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About this mod

This mod increases the amount of time it takes for crippled limbs to start regenerating on their own. ESP flagged as ESL.

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From Fallout 4 wiki:

  • In normal play, crippled limbs will heal on their own after a short while. 
  • In Survival mode, legs can become crippled if the Sole Survivor is overencumbered. They do not auto-heal and must be healed by a stimpak or by a doctor. 
  • Crippled legs prevent running and slows down the walking pace. When both legs are crippled, traveling in the third person is drastically slower than traveling in the first person.


I made this mod because I wanted the automatic limb regeneration to still have a place in the game, just take longer to kick in. Read 'Why I made this mod' below if you want to know more.

This mod changes the amount of time it takes for crippled limbs to start healing on their own by editing two global game settings that affect that delay (fDamagedConditionRegenDelay and fConditionRegenDelayMax).

The vanilla amount of time is 30 seconds, so I made different versions to choose from:

  • x2 (takes 1 minute for crippled limbs to start healing on their own)
  • x5 (takes 2.5 minutes)
  • x10 (takes 5 minutes)
  • x20 (takes 10 minutes)
  • x50 (takes 25 minutes)
  • x100 (takes 50 minutes)

Obviously you can still heal your limbs by other means (Stimpaks, Doctors, Sleeping, etc) before this time passes. This is just for the automatic regeneration to take longer, as I found 30 seconds to be WAY too quick for limbs to start healing themselves, it almost doesn't even give you enough time to deal with the problem before the game solves it for you!

All plugins share the same name, which means you can switch to a different one if you want to without the game complaining you are missing a plugin (I would suggest only doing so after your limbs are fully healed just in case).


- Install using your mod manager of choice.
- FOMOD installer, so you can pick what you want to install.
- All ESP are flagged as ESL (they don't count towards your ESP max limit).
- Load order doesn't really matter, I would suggest loading it very early in your load order.


  • Should be compatible with almost everything (unless they specifically change fDamagedConditionRegenDelay and fConditionRegenDelayMax global game settings).
  • I didn't change anything related to healing crippled limbs with Stimpaks, Sleeping, Doctors, Perks, items or anything like that, so any mod that affects those things should be compatible as long as they don't also change the two settings I mentioned above.

Why I made this mod:

I made this mod mostly for myself but decided to share it in case other people want to use it as well.

I've seen other mods that either entirely overhaul the whole 'damage/heal/recovery' experience, and others that disable the automatic limb regeneration altogether, but I didn't want that, I wanted limbs to still be able to regenerate on their own, just take longer to do so.

While I was at it I made a few extra versions (I figured they would be useful for people that want the regen to take less/more time).

I also wanted to keep it simple, so I didn't touch how Stimpaks, Sleeping, Doctors, Perks, items, etc. affect limb damage or limb healing to keep it as compatible as possible with other mods (some of which I use myself), I just wanted the automatic regeneration to take longer while I was exploring and that's it. I didn't go crazy with the amount of time it takes either, I tested all the versions with the exception of the longest one (x100, I didn't want to just sit there and wait almost an hour, but should work just fine).


Check out my other mods:

Bottle Labels Overhaul - Dirty Water Mesh Replacer
- Carry More with Power Armor REDUX
- Concord - Broken Minigun on Rooftop
- Concord - Supermutant Boss Instead of Deathclaw
- Crippled Limbs - Delayed Regeneration
Dogmeat's Backpacks of the Commonwealth
- Guard More Posts
- Harder Barter - Expensive Prices
Power Armor HUD - Left and Right Indicators
- Unique - Quest Items Are Not Junk
VAFS Redux - Awareness perk fixes
Wedding Rings XP
XP - GEM (Global Experience Multiplier)