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:: Eli's Armour Collection 3.0 ::

Mod adds over 30 outfits to the game: It combines my Armour Collection, my Utility Jumpsuits and the Sleeveless Outfits.
All outfits have both male and female version.


Armour & Weapon Keyword Community Resource
CBBE for the CBBE version of this mod (And Bodyslide of course)


� They can be crafted at the Armoursmith Workbench. Depending on the faction and style, they can be crafted under CASUAL OUTFITS, MILITARY OUTFITS, ARMOR,

� You can upgrade most of them with Ballistic Weave or Lining Mods at the Armour Workbench.

� They have armour rating depending on whether they look buff, or just casual armour. Usually it's something like 5 to 20 DT and 5-10 energy and rad res.

� The Stealthy Jumpsuit (dark submarine uniform) and Railroad Utility Jumpsuits have the Chameleon legendary effect, most others have some sort of SPECIAL buff.

� Some can have armour pieces worn over them, some clip too badly.

� The "synth" uniform comes in four flavours, BY DEFAULT IT IS FOR MINUTEMEN. Choose in the installer if you want BoS, Railroad or Institute instead.

If you want these to replace the vanilla stuff you need to look at my retextures page where I uploaded non-standalones.


� Armorsmith Extended (doesn't have all the features from AE without a patch, but they work together out of the box)
� Valdacil's Item Sorting



The outfits that use the small backpack cannot be used without a permission from jets4571, for the black jumpsuit you will need marjin's permission.

For everything else:
Feel free to make patches, use in your own mods, on followers, etc. as long as you link back to this mod, the original asset creators, and let me know you used it.
I use resources from other people that cannot be taken without permission from them. Especially the mini backpack from jets.

No uploading to other sites!!


Minutemen and Railroad logos by

Black Jumpsuit by marjin

Petrovich for the original Simply Clothes for Skyrim -
invalidfate for the port to Fallout 4 -
DeserterX for the shorts and belt textures -

jet4571 for the field scribe backpack -

Ousnius for the Bodyslide version of the Commonwealth Shorts

Digital Camo from, by spoongraphics for the fabric overlays I used for some of the suits

BloodFeign for the vault suit resource

Caliente and the rest of CBBE team for their awesome work, my Fallout wouldn't be the same without you guys!


MASSIVE THANKS to jet4571 for the Field Scribe Backpack mod from which I used the tiny backpack from, and for providing the jungle camo

Marjin for the Black Jumpsuit and allowing me to use it in this mod
Wenderer for FOMOD Creation Tool
Ousnius for infinite patience with me as I noobed my way through the CBBE compatibility, Outfit Studio and Bodyslide
Valdacil and Gambit77 for AWKCR
Darren for being awesome and making me tons of teddy bear things <3