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About this mod

Call Volga

Permissions and credits
  • Russian
  • Mandarin

This high qullity mod adds lots of equipment, such as: Uniforms, vests, helmets, etc. All inspired by images of Russian and Belarusian PMC operators and law enforcement officers.

You can craft all items from mod in chemlab. All items have several appearance options, lots of patches, camos and color variants.

Also for more detailed customization of your clothing, armor and helmets we have added many, really MANY patches. Got confused when counting by 50, so check everything in the game yourself. Here are examples of some of them


Western Operator

Tactical Surplus

Nugget Helmet Pack


Bebra4 - 95% of all models
VityaB - Balaklava, BARS ACU, FORT VOIN
Street-You - 1PN138 Night Vision Goggles
bogdanzhukov2012 - Gloves Oykle
AvalsTreu - GP-21
Evil Ivan - Buttpads


Serial Nugget Eater - Weight, patch textures, screenshots and my main assistant <3
Fafny - Weight, some assets, page design, screenshots, female meshes
Storm - Screenshots
Cormak - Screenshots
Vasya - Screenshots
Altyn - Assets, Screenshots
Omega4D2 - Assets
kingofwolves - Assets
KERNOV - Assets