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Moonracer and a lot of Other Authors

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About this mod

Assorted Lunar Fallout Overhaul Patches.

Permissions and credits
What does this mod!
It Balances and Patches various Weapon and Armour mods for the Wonderful Lunar Fallout Overhaul by Moonracer.
Optional Munitions Patches will be provided at some point to allow the use of Munitions Ammo Types.

How does it work!
It Patches various mods for Lunar Fallout Overhaul + Munitions.
That's it.

What does the Munitions Patch Do?
Allows Weapons to use Various Ammo Types from Munitions alongside Vanilla Ammo Types.

What is Currently Patched?
F4NV N99 10mm Pistol

ToastyFresh and AbbyRawkzfor the F4NV N99 10mm and It's Overhauled Replacer Plugin.