About this mod
Adding death in brand new exciting flavors to the wasteland!
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Inspired by CaliberX!
NOTE: If you have the Lever Action Reload Fix check the files section for a patch
Far Harbor DLC
Nuka World DLC
What is New Calibers?:
New Calibers is primarily an ammunition database of sorts. It adds a large amount of new types of ammo to the game, everything from the humble 9mm Luger to the large .500 Nitro!
New Calibers also is a weapon mod database. It adds a large selection of mods for the vanilla firearms. It also uses a set of new keywords to do this so simply adding the proper ma_ to a custom weapon (along with the attach point from AWCKR) gives it the full set of mods to access. In addition it adds a bunch more keywords and mods intended to be used by custom weapons. For example, the ma_9Pistol is intended for 9mm handguns to use. See the section called "weapon mods" for the full list!
-- Misc mod items will be in a separate plugin due to possible lack of realism transferring a mod from one kind of gun to a different one (coming soon)
It also adds a two new guns from re-purposed vanilla assets. The PPK and the PSL Rifle.
Install Notes:
- For newcomers there are no concerns, just put into data file manually or use NMM, doesn't matter.
- For those upgrading (prior to v3.06), you will lose any pipe bolt-action caliber mods you may have (as they now use the same item as the hunting rifle and those mods no longer esxist). Don't worry I added one to my game, made the change and loaded it just fine. The gun will be intact except for any swapped caliber.
All Patches now have their own mod page:
-By me
Modern Firearms and Modern Sidearms
Official New Calibers Patches (for everything else) - please make any patch requests here.
-By others
Weapons of Fate Patch and WM Chinese Assault Rifle patch by ShawnPhillips
Patch for Bhaal's better sorting
Valdacil's Item Sorting Patch
New Calibers Realistic Ballistics
FN P90 5.7x28mm Re-Chamber
Realistic Bullets
Spanish Translation Available here
LordSpazznazz's Patch
Mods that use New Calibers: (either as standard or optional download)
Varmint Rifle mod by billbedwetter
Browning Hi Power
Ducal Revolver
Strumgewehr 44 by Sam Fisher
STG-44 Standalone by nolifepothead
Remington 870 Shotgun by Covadonga, Wardaddy and myself
A collection of Eagles Reloaded by sheyferal
All the guns by skibadaa: Mk22 HMG, IF-54 Battle Rifle, WH77 LSW, IF88 Shotgun, .223 Revolver
Optional ESP available on Valdacil's Item Sorting page for compatibility sans-WSE2
Other Recommended mods:
Weapon Animations by Chad509 for the PPK and the Nuka World AK
Current Projects:
Here I will try to list my current works in progress (no particular order)
- The patch collection for this page
- ammo crafting (will be separate mod page) - based on actual handloading, not just bits of junk shoved together
Change Log:
-Typo Fixes
-Fix Minigun from Concord Museum Roof not giving correct ammo.
--Miniguns no longer have modcol's on their object template as a result, so they will not spawn with any caliber swap mods. Already spawned guns unaffected.
-Fix 10mm Pistols in Vault 111 (some times spawn with Caliber Swap Mods)
-6 New Rounds:
--8mm Lebel
--.408 CheyTac
--7.5x54mm French
--8x56mm Rimmed Mannlicher
--.45 Schofield
--.44 AutoMag
-Adjusted modcol level minimums so pipe guns won't spawn with rifle rounds until later in the game, along with a few adjustments on most every other list.
-Add Leveled List Script for Adding all ammo in.
-Fix missing recipes for conversion kit - .338, 5.7mm and barrel set - 5.7mm
-Change recipes for vanilla receiver ammo swaps to give my mods instead - effectively removing the vanilla swaps from game. They will not be deleted so if you have a gun with one - or it already spawned they will still have the mod. Done for balance reasons.
-Damage Balancing.
-Added new texture for the 5.45x39mm ammo box. More to come later.
v3.06b BETA
- fix weight for .38 Super
- add ma_9MakSMG keyword/mods
- fix missing 5.7mm and .338 Lapua barrel set/conversion kit crafting recipes
- changed damage reduction on .22LR for the AK, to fix an issue related to it.
v3.06a BETA
-Fixes MInigun keywords - possible CTD avoided
-PSL fires faster
-adds ma_8NambuPistol and ma_762TokSMG keywords/mods
-Fixes various incorrect keywords on some mods
v3.06 BETA
- Adds 17 New Rounds - some were suggestions, others were not.
