Provides a common set of tools to be used with Papyrus. Includes temporary and persistent global variables, tons of form-related stuff, extensive file management and more.
Exigence stricte (Note : la PCL est actuellement exclusive à la Old-Gen)
Permissions and credits
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Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
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Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
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Author notes
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Added Get-, SetBaseObject, Get-, SetPosition, Get-, SetRotation, FindAllRefs, FindAllRefsInRange, FindAllRefsInRangeFromRef, GetLocationByMapMarker, Get- and SetMapMarkerData to System:ObjectReference
Added FindAllRefs, FindAllRefsInRange and FindAllRefsInRangeFromRef to System:Cell
Added FindAllByFilter and ContainsKeywordString to System:Form
Added IsInstanceOf to System:ScriptObject
Added GetValueOrDefault to System:MemVar and System:SaveVar
Added Rehash, Any, All, Count, ReplaceAt and Repeat to System:Strings
Added Split to System:Regex
Added an INI setting to log duplicate EditorIDs
Overhauled the System:Regex script
Rewrote the INI implementation to use a different library; multi-line and quoted values are now supported
Rewrote the JSON implementation to use the library's native key handling; key separators are now forward slashes
Moved the holotape playing functions from System:Holotape to System:Game
Removed FindAllByKeywords from System:Form, due to being replaced by FindAllByFilter
Removed the OnCrosshairModeChange event to prevent a crashing conflict with Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes
Fixed System:Form.GetByEditorID failing on case-sensitive strings
Tons of other changes, improvements and optimizations
Version 1.5.0
Added a SaveVar script which allows to store any type of variable persistent in save files
Added a NetImmerse script which makes it possible to edit the rotation, position and scale of nodes of objects/meshes
Added a Vector script to represent those values
Added all of the game's MovementType functions
Added an Assert script for developing/debugging purposes
Added the events OnCombatStateChange, OnLifeStateChange, OnLimbCripple, OnLocationEnterExit, OnActorValueChange, OnAnimationGraphEvent, OnDestructionStageChange, OnObjectGrabRelease, OnObjectOpenClose, OnTriggerEnterLeave, OnButtonUpDown, OnMenuModeEnterExit, OnCellEnterExit, OnCellLoad and OnLocationLoad to System:Events :PepeSmoked:
Added GetIsHarvested, GetRefCount, SetRefCount, GetDoorDestination and SetDoorDestination to System:ObjectReference
Added Get-, Set-, and ModPerkPoints to System:Game
Added Exists, IsLoaded, IsRegisteredForRemoteEvent and GetParentName to System:ScriptObject
Added proper flag functions to System:Cell and System:WorldSpace and, for the meantime, removed the data that can't be set
Added Contains, Remove and Clear to System:IO:JSON
Added Equals, Compare and TrimEndingSeparator to System:IO:Path
Added EditorID support for hopefully all remaining forms types, including sounds, but not exterior cells
Updated and expanded some events, like OnActorDeath, OnObjectHit and OnCrosshairRefChange modders may need to update/recompile their scripts
Removed the event OnPreLoadGame because it never fires, due to the VM being frozen at that time
Removed the reflection functions, so that it can be remade in the future
Potentially fixed some crashes related to event handling registration and unregistration
Tons of other changes, improvements and optimizations
Version 1.4.3
Fixed a crash when filtering by form lists in any of the events
Added more null-pointer checks in general :Pain:
Version 1.4.2
Fixed a crash when calling System:Projectile.GetData with a null MuzzleFlashLight
Version 1.4.1
Fixed a crash due to compatibility problems with Magic Effect and Spell Engine Fixes
Version 1.4.0
Completely overhauled the event system - events will now persist for the entire game session, if not unregistered, and they can be registered for both local and global callback functions
Added the OnUserEvent, OnDeleteGame, OnPostLoadGame, OnPostSaveGame, OnPreLoadGame, OnPreSaveGame, OnActorDeath, OnActorEquipUnequip, OnFurnitureEnterExit, OnCellAttachDetach, OnContainerChange, OnMagicEffectApply, OnObjectActivate, OnObjectHit, OnObjectLoadUnload, OnHUDColorUpdate, OnMenuOpenClose, OnTutorialTrigger, OnLockPick, OnPerkPointIncrease, OnTerminalHack, OnPipBoyLightChange and OnPowerArmorLightChange events to System:Events
