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About this mod

A face pool for the Rust Devils.

Permissions and credits
Despite being a unique raider gang, the Rust Devils do not have their own face pool. Instead, they call on the generic raider face pool. Since every other generic raider and raider gang uses that face pool, and since the primary goal of the Diverse series is to eliminate (or greatly reduce) the frequency of repetitive faces, I decided to give the Rust Devils a face pool of their own. The pool contains 120 faces, and while reminiscent of generic raiders, I made ample use of "smudge" face paint to give them their own distinct aesthetic (see screen shots).

In addition, Unique Faces - AiO (or the appropriate standalone file in that mod's "Miscellaneous Files" section) gives Ivey, the Rust Devil leader, a unique face with a similar aesthetic while still being uniquely her own. That mod is not required, however.

Diverse Rust Devils Immersion Pack
Starting with Diverse Rust Devils v4, a Diverse Rust Devils Immersion Pack is available. Currently, the file only provides height scaling, making it consistent with the other immersion packs used by the Diverse series.

This mod should be compatible with anything, save those mods that make use of the same NPC (Actor) records. See the sticky post in the comment section for details on how I expect to handle compatibility patches.

The Diverse Series
Diverse Minutemen 
Diverse Gunners 
Diverse Raiders 
Diverse Railroad 
Diverse Children of Atom 
Diverse Brotherhood of Steel 
Diverse Trappers 
Diverse Triggermen 
Diverse Disciples 
Diverse Pack 
Diverse Operators 
Diverse Scavengers 
Diverse Diamond City Security 
Diverse Pillars of the Community 
Diverse Coursers 
Diverse Forged 
Diverse Covenant Security 
Diverse Settlers 
Diverse Far Harbor Settlers 
Diverse Rust Devils 

Diverse Wasteland - The Diverse Series All-in-One 

Diverse Entries for Third Party Mods
Diverse Enclave - America Rising 2 
Diverse Capital Wasteland Mercenaries 

My Other Raider Gang Mods
Ack-Ack's Harlequins Redux