, with this mod. All subsequent releases will then be plugged into that menu. I have the first two add-ons ready to go and vast amounts of other new and remastered assets ready for packaging. 


Well, yeah, sort of. I admit, I wasn't happy with the TOS changes that kept me from having complete control over my creations, but mostly because I knew there was a lot of janky meshes in my earliest mods. I knew I eventually wanted to remaster and optimize a lot of stuff and the prospect of some of the junk being stuck here for all eternity gave me pause. I was pretty green when it came to building quality assets for the first couple years and I didn't want to leave behind all those examples of just how sloppy my early work was. I'm still learning, but I'm pretty sure the stuff I make these days is vastly better than the old stuff.


A few...


  • The jukebox uses a bit of F4SE code that allows you to enter song selections via your keyboard in case you get tired of aiming the cursor at all the little buttons. You don't need F4SE installed in order to use the jukebox, you just need it in order to take advantage of the keyboard function.
  • There are three variations of the jukebox, all of which play the same songs. I made three versions so that you can place different models in settlements which load into the game simultaneously, such as Sanctuary Hills and The Red Rocket station. The jukebox and it's corresponding speakers utilize the game's radio system for playing music and placing two of the same versions in close proximity to one another will result in NPCs in one settlement playing random songs, and those songs playing on the other settlement's jukebox. I don't know how many or which settlements load simultaneously, but to be safe and to avoid hearing music from one settlement over, place different versions in settlements nearby one another. Two of the same version placed far apart shouldn't have any issues such as this.
  • Jukebox speaker trim is color coordinated to match the base color of their corresponding jukebox. 
  • Adding your own music to the jukebox and creating custom menu tags is possible and once you understand the process, is relatively easy to do. It does take a fair bit of work however, and I will be including some instructions and a Photoshop texture template for the custom menu tags as an optional download. Since there are three jukebox variations, I also structured the file paths so that if you want, each jukebox can have it's own 200 song selection, for a total of 600 different songs. 
  • All jukebox songs included in this mod were taken from, where they are all registered as Public Domain. I have no idea how they determine the PD status for these songs as most of them seem to be fairly popular and commercially viable, all I know is they fit the criteria for including them here.
  • As this mod injects a custom menu category into the workshop build menu, I included an uninstall function via the tried and true chem effect method. So at any time if you plan on uninstalling the mod, go to a chem bench and craft the uninstaller. Once the uninstaller chem is activated the Yufarley Collection category will be removed from your build menu, and you can close the game, uninstall the mod, and your build menu should not be affected. Do not uninstall the mod while playing the case you didn't already know that part.
  • The building set as well as the roadhouse collection use the same power transmission actor value used in the vanilla vault building set.  Connected pieces will transmit power as if each part were a conduit, once the custom electrical switchbox is snapped to the outside of the structure and connected to your power grid. The electrical switchbox can be found under the Power tab in the Yufarley Collection's main menu listing. Any light fixture or neon sign within a building set's menu will work via this power transmission feature when snapped into place. These fixtures must be snapped into place, however, in order to work.
  • Duplicate versions of all light fixtures and wall signs found in the building set menus can be found under the Power or Signs tab in the Yufarley Collection Main menu, and DO NOT require snapping into power transmitting structures. They rely on radiant power only.
  • In order to facilitate easier snapping in the roadhouse structure, a snap point diagram will appear inside the roadhouse while in build mode, but only after a set of roadhouse doors have been attached.
  • As stated previously, the custom electrical switchbox will need to be snapped in place for the power transmission function to work. There is no snapping diagram for the switchbox, however. For the steel building set, the switchboxes will snap to specific wall sections; solid walls, single window walls and standard door walls. For the roadhouse there are several snap points for the switchbox along the back and side walls. Along the back, the points will be spaced from end to end. Along the sides, they start just beyond the last window and extend to the back corner.
  • As with the instructions for adding custom music, I will be including a brief outline for how the steel building set pieces fit/snap together. For additional information, refer to my build video included above.
  • The majority of these assets can be found in the Yufarley Collection menu while in workshop build mode. The power armor paint schemes can be crafted at a power armor station. Additionally I've included custom bartender uniforms/outfits for the 3 bar variations, which will be equipped on any NPC assigned bartender duties. I didn't include any crafting recipes for these uniforms, but if you want one for yourself, either add it via the console, or take if from one of the bartenders.
  • All roadhouse arcade machines can be used by both players and settlers, but are more geared towards NPC use. You can "play" them, but they'll just play out the same animations as when NPCs use them. These are meant more as a means of livening up your settlement by giving NPCs more to do. I'm still a ways out in my modding knowledge before I can start making fully functioning mini-games for players to use.