Added all of the game's Encounter Zone, Faction and MagicEffect functions
Added GetNthEntryType and GetNthEntryFunctionType to System:Perk
Added Get-, SetProperties and Get-, SetMaterialSwapModel to System:Form
Added Get- and SetPairs to System:MemVar
Added Get-, SetEntries and SetPairs to System:IO:INI
Added Escape and Unescape to System:Regex
Added some integer equivalent functions for previously float-based functions in System:Math, like Abs, Min and Max
Changed Get-, SetPickupSound, Get-, SetPutdownSound to Get-, SetPickupPutdownSounds in System:Form
Changed System:Form.GetAllByTypes to use only one form type filter and renamed the function to GetAllByType
Changed System:Cell.GetRefsByTypes to use only one form type filter and renamed the function to GetRefsByType
Changed the return value of the System:Internal.GetVersion function from a float to a struct
Updated the custom message box functions in System:Message to allow for unlimited buttons
Split the seeded and non-seeded number randomizer functions in System:Math
Moved the System:IO:INI:Pair struct to their own script, so that it can be better shared by others
Moved GetCurrentCrosshairRef from System:ObjectReference to System:Game
Renamed the script System:GlobalEvents to System:Events
Removed System:Random for the meantime, since the outputs weren't truly based on the provided seed
Fixed null arrays causing CTDs for any of the array parameters
Fixed Get- and SetNthEntrySpell in System:Perk not working
Tons of other changes, improvements and optimizations
Version 1.3.1
Fixed unbound actor value functions in System:Perk
Version 1.3.0
Remade most form scripts to use a struct to represent their values - this should greatly improve performance and simplify internal function definitions
Added a Message script that allows for the creation of custom message boxes with up to four buttons and a callback
Added all of the game's AimModel, Component, Enchantment, Explosion, Message and MiscObject functions
Added some of the game's WorldSpace functions
Added functional IsLower, IsUpper, ToLower and ToUpper to System:Strings and removed the similar ones from System:Char
Added GetCurrentCrosshairRef, GetDroppedItemSource and GetAshPileSource to System:ObjectReference
Added GetPairs to System:IO:INI
Added a CrosshairRefChange event to System:GlobalEvents
Added OnPostGameStart as an event to the script runner
Moved Get- and SetCraftSound from System:Potion to System:Form
Removed Get-, SetIsDeleted, Get-, SetIsPlayable Get- and SetIsObstacle from System:Form
Removed the form functions from System:IO:JSON, since the var ones can do the same
Fixed System:Form.GetByEditorID returning none if the form was not bound already
Fixed Get- and SetNthEntryValue in System:Perk not working
Fixed GetDirectories and GetFiles in System:IO:Directory only returning the file/folder name instead of the name plus the relative path
Fixed the IO write functions failing if the target file does not exist
Version 1.2.0
Added a JSON script that can serialize and deserialize any type, including forms, arrays and structs
Added all of the game's Activator, Book, Container, Door and Holotape functions
Added GetIsDeleted, SetIsDeleted, GetIsPlayable, SetIsPlayable, GetIsObstacle and SetIsObstacle to System:Form
Added AddEditorForms and AddScriptedForms to System:FormList
Added HasPart, AddPart and RemovePart to System:Outfit
Added locks to all filesystem related functions to provide internal thread-safety
Added an optional is set parameter to System:Form.FindAllByFlag
Added optional default value parameters to all get functions in System:IO:INI
Also added these parameters to all TryParse methods
Changed GetBool and SetBool in System:IO:INI to use their respective integer value instead of a boolean string conversion
Moved the regex functions from System:Strings to their own script
Renamed System:Form.IsGenerated to IsCreated
Removed System:Form.Delete
Removed the EditorID loading of some redundant types, like for ingredients and soul gems
Fixed two unbound functions in System:Potion
Version 1.1.2
Fixed certain VATS sounds being muted - Removed loading of more sound EditorIDs for this
Version 1.1.1