-- 7.7x58mm Arisaka
-- 6.5x50mm Arisaka
-- 6.5x52mm Carcano
-- .500 Nitro Express
-- .500 Smith and Wesson
-- .38 Super
-- .327 Magnum
-- .32-20 Winchester
-- .35 Remington
-- 8x22mm Nambu
-- 7x57mm Mauser
-- 7.65x53mm Argentine Mauser Rounds
-- .458 Winchester Magnum
-- .458 SOCOM
-- .300 Winchester Magnum
-- .460 Rowland
-- .475 Wildey Magnum
- Fixes issues:
-- Accidendental deletion of the damage boost for the .454 Casull in the Pipe Revolver
-- Damage too low on .357 Magnum mod for .44 Pistol
- Adjusts 5.45 damage up slightly
- Crafting recipes for Barrel Sets/Conversion Kits (let me know if i forgot any)
- Created two new(ish) weapons:
-- Made a PPK - lower powered Deliverer (renames Deliverer to 'Agent's PPK') - uses same mods
-- PSL Rifle - uses Nuka World's AK models and defaults to 7.62x54mm Rimmed
--- Weapons will be added to leveled lists via script and spawn in Commonwealth, Far Harbor, and Nuka World
- Nuka World Support:
The 762 DLC ammo will replace the original modded ammo, the ammo will still technically exist, but its been renamed and should no longer spawn or be used in attachments (called 7.62x39mm OLD so you know which is which).
-- Sets up mods for the 'Handmade Rifle'
-This update also lays the groundwork for script supported custom weapons.
--This update adds in the new ma_ keywords I need for this so that a script supported weapon can have caliber mods available.
--- I won't be able to add these scripts this release, but its going to be the focus of the next release to add them in.
v3.05 BETA
- Added Keyword dn_hasreceiver_converted to all mods - this should help with LOADS issues some have reported.
- modified attributes for Pipe Revolver mods - they were not hit with the last balance pass.
v3.04 BETA
- Second Balance pass. Tuned down all values.
- .32 ACP mod for SMG is removed due to it causing strange damage spikes, will be remade later
v3.03 BETA
- Fixed issue with .410 Double Barrel Shotgun mod dealing no Damage
v3.02 BETA
-Total Re-balance of all weapon mods (based on information and calculations provided by Gambit77, with some minor adjustments)
--Somethings are more powerful, some are less powerful. Only 'default' ammo mods stay the same since they make no attribute changes.
-Re-chambers will require Gun Nut 1 or 2 based on difficulty of making that conversion. (How machined/complicated the firearm is - pipe weapons are easy, combat rifles not so much)
-Fixed Descriptions for Marlin .38 Special and .45 Long Colt
-.44 Magnum is now called Model 29
v3.01 BETA
-Fixed issue with 9mm Luger mod for Pipe Gun accidentally setting ammo to 9x18mm Makarov.
-.380 ACP
-7.92x33mm Kurz (Includes Custom Mesh/Textures Courtesy of DeviousMeth0ds)
-.444 Marlin
-.30-30 Winchester
-5.8x42mm DBP87
-Added new items: Barrel Sets and Conversion Kits for all calibers
-Added Caliber category mods for vanilla weapons (detailed below)
-Re-Named following weapons:
--Lever Action to Marlin
--10mm Pistol to N99
-9x39mm (Spetsnaz Rifle Patch by ShawnPhillips)
-7.62x51mm NATO
-Also, vanilla ammunition is renamed the names are basically just expanded to be consistent (i.e. 5.56 - 5.56x45mm NATO).
---The .38 is now a .32 Automatic Colt Pistol (.32 ACP as the short name). And Deliverer is renamed PPK and set to the .32
--- 5mm is now FN 5.7x28mm because no real reason I just decided to do it that way.
-.300 Blackout
-.357 SIG
-.303 British
-.30 Mauser
-.50 Beowulf
-.22 Long Rifle
-6.5x55mm Swedish
-6.8mm SPC
-20 Gauge
-10 Gauge
-.410 Bore
-The Glorious Soviet Union has supplied new ammo and brought much Vodka for you (I drank all the Vodka though...)
---5.45x39mm (Check out my patch for the Kalash)
---7.62x54mm Rimmed
---7.62x25mm Tokarev
---9x18mm Makarov
-Also included
--.30 Carbine
--.357 Magnum (Check out my Coonan 1911 mod!)
--.357 Super Magnum because yes they exist and why not am I right?
--.38 Special
--.223 Remington
--.40 Smith and Wesson
-'Merica's greatest generation makes a comeback with the venerable Thirty Aught Six! (.30-06)
- .45 Long Colt
--Also fixed .50 AE, .454 Casull, .45-70, and .338 Lapua not being in all the leveled lists they needed to be in
-.338 Lapua
-.50 AE
-.454 Casull
-8mm Mauser
-7.5x55mm Swiss
-9mm Luger
New Calibers will be added based on what I feel needs to be added as well as based on input from the community. No energy weapons or fictional rounds, sorry.
