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Alternate Dialogue Project - Start Me Up Redux - WASTELANDER START-Simplified Chinese translation
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.6
Forwarded changes from SS2 version 3.4.5
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.5
Added: Neutral Mansfield misc. response
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.4a
Fixed: Reverted back some small dialogue in the beginning of "Hub of the problem", since it somehow prevented the quest from advancing at the end (I blame daedric influence) - Thanks to LittleWolf1999 for pointing it out!
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.4
Added: Neutral dialogue with Jake when becoming leader of the Institute
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.3
Added: Neutral player response to Father when asking for support
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.2
Added: Neutral dialogue when talking to Jake after coming back from the Institute the first time
Version SS2 Patch v1.0.1
Forwarded changes from SS2 version 3.4.4
Version RED SMU Patch v1.0.1
Fixed: Dean Volkert dialogue
Version 1.1.5
Added: Failsafe to Captain Cade response since he doesn't use his SMU dialogue reliably
Added: More neutral Codsworth misc. responses
Added: More neutral Justin Ayo response
Version 1.1.4
Added: More neutral response by Preston near Vaults
Added: More neutral response by Codsworth near Vaults
Added: More neutral response by Codsworth near Castle
Added: More neutral response by Codsworth near Sentinel Site
Added: More neutral response by Codsworth near Parsons
Added: More neutral repsonse by Codsworth near Cabot House
Added: More neutral Codsworth misc. responses
Version 1.1.3
Added: More neutral response by Liam Binet
Added: More neutral misc. responses by X6-88
Added: More neutral Deacon response
Added: More neutral player dialogue
Version 1.1.2
Added: New and more neutral dialogue with Deacon (Thanks to langbj76 for pointing it out)
Version 1.1.1
Added: More neutral dialogue with Codsworth
Added: More neutral dialogue at Abernathy Farm
Added: More neutral dialogue with Daisy
Version 1.1.0a
Changed: Reverted all DLC files back to un-encoded status, since DLCs somehow have problems to play .fuz files correctly (For whatever reason)
Added: Slightly edited string files for the Vault Workshop DLC to ensure that some dialogs won't be overwritten by standard dialogs
Version 1.1.0
Added: More neutral player and Pastor Clements dialogue
Fixed: Codsworth still commenting with "Sir" or "Mum" in certain situations (Probably not the last time)
Fixed: German quest description in English version
Version 1.0.9a
Changed: Encoded all files, greatly reduced overall file size, still high quality
Version 1.0.9
Added: Small new and more neutral player and Daisy dialogue
Added: More neutral misc. response for all Robot DLC companion voices
Added: Much better Vault 81 intro
Added: Much better and less emotional dialogue in "MQ201" (That was annoying...)
Added: More neutral Kellogg memory monologue in "MQ203"
Added: More neutral Doctor Amari response in "MQ203"
Added: More neutral player and Doctor Amari conversation in "MQ204"
Fixed: Lookout didn't use some parts of his new dialogue
Version 1.0.8
Changed: Completely reworked ALL player voices (Absolute hell)
Changed: Reworked player dialogue in "CodsworthDialoguePostWar"
Changed: Reworked player dialogue in "MQ207"
Changed: Reworked player and Vault-Tec Ghoul dialogue
Changed: Some player dialogue in "MQ302"
Added: A lot of new and much better dialogue in "DialogueConcordArea"
Added: New player response for Mama Murphy dialogue
Added: More neutral response by Cait in "MQ107"
Added: New and reworked Father and player dialogue in "Inst302" (Better story)
Added: New responses for all relevant companions when talking to Blake Abernathy the first time