Fixed a CTD when opening the Pip-Boy - Removed loading of sound EditorIDs for this
Version 1.1.0
Added a command runner
Added all of SKSE's Ammo, Cell, Flora, Outfit, Perk, Potion, Projectile and Spell functions, with many additions
Added IsGenerated, IsInMod, GetModName, FindAllByFlags, HasKeywordString, GetKeywordCount, GetNthKeyword, GetKeywords, GetEquipType, SetEquipType, GetPickupSound, SetPickupSound, GetPutdownSound and SetPutdownSound to System:Form
Added GetEditorSize and GetTotalSize to System:FormList
Added an optional trim string parameter to Trim, TrimStart and TrimEnd in System:Strings
Added the prefix "aui" to most unsigned integer parameters
Changed the parameters of the "GetAll*" functions in System:Form to white- and blacklists
Renamed System:FormList.GetForms to GetEditorForms
Renamed System:Console.ReadLine to GetLine
Renamed "*TypeID*" to just "*Type*" in System:Form
Renamed "*TypeID*" to "*RawType*" under System:Reflection
Removed GetSelectableRefs, GetSelectedRef, SetSelectedRef and ClearSelectedRef from System:Console because they only work if the menu was opened once and made the remaining functions all work from the start
Expanded the loading of EditorIDs to also include references and sounds
Fixed the filter by keywords functions in System:Form not working on references
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
No donations accepted
Supports Old- and Next-Gen (except for three events)
Offers over 1000 common functions to be used with Papyrus, the game's scripting language, with the goal of making it feel less like a language from the last century and enhancing its functionality
Each script is under the System namespace, to provide better a distinction and visibility
Tons of base object related functions, like for forms, form lists, projectiles and more
Filesystem management within the game's root folder and its subdirectories
Restoration of EditorIDs - They can now be used in-game, via script commands, in the console, and with mods that require this feature, like Base Object Swapper and Spell Perk Item Distributor
A simple function runner is also included
Create a file with a ".ini" extension under "Data/PCL/Functions". Use the following template (the section can be anything; must be unique): [MyScript.OnGameStart] sEventName = OnGameStart sScriptName = MyScript sFunctionName = OnGameStart
Nested directories are supported.
The files are loaded alphabetically.
Be sure that the function in Papyrus has no arguments and is flagged as global.
You can have multiple function calls by adding new sections, which are parsed alphabetically.
OnGameStart: Runs once on game start
OnGameLoad: Runs on every game load
OnPostGameStart: Runs on every game load after game start
And a command runner
Create a file with a ".txt" extension under "Data/PCL/Commands". In there, you can write any commands that the console would normally support and they get executed once the main menu is loaded.
Nested directories are supported.
The files are loaded alphabetically.
To run multiple commands per file, separate them with a new line.
The commands won't actually appear in the console, due to not being written to the log.
And a translation runner too
Create an UTF-8 encoded file with a ".json" extension under "Data/PCL/Translations". In there, you can write basic key-value pairs that are loaded before the splash screen. Example: { "$MyString1": "My String 1", "$MyString2": "My String 2", "$MyString3": "My String 3" }
Nested directories are supported.
The files are loaded alphabetically.
They translation keys should start with a dollar sign ("$").
The filename needs to end with one of the following, separated by an underscore ("_"):
"Default": Gets loaded before all other files; ideal to have strings be present independent of the current language
"{LanguageCode}": Gets loaded after the default files; only gets loaded if the current language code matches the one of the file
"Override": Gets loaded after all other files; useful if you want to override existing translation strings
Language Codes:
"cn": Traditional Chinese
"de": German
"en": English
"es": Spanish (Spain)
"esmx": Spanish (Mexico)
"fr": French
"it": Italian
"ja": Japanese
"pl": Polish
"ptbr": Portuguese (Brazil)
"ru": Russian
Included Scripts
If you get compiler errors about arrays/structs not being allowed inside structs, install this compiler patch