Weapon Mods:
(standard) denotes that the mod gives no attribute ajustments - only sets ammo/keywords.
ma_10Pistol - 10mm Pistol (renamed N99), Patch For: Ares Predator
-- 10mm Auto (standard)
--.357 SIG
--.40 Smith and Wesson
--.460 Rowland
--.475 Wildey
ma_12gAutoShotgun - Combat Shotgun
--12 Gauge (standard)
--20 Gauge
--10 Gauge
ma_12gShotgun - Double Barrel Shotgun
--12 Gauge (standard)
--20 Gauge
--10 Gauge
--.410 Bore
--.458 Win Mag
--.500 Nitro
ma_3030Rifle - Lever Action (Renamed Marlin)
--.30-30 Winchester (standard)
--.38 Special
--.357 Magnum
--.357 Super Magnum
--.44 Magnum
--.45-70 Government
--.444 Marlin
--.45 Long Colt
--.32-20 Winchester
--.35 Remington
ma_3006Rifle - No Vanilla Weapons, Patch for: BAR, M1 garand (by Leo2Link), M1 Armory, M1 Garand by asXas
--.308 Winchester
--6.5x55mm Swedish
--.303 British
--8mm Mauser
--7.5x55mm Swiss
--.338 Lapua
--.30-06 Springfield (standard)
--7.62x54mm Rimmed
--7.62 NATO
--.30-30 Winchester
--6.5 Carcano
--6.5 Arisaka
--7.7 Arisaka
--7mm Mauser
--7.65 Argentine
--.300 Win Mag
--.458 Win Mag
ma_308Rifle - Hunting Rifle/Pipe Bolt-Action, Patch For: SCAR-H by robersonb1, G3 Rifle(bethesda.net), Classic sniper rifle
--.308 Winchester (standard)
--6.5x55mm Swedish
--.303 British
--8mm Mauser
--7.5x55mm Swiss
--.338 Lapua
--7.62 NATO
--7.62x54mm Rimmed
--.30-30 Winchester
--6.5 Carcano
--6.5 Arisaka
--7.7 Arisaka
--7mm Mauser
--7.65 Argentine
--.300 Win Mag
--.458 Win Mag
ma_30CarbineRifle - No vanilla Weapons, Patch for: M1 Carbine
--.30 Carbine (standard)
--.22 LR
ma_30MauserPistol - No vanilla Weapons, Patch for: Mauser Pistol
--.30 Mauser (standard)
-- .380 ACP
--.40 S&W
--.45 ACP
--7.62x25mm Tokarev
--8mm Nambu
--9mm Luger
--9x18mm Makarov
ma_32Pistol - PPK, Deliverer
--.32 ACP (standard)
--9x18mm Makarov
--.22 Long Rifle
--.380 ACP
-- 8mm Nambu
ma_32ScrapGun - Pipe Gun, Patch for: Crude Blowback, Defense Gun
--.32 ACP (standard)
--.22 Long Rifle
--.30 Mauser
--.357 SIG
--9mm Luger
--9x18mm Makarov
--7.62x25mm Tokarev
--.40 S&W
--.50 AE
--.30 Carbine
--.380 ACP
--.223 Remington
ma_357MagRev - No Vanilla Weapons, Patch for: Colt Python
--.357 Magnum (standard)
--.38 Special
--.357 Super Magnum
--.327 Magnum
ma_44MagRev - .44 Magnum (now called Model 29), western revolver, Patch for: Remington 1858
-- .44 Magnum (standard)
--.410 Bore
--.444 Marlin
--.357 Magnum
--.357 Super Magnum
--.45 Long Colt
--.45-70 Government
--.454 Casull
--.500 S&W
ma_4570Revolver - No Vanilla Weapons, patch for: HLG Pacificator
--.45-70 Government (standard)
--.30-30 Winchester
--.410 Bore
--.44 Magnum
--.444 Marlin
--.454 Casull
--.45 LC
--.500 S&W
--.50 AE
--.50 Beowulf
ma_45LCScrapGun - Pipe Revolver
--.45 LC
--.357 Magnum
--.38 Special
--.357 Super Magnum
--.327 Magnum
--.45 ACP
--.410 Bore
--.44 Magnum
--.444 Marlin
--.454 Casull
--.500 S&W
ma_45Pistol - No Vanilla Weapons, Patch For: Leo2Link's 1911, Falcon III
--.45 ACP (standard)
--.22 LR
--.30 Mauser
--7.62x25mm Tokarev
--.40 Smith and Wesson
--.357 SIG
--.38 Super
--FN 5.7x28mm
ma_45SMG - Submachine Gun
--.45 ACP (standard)
--.22 LR
--.30 Mauser
--7.62x25mm Tokarev
