About this mod
Combines a PRP patch for several settlement and quest mods in Nuka-World
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Here's what I've patched together (original mods still needed)
Nuka-World Settlements Pack - Tenhats' Collection (Viva version)
Nuka World Farm Settlement by Pra
Rebuild Nuka-World Red Rocket by Aurelianis (stand-alone version)
Nuka-World Reborn and Viva Nuka-World by EnvyDeveloper
This mod includes my UFO4P patches for Viva Nuka-World and Nuka-World Reborn, so my other mod isn't needed.
I've built this mod against PRP .74. I've also made a version for CRP, which is available on the CRP Overgrowth - Update and Patch Repository
I made this for my own game, but figured others might want to run the same mods.
Emirals Nuka-World Locations Pack
Emirals Wire Fixes
Emirals Waterfront Settlement
Emirals Tales From The Commonwealth Fixes
femshepping's Rocky Pond Revival
Emirals Galac-Tac Previs and Fixes Patch
The Machine and Her Revival
Emirals Viva Nuka-World Reborn Previs and UFO4P Patch
Emirals Galac Tac Previs and Fixes Patch
Emirals Previs Cluster Spreadsheet
Emirals Raider Overhaul Unique Railroad Coats Patch
Emirals Rebuild Settlements Cell Header Fixes
Emirals Previs Patches for PRP .74
CRP Overgrowth - Update and Patch Repository
Tales from the Commonwealth and Open Commonwealth Patch
Starlight - Horror at the Prison Camp - Precombined and Navmeshed
Femshepping's Revived Settlements AIO