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About this mod

Adds a way to get vertibird fast travel for the Minutemen and Railroad without destroying the Brotherhood after completing the main quest for the Minutemen.

Permissions and credits
I recently came across this mod which, among other things, adds new paint schemes to the vertibirds that the Minutemen and Railroad get after you destroy the Brotherhood with them. Unfortunately in the base game only one faction can have access to vertibird fast travel at a time, which means that I would only be able to see one of the new paints per game. So I made this mod to address that, as well as do a couple of other things.

What this mod does
This mod adds ways for both the Railroad and Minutemen to gain access to vertibirds without becoming hostile to, and/or having to destroy the Brotherhood. It also enables the vanilla quest "A New Dawn" after completing the game with the minutemen (in the same way as this mod, which unfortunately doesn't work at the moment) and also adds a way to get Final Judgement with the Minutemen, and without killing Maxson.
Due to the way that the game handles the minutemen version of The Nuclear option, you have to choose to issue the evacuation to have the new quests start.

New items
  • Minutemen vertibird signal grenade - summons a Minuteman fast travel vertibird.
  • Railroad vertibird signal grenade - summons a Railroad fast travel vertibird.
You can only summon one type of vertibird at a time (including the base brotherhood ones).

  • Renames "vertibird signal grenade" to "Brotherhood vertibird signal grenade".
  • Brotherhood vertibirds will no longer come if you use a "Brotherhood vertibird signal grenade" after destroying them with either the minutemen or the railroad.
  • After destroying the brotherhood with a faction, they will give access to their respective type of signal grenade, Tinker tom will sell Railroad vertibird signal grenades and Ronnie will sell Minuteman vertibird grenades instead of the normal vertibird signal grenades, additionally Minutemen signal grenades will appear in the castle armoury box.

New quests:
  • The coming storm
    - Starts 74 hours after completing the nuclear option for the minutemen if you have completed "show no mercy" for the Brotherhood and are still in their ranks. Head to the castle to start it (it won't start if you are already in the castle). (Preston might give it as well after handing in a radiant quest to him, but he also might not. I couldn't figure out how to make it happen 100 percent of the time).
    You will be informed that the brotherhood is going to attack and defend the castle will start (you will also be made hostile to all the brotherhood). After completing Defend the castle, go talk to the radio operator (doing this will clear your hostile status with the brotherhood), he will tell you that the brotherhood didn't authorise the attack, and gives you some options. You can choose to accept the brotherhoods summons which starts Reparations. You can also choose to reject their summons which will result in you being kicked out of the Brotherhood and set hostile to them, the vanilla Minutemen quests for dealing with them will continue from here. Finally, you can choose to come back later, which has no consequences.
  • Reparations
    - You have been summoned to the Prydwen after a brotherhood attack on the castle.
    Talking to Maxson will lead to him basically telling you sorry and expecting you to accept it. From here you can accept his apology and leave with whatever you've gotten from him, reject the apology which will lead to him kicking you out of the brotherhood and telling you to leave the airport. or try and bargain for more stuff through three speech checks. The first check yields medical supplies; The second one gives laser weaponry to the minutemen and Final judgement to you; and the final check will give the minutemen vertibirds. After finishing talking to Maxson, return to Ronnie to receive whatever rewards you got: 10 stimpacks for the first skill check and minutemen having a chance of spawning with laser rifles for the the second one. If you passed the third skill check Ronnie will tell you to wait for two days, after which she will give you some Minutemen vertibird signal grenades, and they will start spawning in the castle armoury container.
  • Operation foxbat
    - 74 hours after completing the Nuclear option for the Minutemen, if you are a member of the Railroad, head to HQ and the quest will start.
    Talk to Desdemona then talk to Tom, he will tell you to meet him at Greentop nursery. If Glory is still alive she will be there as well. After getting there, you will be tasked with killing the brotherhood forces around the vertibird, after which Tom (and Glory if she's there) will take the vertibird and fly away. return to HQ and talk to Tom, he will tell you to wait for two days. Talking to him after waiting will have him give you some Railroad vertibird signal grenades and also have him start selling them.
All new voice lines are "voiced" with xVASynth, however as I'm not very good at using it some of them aren't very good. I strongly suggest having subtitles on while playing through the new quests.

This is my first mod. There will be bugs and there will be scenarios that I haven't considered that will break it. If you do come across anything please provide as much detail as you can in your bug report so I can fix it.

To avoid editing vanilla quests I created a manager quest that runs at the start of the game and then waits until MQ302Min reaches stage 1910 before starting the new quests. I don't know if doing this is good or bad practice or if it will cause issues at any point. If you do know, or know a better way to do this please let me know.

A patch is provided for UFO4P
Incompatible with A New Dawn - Minutemen BoS Sentinel Cut Content Restored as this mod includes a similar thing (without editing the vanilla quest).

If you come across any mods that are incompatible, or that you want a patch for please let me know.

Future plans
  • Initially there was supposed to be a third Minuteman quest "There Can Only Be One" which would see the minutemen storming the airport and taking over the Prydwen, however due to all the stuff I would have to learn to do it I decided against it, that all being said I would still like to do it at some point. It will probably have to wait until after I've finished uni though.
  • I initially added a radio message on radio freedom that would start The coming storm, but adding other mods seemed to break it so I removed it, I do still want to have it in though so I might look at adding it back at some point in the future.

Dan Ruta - xVASynth and xVATrainer
DanRuta and ionite - .lip and .fuz plugin for xVASynth v2 (and for the command line utilities packaged with it)
Nukem9 - for FXFaceWrapper
zilav - for Full dialogues and voice files list which made getting tom's voice set up in xVATrainer much easier than it would have been otherwise as well as making it slightly less painful to try and make the new voice lines sound like something the actual characters would say.
ElminsterAU and the xEdit Team - for xEdit
Bethesda - for creating the game, and for the Creation Kit.