--.40 Smith and Wesson
--.357 SIG
--.38 Super
--FN 5.7x28mm
ma_50AEPistol - No Vanilla Weapons
--.50 AE (standard)
--.357 Magnum
--.357 Super Magnum
--.327 Magnum
--.44 Magnum
ma_556BattleRifle - Combat Rifle
--5.56x45mm (standard)
--.223 Remington
--.303 British
--.300 Blackout
--.308 Winchester
--6.8mm SPC
--.50 Beowulf
--.30-06 Springfield
--7.62 NATO
--7.92x33mm Kurz
--.458 SOCOM
ma_556Rifle - Assault Rifle, Patches for: Varmint Rifle by asXas
-- 5.56x45mm (standard)
--.223 Remington
--.300 Blackout
--6.8mm SPC
--.50 Beowulf
--7.92x33mm Kurz
--.458 SOCOM
ma_762NATOBigGun - Minigun
--7.62 NATO (standard)
--.30-06 Springfield
--.308 Winchester
--.338 Lapua
--50 BMG
--7.5mm Swiss
--8.62x54mm Rimmed
--7mm Mauser
--8mm Mauser
ma_762TokSMG - No Vanilla Weapons, Patch For: PPSH-41
--.45 ACP
--.22 LR
--.30 Mauser
--7.62x25mm Tokarev (standard)
--.40 Smith and Wesson
--.357 SIG
--.38 Super
--FN 5.7x28mm
ma_762x39Rifle - Handmade Gun (renamed to Handmade Kalashnikov)
-- 5.56x45mm
--.223 Remington
--.300 Blackout
--6.8mm SPC
--7.62x54mm Rimmed
--7.62x39mm (standard)
--7.92x33mm Kurz
ma_762x54Rifle - PSL, Patch for: Dragonov
--.308 Winchester
--6.5x55mm Swedish
--.303 British
--8mm Mauser
--7.5x55mm Swiss
--.338 Lapua
--7.62 NATO
--7.62x54mm Rimmed (standard)
--.30-30 Winchester
--6.5 Carcano
--6.5 Arisaka
--7.7 Arisaka
--7mm Mauser
--7.65 Argentine
--.300 Win Mag
--.458 Win Mag
ma_792Rifle - Radium Rifle
--7.92x33mm Kurz (Standard)
--.223 Remington
--.300 Blackout
--6.8mm SPC
ma_8mmRifle - No Vanilla Weapons, patch for: Family Mauser
--.308 Winchester
--6.5x55mm Swedish
--.303 British
--8mm Mauser (Standard)
--7.5x55mm Swiss
--.338 Lapua
--.30-06 Springfield
--7.62 NATO
--7.62x54mm Rimmed
--.30-30 Winchester
--6.5 Carcano
--6.5 Arisaka
--7.7 Arisaka
--7mm Mauser
--7.65 Argentine
--.300 Win Mag
--.458 Win Mag
ma_8NambuPistol - No vanilla Weapon, Patch for: Leo2Link's Nambu
--.32 ACP
--9x18mm Makarov
--.22 Long Rifle
--.380 ACP
-- 8mm Nambu (Standard)
ma_9Pistol - No Vanilla Weapon, Patch for: ff7cloudstrife's M9, P99, P220, CZ75-B
--9mm Luger (standard)
--.22 LR
--.32 ACP
--.380 ACP
--.38 Super
--.40 S&W
--.45 ACP
--8mm Nambu
--9x18mm Makarov
ma_9MakSMG - No Vanilla Weapon, Patch for: Ots-O2 Kiparis
--9mm Luger
--.22 LR
--.32 ACP
--.380 ACP
--.38 Super
--.40 S&W
--.45 ACP
--8mm Nambu
--9x18mm Makarov (standard)
Coonan 1911 Pistol
Velvet Velour Companion
Featherless Feathered Dress
Special Thanks:
The guys at FO4Edit for their awesome tool, cannot overstate it's usefulness
Gambit77 and the rest of the WSE team for including me in their mod.
DeviousMeth0ds For letting me use his custom Mesh/Texture/Materials
ShawnPhillips for making patches and posting them
ff7cloudstrife His M9 kinda inspired me to do this
ZunaSW for the AK-47 and SVD
stabcops for his guns (he goes by DOOMBASED now).
The guys who made CaliberX for additional inspiration.
The nexus mods crew for providing this web site
The guys and gals at Bethesda for an awesome, mod-able game
Godd Howard
Joss Whedon for making Firefly even though it really has nothing to do with this mod at all.
Keep Flying and Stay Shiny!