About this mod
Clothing overhaul for the Triggermen faction. Definitive Complete REDUX Edition.
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Re-outfits the Triggermen for improved faction coherency, identity & variety.
The Triggermen are outfitted in MaGlas's Retro Fashion clothing.
The Triggermen soldiers have multiple suits and hats to choose from in black and grey.
The Triggermen bosses each have their own unique outfit. Black on Marowski, Blue on Trish, Brown on Eager Ernie & a Tuxedo on Skinny Malone.
Malcolm Latimer is in his retired outfit & Nelson Latimer looks more classy in a new black vest, also unique to each of them.
The clothing is scrambled with certain chances attached to create nice variety.
Pictures speak louder then words. See the pictures and the gif down below to see how it all ends up looking.
In addition to the Triggermen, there are also 2 addons that use more of the clothing from Retro Fashion.
The first is a Goodneighbor addon, that gives most of the Goodneighbor NPC's a crispy overhaul. Each has a unique piece of clothing that only they wear.
The other is a Nick Valentine addon, that gives nick a new black coat and fedora, for a more darker and noir looking detective.
Additional Info.
The set has been renamed to include the TRIG prefix. The clothing from the Goodneighbor Addon has the prefix GNB.
Most of the pieces from Retro Fashion are not used. I took out the ones that I needed to equip the Triggermen and make the Goodneighbor addon.
All of the clothing that is used by this mod are available for purchase in Daisy's shop in Goodneighbor. Usually I also add unused vanilla clothing, but all of it is available elsewhere in the game, so only mod added clothing is added here.
GIF Example
Download with any mod manager.
MaGlas's Retro Fashion Overhaul is required.
Make sure you delete the World Distribution ESP that comes with the mod.
It adds the clothing everywhere, including on Triggermen and it adds it through overwritten NPC records, which I can't negate with this mod.
This mod does NOT work with the original "Look At Me - Triggermen Edition". They both do the same thing with different requirement
mods. If you want to know what is different between the two, see the 1.0 changelog.
One special notes I have to mention.
In the original, I made a mesh suit outfit for female Triggermen. I figured out afterwards that there is only 1 Triggermen human female, which is Darla, the chick in the vault with Skinny Malone. Retro Fashion has no female outfits, so I removed the mesh and her from the mod for REDUX.
REDUX stays within the scope of the mod. It immersively adds the clothing to the game and nothing more.
Balancing of the values and fixing kinks with other mods has been left to you.
You are free to make and share patches or translations for this mod.
Keep in mind that the object mods have changed, so any balance patch needs
to be specifically patched for this mod or it will scuff things.
If you got any issue, check the Questions section below first before commenting.
If that does not solve it, leave a comment and I'll try and help you.
This mod does not work with any other Triggermen faction overhaul mods that touch clothing.
The Goodneighbor addon or Valentine addon also do not work with mods that touch their clothing.
This mod needs to win the conflicts, so the outfit records don't get overwritten.
There are some edited NPC records that might conflict with gameplay overhaul mods.
These are Trish and Stan Slavin for the main file. And Fred Allen, Daisy & Ghoul Vault Tec Rep for the Goodneighbor addon.
No known Triggermen mods to check for compatibility issues, so none are listed in the usual spot.
Super Mutant Redux will work fine with this mod. But same as the original version, it spawns Super Mutant Triggermen that will looked scuffed because of the changed clothing. This patch will stop them from spawning.
The NPC is likely already spawned on the save you are using.
Go as close as possible to the NPC, open console, click on the NPC until a code appears, type "resurrect", enter.
After closing the console, you will see the NPC disappear for a second and spawn in the correct outfit.
If this does not correct it, another mod is overwriting this mod. Read the conflicts section again.
Purple, you are missing textures.
No body, you are missing meshes.
Weird shine, you are missing materials.
Clipping, you are using a body mod.
For the required mod.
Retro Fashion Overhaul