All creatures and races are patched.
If you face with SCOURGE first time:
What does SCOURGE do? It addresses the bullet-sponge issue by allowing you to adjust HP, DR, EN, and SPEED, SCALE and etc, for each race.
If you prefer not to make tweaks, the default values in SCOURGE work well too.
I recommend using a damage-normalized mod like "TRUE DAMAGE" for an enhanced experience.
If you use true damage and munitions or vanilla only ammo - use my rebalance patch.
And here you can find more SCOURGE patches.
My other scourge patches:
Mutant Menagerie - Life Finds A Way
Wasteland Bestiary - in case if u want only few creatures from LFAW
Faction Reinforcement - in case, well, in every case cuz its too cool for skip
Radical - if u want make children of atom a thing
Races and creatures - RascalArt