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Version 2.1
Darkened the Trooper goggles, made some adjustments to the gloves.
Version 2.0
Changed bandolier to grilledturkey's model. Swapped bandolier and normal armor meshes.
Version 1.0
First Upload
It just replaces the NCR Trooper .nif files in the original mod with more lore-accurate versions. Items that were added are a facial scarf, gloves, and a bandolier.
Changes include replacing the goggles up helmet with the goggles down helmet and adds the ncr torso armor to the fatigues version.
The fatigues version is also the one with the bandolier and in-game they've been renamed "NCR Trooper Armor I" and "NCR Trooper Armor II."
Note: This doesn't adjust the body slots for the armor, so I'd recommend opening the original mod in FO4Edit and adding the hand and face slots as needed.