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XV-Versus and Yagisan

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About this mod

Secure this site for the Brotherhood! That's an order knight! This mod turns Fort Strong into a full settlement.

PreVis and Precombines have been created, and this settlement is compatible with Sim Settlements 2, and the Previsibines Repair Pack.

Permissions and credits
Knight, your orders are to eradicate the Super Mutant forces, and secure Fort Strong and the armory for the Brotherhood.

This mod turns the Fort Strong into a full settlement. XV-Versus and myself (Yagisan) have worked to bring you our vision of the perfect Fort Strong settlement. Complete with bespoke scrap lists, and PreVis and Precombines remade.

While you can claim this settlement at any time, thematically it makes sense to do it while playing through the Show No Mercy quest.

This settlement is fully compatible with Sim Settlements 1 and Sim Settlements 2, including working supply lines.

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