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About this mod

Edits Prologue, Act One, and Act Two Main Quests to allow the player to "skip" sections of the story.

Permissions and credits
The mod does the following:
  • Makes The First Step treat it as if you helped the settlement with raiders already upon meeting them.
  • Reduces Dialogue after rescuing Preston Garvey, Sturges, etc.
  • Speeds up Diamond City Entrance Piper scene.
  • Adds conditions to Unlikely Valentine to skip Shaun questions if the player killed Kellog.
  • Alters the Interview in Getting a Clue to speed up the process.
  • Edits Fort Hagen to allow reaching Kellogg without any other quest progress.
  • Allows the Player to start "Tracking Kellogg" at the first clue without Nick's quest.
  • Enables Virgil from the start and alters dialogue to avoid mentioning Kellog's death in dialogue.
  • Enables Greenetech Genetics from the start, the player may hunt the courser at any time.
  • Adds a condition to Molecular Level to ignore Amari if you have not done Kellogg's memory.
  • After Killing Kellogg you immediately are directed to Doctor Amari instead of Piper/Nick.
  • Reduces Dialogue for Tinker Tom while decoding the Courser Chip
  • Makes Father intervene with the player interaction with Shaun sooner.
  • Adds BOS and Player Settlement options to decoding the Courser Chip
  • Adds Robco Courser Chip path(Optional File)
  • Slightly speeds up Prologue(Optional File) 

Things to Note:
There are no changes to dialogue in the scenario you meet  Kellogg after getting into the Institute, I do not have plans to improve the quality of this scenario.