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About this mod

Changes the equipment slot used by the shields equipment from the Wasteland Energy Shields mod so that full body outfits from some mods don't override it.

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The Wasteland Energy Shields mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15181), by default, takes up the ring slot, which was chosen to allow them to be used in power armor.

This means, however, that some mods, such as Halo Spartan armor sets, will be completely unequipped when the energy shields are equipped.

This mod changes them to use the backpack slot. Unfortunately, this will now be mutually exclusive with backpack mods, and may not work while driving power armor, but I think that is worth it when using armor mods that fit really well with energy shields

*known issue*
When initially equipping a shield, it seems to still unequip the full outfit slot, however, when the outfit is re-equipped afterward, the energy shield will remain equipped.

Made alongside with 2 other patches/tweaks effecting the same mod by neotropic with the intent to fit halo themed mod packs:
Halo Style Colors for energy shields makes the shields effect get more intense when low, rather than changing color
Caustic Shields Changes the fill texture to caustics to more closely resemble shields from halo