File information
Created by
Doombased - ShinyHaxorus - DiacuteUploaded by
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About this mod
An updated version of Doombased's Deagle with a couple of additions, updated textures and new animations. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Russian
- Mandarin
The Simplicity is what people liked from DOOM's Deagle so this stays true to it. However I do provide a little more options to personalize your hand cannon.
This isn't how I'd go about making Deagle mod. I may or may not have something in the pipeline for about a year now regarding that. But felt like those who still uses the original Desert Eagle mod would enjoy an updated version.
2 Barrels
4 Grips
2 Mags
A Suppressor
Glow Sights
2 Reflex Sights
A Scope
and 4 Additional Matswaps
It’ll spawn on Brotherhood Soldiers. Raider Bosses, Gunner Bosses, Triggermen, and Railroad Agents at level 20. Minutemen will get it at level 30.
I'm not even gunna do my usual Q&A bit. Go download a better desert eagle mod if you don't like it. I probably maybe have a proper deagle mod of my own in the works. Idk maybe.
Perms are the usual, Translations, Patches, Ect are Open Perms.
Anim Preview by the number after 14
DOOOMBASED: The Original Desert Eagle mod!
ShinyHaxorus: Animations
Navarro: Sounds
el maestro de graffiti, Millenia, Racer445: Deagle Textures
Vashts1985,- Original Deagle Model
Ryz86 - Texture edits/coloring for the Original Desert Eagle mod from FNV
Sean_S: Laser Module
IMBrokeRU: Suppressor
-Texture Edits by Antistar
Millenia: Compensator