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About this mod

This commie block in Boston was built experimentally by Soviet building company who tried to compete for social housing contract.

Permissions and credits
A khruschevka-style apartments complex, based on the unionwide 1-464 series large panel building designed in late 50s, since then often upgraded and localized heavily. Those were among the cheapest and the most produced apartment buildings that still continue to house thousands of families in all parts of former USSR. This particular building is based on VM subseries and is suspended on concrete piles to prevent heat conduction to the ground beneath and its thermal erosion.

Make sure to delete original fisherman house on the beach beforehand! And set transfering to fast (3435 obj count).

  • two entrances
  • four floors, excluding maintenance floor for pipeworks
  • no elevator
  • underside of building with rows of piles
  • 32 apartments, all have access to balconies. But around half are closed shut to save on resources

Mods used: Snappy HouseKit, Homemaker, Climbable Ladders, Craftable Greebles, Greebles and Decorations