Added: New player responses when talking to Blake Abernathy the first time
Added: More neutral dialogue with Mark Summerset
Added: More neutral Codsworth dialogue in "MS11"
Added: New player dialogue in misc. Codsworth conversation
Fixed: Wrong prompt in Vault-Tec Ghoul dialogue
Fixed: Few Codsworth dialogs still referencing "Sir" or "Mum"
Removed: Unneccesary edits in "CodsworthDialoguePostWar"
Removed: Unneccesary edits in "FFDiamondCity07"
Removed: Unneccesary edits in "MQ207"
Removed: Unneccesary edits in "DialogueVault81"
Removed: A lot of unneccesary player voice files
Version 1.0.7
Changed: Completely Reworked Father (Hard job, but was worth it)
Changed: Rewritten a ton of Fathers dialogue
Changed: Completely reworked "MQ207" (Better dialogue for example)
Changed: Gave a lot of love to Codsworth (He is still my frankensteins monster)
Changed: Reworked all institute scientists and synths (Including some renewed dialogue)
Changed: Reworked Kellogg (Including some renewed dialogue)
Changed: Reworked Cassie Dalton in Far Harbor
Changed: Reworked player voices in Far Harbor
Changed: Tweaked minor dialogue in Far Harbor
Changed: Reworked Nick Valentine in Far Harbor
Changed: Reworked Dixie in Nuka World
Changed: Reworked Overseer in Vault Workshop
Changed: Reworked player voices in Vault Workshop
Changed: Reworked Desdemona (Including some renewed dialogue)
Changed: Reworked Mama Murphy (Including some renewed dialogue)
Changed: Reworked Lancer Captain Kells (Again)
Changed: Reworked FemaleChild
Changed: Reworked FemaleEvenToned
Changed: Reworked Ellie Perkins
Changed: Reworked Gwen McNamara
Changed: Reworked Julia Thompson
Changed: Reworked Madison Li (Including some renewed dialogue)
Changed: Reworked Mandy Stiles
Changed: Reworked Proctor Ingram
Changed: Reworked Jun Long
Changed: Reworked Mark Summerset (Including some renewed dialogue)
Changed: Reworked Sturges
Changed: Reworked Tinker Tom
Changed: Readjusted audio level again (Should all be the sweet spot now)
Added: Small new player dialogue (Necessary to fit new Father dialogue)
Removed: All unneeded edits in "MQ207"
Removed: Uneeded edits in "DialogueCodsworthPostWar"
Removed: Unneeded Kellogg voice file
Removed: Unneeded Madison Li voice file
Version 1.0.6
Changed: Reworked Nick Valentine
Changed: Reworked Paladin Danse
Changed: Reworked Piper (That was annoying)
Changed: Reworked Lookout (Robot)
Changed: Reworked X6-88
Changed: Reworked MacCready
Changed: Reworked Ellie Perkins
Changed: Reworked Cait
Changed: Reworked Preston Garvey
Changed: Reworked Vault-Tec Ghoul
Changed: Reworked Hancock
Changed: Reworked some Mama Murphy .lip-files
Changed: Reworked some voices in "MQ106"
Changed: Completely reworked "MQ105"
Changed: Re-Adjusted audio level of nearly all files
Changed: Minor change in Vault-Tec Ghoul dialogue
Fixed: Minor mismatching Vault-Tec Ghoul Audio/Text
Fixed: Mismatching Audio/Text in "MQ105"
Fixed: Minor typos in English version
Removed: Unneeded Vault-Tec Ghoul files
Removed: Unneeded edits in "MQ105"
Version 1.0.5a
Convenience Update: Patched header version of .ba2-file so people who got problems with Backported Archive2 Support System don't need to suffer.
Version 1.0.5
Added: More neutral conversation with Machete Mike in "DLC03FarHarborFF03a"
Added: More neutral (and weird) conversation with Supervisor White in Graygarden
Added: More neutral response by Cait (No longer calls you "Relic of the past")
Changed: Reworked Nick Valentine
Changed: Reworked "FemaleChild"
Changed: Reworked X6-88
Changed: Reworked Lancer Captain Kells
Changed: Reworked Paladin Danse
Changed: Reworked MacCready
Changed: Remade all essential .lip-Files in "MQ207"
Removed: Some unnecessary edits in "MQ105"
Version 1.0.4a
Changed: Added some sort of failsafe to Lancer Captain Kells, as he otherwise doesn't use his new dialogue reliably.
