About this mod
The second installment of Anom's Commonwealth Integration Series, which brings the faithfully recreated the P-80 Fighter Jet, modeled by Strider, to various locations all across the wasteland, almost entirely replacing the Stingray Deluxe.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

There are a number of models available as modder's resources on the Nexus which I've always wished were present in my game. Then, eventually, it occurred to me that I now have the knowledge and modding abilities to actually do so myself. Thus, Anom's Commonwealth Integration Series was born. For a very long time, I've wanted to replace the Stingray Deluxe with something a little less goofy, and Strider's P-80 Fighter Jet seemed perfect, a faithful recreation of the fighter craft seen in Fallout 3 and New Vegas (and real life, this particular fighter is ancient).
As mentioned above, this mod replaces eight of the nine Stingrays throughout the entire game. The one outside of ArcJet remains unaffected, but text has now been added to the plaque in order to justify it's existence, rewriting it to be an interstellar combat craft (a change based on it's positioning in the Museum of Freedom Mural). Four additional wrecks have also been added. While this mod does affect Precombined Meshes and Previs Data, both have been regenerated for every cell in which a Stingray has been replaced. Keep in mind that this can conflict with mods that edit the same cells - please check the compatibility section for additional information. If you would like to construct the Fighter Jet at your own settlements, grab the original mod linked above.
This mod regenerates the Precombined Meshes and Previs Data of several cells, which may cause incompatibilities with other mods that also affect these cells. These cells are as follows: GlowingSeaPOIDB07 (-25, -32) [0000E832], POIJS017 (3, 7) [0000DB45], POIJS030 (-2, 8) [0000DEFB], Wilderness (24, 18) [0000D9DB], Wilderness (16, 0) [0000E011], Wilderness (15, -1) [0000E031], Wilderness (24, 17) [0000D9FA], Wilderness (-26, -32) [0000E834], Wilderness (8, -24) [0000E300], and DLC03VimPopFactory01 [010054D8]. All other cells have either only had objects added to them (which does not break precombines) or have had their Previs Data timestamps updated automatically by the Creation Kit (with no changes actually made).
There are no known incompatibilities that have not already been patched as of right now. Compatibility patches for Cartographers Map Markers, Machienzo's Cartographers Map Markers Patch, and Hanscom Air Force Base Settlement are available in the optional files. If you find any mods that appear to conflict with this mod, let me know, and I'll look into making a patch for it. Keep in mind that compatibility issues may be fixed by moving the mod's location around in your load order.

Massive thanks to Strider, for not only faithfully and perfectly recreating this model, but also for releasing it as a modder's resource that anyone can use in their own projects freely. The model has used with explicit permission provided by mod creator under no license, though I have chosen to abide by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Lisence.
Thank you to each and every single one of the people who use these mods that I make. It means the world to me, knowing that people out there enjoy the content I make.