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About this mod

Renames Cap Collector to Master Trader, it's Fallout 3 name and changes descriptions to clarify it's effects.

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So like most after the Fallout show dropped I wanted to hop back into all the games. Inevitably though I knew there'd be dozens of tiny gripes I have with them that I want fixed. This is one of them.

So Cap Collector is a weird perk in this game. Not only does it tell you you've "mastered the art of the deal" at rank one. The name is a bit of a misnomer and isn't consistent with it's predecessor in Fallout 3, Master Trader. In Fallout 76 Cap Collector is a completely different perk altogether, switching places with Fallout 4's Fortune Finder and being renamed to Hard Bargain. Most annoyingly the description gives you no frame of reference for exactly how much better your prices will be.

Cap Collector renamed to Master Trader
Cap Collector's loading screen also adjusted
Descriptions reworded to make more sense and show numerical values
(Technically in-game the values are more like 28% and 32% according to the wiki but don't @ me)

These are just text string changes of vanilla stuff so anything and everything will work.
It's an esl flagged esp, so it doesn't take up any load order space.

Ideally, once F4SE is back with LevelUpMenuEx I'd like to take a crack and see if breaking down all the perk tiers into individual perks would work for a more F3/NV feel but eh, for now it's just a pipe dream.