Version 1.0.4
Added: New neutral Rufus dialogue in "DialogueGoodneighborRufus"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "DialogueGoodneighborRufus"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "FFGoodneighbor01PlayerVoiceoverSpouse"
Added: New neutral Piper dialogue in "COMPiper"
Added: New neutral Nick dialogue in "BoS303"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "DN011"
Added: New neutral DC-Guard dialogue in "DialogueDiamondCitySecurity"
Added: New neutral Nick dialogue in "DLC03MQNickPostQuest"
Removed: Some obsolete Allie Filmore dialogue in "DialogueInstitute"
Removed: Some obsolete Player dialogue in "DialogueInstitute"
Removed: Some obsolete Player dialogue in "MQ207"
Removed: Obsolete Lancer Captain Kells dialogue in "BoS201"
Changed: Re-voiced some Player dialogue in "DialogueInstitute"
Changed: Re-voiced and added new Lancer Captain Kells dialogue in "BoS201"
Changed: More fitting Player expressions in a few dialogs
Fixed: Minor missing text in Player response
Fixed: Minor missing text in German version
Fixed: Minor typo in English version
Fixed: Minor english text in German version
Version 1.0.3a
Fixed: Removed unwanted cell records/edits of Mechnanist's Lair and Fort Hagen Hangar. (It's a mystery to me why these have crept in since they're not related to anything I've edited) - Thanks @Vergames for pointing it out
Version 1.0.3
Added: New neutral Cassie Dalton dialogue in "DLC03FarHarborFF01"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "DLC03FarHarborFF01"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "DLC03MQ05"
Added: New neutral Overseer dialogue in "DLC06MQ03"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "DLC06MQ03"
Added: New neutral Player dialogue in "DLC06E02"
Added: New Codsworth dialogue in "MS01"
Added: New Player dialogue in "MQ106"
Removed: Some obsolete Father edits in "MQ207"
Removed: Some obsolete Kellogg edits in "MQ106"
Changed: Re-voiced Player dialogue in "MQ106"
Changed: Some Father dialogue in elevator scene of "MQ207". Now uses original, edited lines (Muffle effect came from original recordings, was not applied to audio during gameplay as is the case with Kellogg, e.g.)
Version 1.0.2
Added: New neutral Codsworth dialogue in "MQ106Investigations"
Added: New neutral Codsworth dialogue in "Min01"
Added: New neutral Codsworth dialogue in "Min01PrestonOutroFinal"
Added: New neutral Sturges dialogue in "Min01"
Added: New neutral Ellie dialogue in "MQ105"
Removed: Some obsolete Mama Murphy edits in "DialogueConcordArea"
Removed: Some obsolete Player edits in "DialogueCodsworthPostWar"
Fixed: Minor Codsworth text didn't match audio correctly
Fixed: Wrong prompt in "DialogueCodsworthPostwar"
Fixed: German prompt in english version
Fixed: German quest target in english version
Fixed: Minor typo in english version
Fixed: Last remaining two "Blue" references are gone now (Big thanks @FlashFatman for spotting those)
Version 1.0.1a
Fixed: Special overwritten BoS dialogue restored/remade (Joining up the Brotherhood again as former member.) - Thanks @Dashboarderian
Version 1.0.1
Changed: Kellogg has been fully re-voiced (replicating him in good quality was hard at first, but now he got some special treatment)
Changed: Some minor dialogue of Kellogg
Changed: A lot of Codsworth's generic/combat dialogue to more neutral responses (was pretty hidden)
Added: New Player dialogue in "DialogueConcordArea" (Responses to Mama Murphy)
Added: New Mama Murphy dialogue in "DialogueConcordArea" (Out of time man/woman line replaced)
Added: New Kellogg dialogue (TV dinner line replaced, but I don't know if you could even hear it because of SMU)
SIM SETTLEMENTS 2 PATCH AVAILABLE! Made with kind permission of kinggath! This patch has really taken its toll - i've been working on it tirelessly lately! Enjoy!
!! UPDATE !! v1.1.5 available! See changelog and info for more! Safe to update!
PLEASE NOTE All current and future versions of this mod are and will be build with the pre Next-Gen state of the game. This shouldn't cause any major problems for people who play with the Next-Gen Update, but I still wanted to point it out.
INFO: UPDATE 1.1.5 Again some small but nice changes! See changelog for info! Have fun!
All the revisions and the quality is only possible due to Bryant21 and his fantastic work called
My mod uses this tool to its full extent. This use is, and always will be, fully within the scope of the permitted use and all legally relevant guidelines of FallTalk and Zenimax Media.
