About this mod
An animation resource that adds edited versions of the Pipe Revolver reload animations to keep the thumb off the hammer. General idea is to use these when setting the 'automatic' tag.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Additive animations for all versions of the Pipe Revolver reload. Pistol and Rifle are covered, along with first and third person. Also works with Power Armor.
-Plugin that just sets up the animations. You can use this either as a master or a base to build your own file on.
-Includes a demo plugin that makes the vanilla Pipe Revolver automatic, and use these animations.
-Files are packed into a .bsa to avoid conflicting with other AnimTextData. You'll want to extract and repack the stuff in the archive with your own mod if you use these.
How to Use
For a weapon that is automatic or semi-auto, with no hammer:
-Add keyword "AnimsPipeRevolverAlt" to the weapon entry. Make sure it does not have "AnimsRecieverHandmadeRevolver".
-Ensure the "Bolt Action" box is not checked.
-Note that the cylinder will not move in semi-auto mode, but will rotate continuously in automatic. Good for something like a Fusion Cell, but for individual rounds automatic only may look better.
For that reason you can also do...
A weapon with alternate receivers- some single-action with a hammer, and some automatic with no hammer:
-Do not have either keyword in the weapon entry.
-Add AnimsPipeRevovlerAlt and the automatic property to any automatic receiver omods.
-Add AnimsRecieverHandmadeRevolver and the bolt action property to any normal receiver omods with a hammer.
As assets these are open for use, no permission needed, though I do like to hear if they are being used.
Animation Edits - Diakyuto
Implementation - jkruse05