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About this mod

Tweaked the Heavy Incinerator to work like 3/NV. Also includes a version for The Attachment Pack.

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Next gen update added Heavy Incinerator to the base game, this mod includes simple tweaks and balancing to make it more like its counterpart in FO3/FNV.

An alternative version for playing with
The Attachment Pack, that mod adds an "Incinerator nozzle" for vanilla flamer (which makes it shoot projectiles like Incinerator). This patch will include CC Heavy Incinerator tweaks along with similar changes applied to Attachment Pack's flamer nozzle so you can enjoy both weapon with different playstyles.

Standard version (CC Heavy Incinerator tweaks)

  • Fully automatic like how it is in older games.
  • Increased projectile speed. Reduced damage and explosion radius.
  • Increased ammo capacity to 12, with fuel tank upgrade it will be 24 just like the one in NV.
  • Added perk requirements to upgrade (Gun nut, Science).
  • Now deals additional fire type damage, only a small amount because fire resistance is not very common among enemies.

Attachment Pack version (CC Heavy Incinerator and Attachment Pack Flamer tweaks)

  • Includes all CC Heavy Incinerator tweaks from standard version.
  • Decreased vanilla flamer tank upgrade sizes, just like FO76 large and huge tanks now hold 150 and 200 fuel. As "Incinerator nozzle" from Attachment Pack reduced ammo capacity but it only affects the base value which you can still get 3XX tank size with upgrades, so I lowered the vanilla upgrade sizes for balancing.
  • "Incinerator nozzle" are now fully automatic, it fires faster than CC Heavy Incinerator but with lower damage, range, projectile speed and explosion radius.
  • Removed stagger when "Incinerator nozzle" projectile explode, as the increased rate of fire makes it too strong.
  • Vanilla flamer now deals additional fire type damage.

I made these tweaks when playing the game as I found the CC Incinerator being way too powerful, then I discovered the Incinerator nozzle from Attach Pack which is even more devastating (The projectile is much smaller though). This patch adjusts them to vanilla balancing but still useful in combat.

DegenerateDak for The Attachment Pack