ENGLISH and GERMAN version available! ENGLISCHE und DEUTSCHE Version erhältlich!
To my german audience/An mein deutsches Publikum: Bitte habt Verständnis dafür, dass ich auf der Mod-Seite keine deutsche Beschreibung einfügen kann, da dies den verfügbaren Platz sprengen würde - ich werde euch eine deutsche Beschreibung hier auf der Seite in einem Artikel hinterlassen.
This mod builds upon the fantastic "Start Me Up Redux" mod by Dashboarderian and Oddlittleturtle, and aims to completely disconnect you from the actual vanilla main story! Main-Story dialogs, companion dialogs, dialogs in side quests and many, many small details have been changed so that you are, hopefully, perceived almost everywhere as an unknown wastelander and not as what we normally know. Of course, as one single man, I cannot immediately have an overview of everything that needs to or should be changed - you can help me with that. But more on that later.
This mod was created within about two or three months. Thousands of dialogs were changed and several thousand files were created. In addition, several hundred hours went into it. A big help here was the use of speech synthesis. Many dialogs were created with it. Many other dialogs were created by editing and changing standard dialogs.
I think some people can imagine what a difficult job that was - especially for one man. For those who can't imagine it: Creating this mod sometimes drove me to the brink of pure insanity. Nothing was done half-heartedly. Many of the dialogs will probably surprise you and possibly make you laugh. Theres a lot of unique stuff in there now. Of course, everything lore friendly. That's why I hope all the effort was worth it and that there are a few people who appreciate it.
This mod needs all the DLC's and other mods required for it.
This mod is based on the WASTELANDER START from Start Me Up Redux. Vanilla or Vault Dweller launch is NOT recommended. The entire main story and much of the extraneous stuff has been changed and rewritten so that you, the unknown wastelander (or however you want to see yourself), enters Vault 111 and finds the holotape. The story of the holotape, and why it was attached to the body of one of "Father's" parents, was woven into the story.
Piper:No longer calls you "Blue".(You can't imagine how often she calls you that).
Vault-Tec Salesman: He no longer knows you.
Codsworth: No longer calls you "Sir" or "Mum." He's some insane robot now. Fun to take with you, believe me. (He made me crazy, by the way. It was ten times worse making him neutral to you, than to rewrite the Institute.)
Synth Shaun: No longer recognizes you as Dad or Mum.
Father: Spied on you and manipulated you, for the future of the Institute (Play the story if you want to see for yourself).
All Institute scientists: They no longer recognize you as Fathers parent.
All Institute synths: They no longer recognize you as Fathers parent.
Literally all of the Institute has been COMPLETELY rewritten and voiced!
Kellogg: He knows about your finding in Vault 111, unsure if you really care about the kidnapped boy or something more delicate.
The Quest "Last Voyage of the USS Constitution" has been changed - Lookout will no longer recognize you as former soldier or lawyer/citizen.
Regardless of whether you end up destroying the Institute with the Brotherhood, the Railroad, or the Minutemen, none of the actors will recognize or address you as Synth-Shaun's "parent."
Plus, a ton of generic dialogue also has been changed to more neutral responses, some Vault 81 dialogue when trying to get inside has been changed, and some Far Harbor and Nuka-World dialogue has been changed as well, etc.
I could go on like that almost forever. And why did I do all this, you may ask? Simple. Because I can't stand F4's forced, poor main story - to put it nicely. I detest the whiny dialogues, the lack of freedom and role playing, I detest from the bottom of my heart that this set background-story is constantly being forced into your head at every opportunity. Whether you are told that you are a Vault Dweller, that you are looking for your son, whether you are called "Blue" because you come from a Vault, or whether you are recognized as someone who lived in the pre-war period. And here we are, after several months of nerve-racking work.
If you are interested in further improving this mod, you can do that in a pretty simple way. Just write a comment with basic information, such as:
1: NPC you've talked to, referencing something that's still need to be changed. 2: Give me some text the NPC said, like an exact sentence - makes it easier for me to search for it.
Install the mod the way you want. Mod Manager, manually - you know how to do it.
Load the mod AFTER Start Me Up. If you have other mod's that somehow alter standard dialogs in an extensive way, don't blame me for it not working as intended or, to put it more accurately, you see dialogue that you don't want to see.